Alfonso VIII the Noble, king of Castile - Buried before he died

Started by Keri Denise Jackson, ♊ Twin "A", GEDMATCH GQ346442C1 on Monday, June 29, 2020
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Death date of Alfonso VIII the Noble, king of Castile is after his burial date.

6/29/2020 at 11:42 AM

I would like to know how I am connected to you?

To be honest you only have 8 people in your tree not counting yourself so I can't tell who you are related to besides those 8 people. As a pro member if you were connected to anyone it will show at the top of the profile. It would be very nice to know how we are related Athos Gian Carlo Benincasa . Alfonso VIII the Noble Sanchez, king of Castile is my 26th Great Grandfather.

Curator needs to fix. Locked profile.

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