Joan Beaufort, Queen of Scots - Inconsistency Alert

Started by Keri Denise Jackson, ♊ Twin "A", GEDMATCH GQ346442C1 on Sunday, May 24, 2020
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Joan Beaufort, Queen of Scots has a marriage event listed in her profile prior to her own birth date.
Tip: Contact the manager for the profile of Joan Beaufort, Queen of Scots to review her birth date and event timeline.

5/24/2020 at 6:10 PM

G'day Keri Denise Jackson.

Thank you for getting in touch with me regarding 'Joan Beaufort, Queen of Scots'.

As I hardly go onto this site now, changes have been made by other users. If you can find someone else who can do the correction, it would be much better to talk to them.

I am sorry if you have been inconvenienced by this.

Kind regards,


Private User
5/24/2020 at 11:28 PM

Anne Brannen or another curator will have to correct it, because the profile is locked down like Fort Knox.

Private User
5/24/2020 at 11:36 PM

I can't even figure out what's wrong with her timeline, and the consistency checker isn't very specific about it. But anyway her husband, James I, also has an inconsistency.

Private User
5/24/2020 at 11:38 PM

...and his MP is also locked so that only a curator can correct it. Here is the inconsistency Keri referred to, by the way:

Private User
5/24/2020 at 11:50 PM

I think what is causing the inconsistencies for both of them is the fact that James I is reportedly christened at age 42. So that probably throws off her marriage, I guess. Maybe...

Wait a minute, the Christening event for James I occurred in 1566, long after his death (age 172, not 42). Very confusing. Someone needs to fact check these two locked MPs of extremely prominent and well-documented royals. :D

Private User
5/25/2020 at 12:04 AM

It was James VI, born in 1566, who was christened the same year.

Two different kings :D

5/25/2020 at 8:07 AM

This is why we lock -- I can't tell you how often various James Stewarts, some kings and some not, get merged together and conflated.

Now then -- I fixed the inconsistency for James I, but I'm quite confused about Jean Beaufort. I see the inconsistency notice, and I see that supposedly she got married before she was born, but both the marriages showing up on her timeline are timely, and she's alive and everything.

Can any of you see what I'm not seeing?

Private User
5/25/2020 at 9:40 AM

Anne Brannen I think the problem might be with the date on her marriage event which is titled

"Queen Consort of the Kingdom of Scotland1437, being married to James I of Scotland." and dated

"BETWEEN 1424 and 1437"

Wikipedia: Joan Beaufort (died 15 July 1445) was the Queen of Scotland **from** 1424 to 1437 as the spouse of King James I of Scotland. During part of the minority of her son James II (from 1437 to 1439), she served as the regent of Scotland.

Maybe you can change "between" to "from" or "starting in" 1424 (the date of her marriage), because "between" technically sounds like it could have begun anytime between 1424 and 1437.

You could try that and see if it works. It seems like the only logical solution to me at this point.

5/25/2020 at 9:55 AM

I'll try, but that still doesn't make sense. It's still happening after her birth.

5/25/2020 at 9:57 AM

No. There are no inconsistencies that I can see that have anything to do with anything before she was born.

If anybody can point them out, hooray!

Otherwise what we have here is a bug.

Private User
5/25/2020 at 11:48 AM

I still think that's it. And I question why that item would need to be on the event line anyway. That information should go in the About section, imho.

Seems to me that the software is probably as likely to confuse her daughter by the same name Joan of Scotland, Countess of Morton with herself, as it often does when picking potential profile matches (happens often enough). It also might have confused her husbands and sons all sharing the same name (totaling 4 "James")

But moving on: I see a big problem with the date of the birth of her first son by her second marriage, which makes the child basically illegitimate. Wikipedia has his year of birth in 1440, not "1438" (which fell between the death of her first husband and the second marriage).

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