Marritje Sybrantsz (Pieters) - Aeltje Claes - Wrong parents

Started by Private User on Tuesday, May 12, 2020
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Thank you for the clarification -- considering you are the author, it must be well-researched - l have removed the relationship .. the mystery remains. She is my 8th great grandmother.

This is a summary of our discussion about the Aeltje Claes who lived in Wiltwyck (Kingston).

The Aeltje Claes who married Hendrick Arensen of Amelo is not the daughter of Claes Sybrantsz and Marritje Pieters. The evidence points to another father. The children she had from three different unions are identified in the following ebook.

Marie-Pierre Lessard, "Hendrick Hendricksen Obe, the Drummer: A Biography with Critical Notes on the Dally, Hoppe, Kip, and Grevenraet Genealogies; Also Discussing Hendrick Hendricksen van Eerlant and Aeltje Claes of Kingston, New York" (Denmark: Marie-Pierre Lessard, 2020).

Forwarding to my mom, thank you for the update--

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