Maria Botha (Kickers), SM/PROG - Vaderskap: Maria Botha (Kickers)

Started by Herman Booysen - limited activity after surgery on Saturday, May 23, 2020
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Daar is 'n match vir Maria se vader (Jan Corneliusz Kiekers) op hierdie skakel:

Bestuurders word versoek om daarna te kyk en te besluit of dit eg is. Ek is self versigtig om die merge te doen, weens die ouderdom van die profiel: As geeneen tot dusver hierdie vader aan haar profiel gekoppel het nie, kan dit miskien verkeerd wees.

Job Waterreus, mijn 18de neef en familielid van Maria, zou je enig bewijs kunnen vinden dat Jan Corneliusz Kiekers inderdaad Maria's vader was?

Maria's parents are unknown, unless new documentation has been found. Please don't merge unsourced profiles into MPed and Curated profiles of this standing in our tree. I have locked the relaionships.

I'm sorry there seems to be not enough information to find additional sources.
I would have to know at least her religion, but there are so many churches in Amsterdam that would help only a little. It would help to know in which church she was probably baptized.
There are some sources that could be tried if there was some more information:

There seems zero likelihood that her father and her ex-husband had the same name.

Sharon Doubell, that is exactly the reason why I did not merge but chose to ask around. On an MP, one should expect that such info would have been added a long time ago, if only it were true. But it's a good and timely warning to the (very, very) many managers!

Job Waterreus, hartelijk dank daarvoor. Ik ga nog dieper in op haar afkomst en ga op zoek naar bewijzen.

It's pretty obviously an incorrect copy of her husband Jan Cornelisz. Please just remove it.

The MP profile of her has another birth place (Reusel) in another part of the Nederlands, so that makes it even more difficult, but if correct it could be helpful because it is a much smaller town.

I seem to agree, Sharon Doubell. I notice that the user Private User only joined yesterday and may not realise what havoc she may cause. I sent her a message regarding the duplications and asked for her sources. I'll let you know if I hear anything of interest.

There seems to no documentation for her birth place except the Amsterdam on her marriage cerificate

What was her religion and estimated birth year?
That may narrow it down a bit, but it will probably mean looking at a large number of page scans (if there are any for that period) and you would need to be lucky to be able to read the names.

But lets wait and see if the user has any sources.

At the time, the only church active in this country was the Dutch Reformed tradition brought with the first Commander Johan van Riebeeck in 1652. Lutheran Germans and Scandinavians (mostly Danes) began to arrive shortly after, but most of those were assimilated into the Dutch church. Apart from that, there was the ancient traditional African ancestral spirit-based faith. Since Maria was born in the Netherlands, it may be assumed that her faith (if she had any) might have been Christian. Whether that was Roman Catholic or Protestant is pure guesswork.

I see from Amsterdam on her marriage scan, but in the profile it states she is baptized in Utrecht and is born in Reusel.
Those three are in different parts of the Netherlands. It is not impossible, but seems unlikely. What are the sources for her birth and baptism in the MP profile?

All that info of Maria Father and Mother is Incorrect.
I have found her historic and where she came from (Some will be shocked and some will be glade the only thing I can tel you at this moment is she was born in Amsterdam)

As soon as I have set out a report and all documents associated With Her Birth and when and how she ended up in SA I will post a copy of it Here

Deon GH Botha b1c7d1e8f1g1h4i5j1k2, thanks. I'm curious

Do you want to know how come Jan Cornelitz married Maria Kickers.

all information is welcome

Martin Andreas Karl (Dries) Potgieter, do you have any sources for this story?

Yes a sort of: With thanks First Fifty Years project/Delia Roberson. The rest a bit of imagination. Good stuff to read while we wait for @Gideon Hendrik Botha for the results of his investigations.

When is Gideon Coming with his source or should we stick with mine.

Dries I will post it when its ready this info is not that easy and strait forward I am still waiting for approval for using info from FAK and the University of Pretoria.

We have been doing nothing about Maria for the years so a couple of weeks waiting is going to be no different.

Deon GH Botha b1c7d1e8f1g1h4i5j1k2 I was curious to hear if there had been an update in the release of your information. Very curious and interested. Sorry to be a bother.

Hi Francis Lehman
No bother at all if you can email me i will send you a copy of my first draft.
Deon GH Botha

Hi dear Deon - How about releasing your data to us on this? If I have missed it, plz kindly redirect me. I am very much interested in it! Thanks in advance! Wilma Basson

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