Dymitr Sr., prince of Drutsk - Происхождение кн. Друцких и их потомков (Origins of princes Drutski and their descendants)

Started by Private User on Tuesday, June 30, 2020
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Дорогие менеджеры профилей Ольгерда, Дмитрия Ольгердовича и показанных здесь "потомков" по линии Друцких:
Есть разные версии происхождения Друцких. Версия происхождения Друцких от Ольгерда является только одной из версий и она не подтверждается ни письменными источниками, ни генетическим исследованием (см. страницы в Русской википедии по Друцким и Путятиным).
Делая приоритет только на одной версии,
Поменяйте пожалуйста родословную Друцких, указав основной версию происхождения именно от Рюриковичей (см. 2 версию в статье Вики про Друцких) и дав ссылки на разные версии, а не делая приоритет только на одной из них.

Dear managers of profile prince Semion Dymitriyevich Drutsky

There are some more versions about origins of Drutski, Poutiatine and other princely families

https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%94%D1%80%D1%83%D1%86%D0%BA%D0%B8%... [in Russian]:
https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9F%D1%83%D1%82%D1%8F%D1%82%D0%B8%... [in Russian]:

There are four versions regarding the origin of the genus:

1) Drutsky are descendants of the Polotsk branch of the Rurikovich dynasty and come from Mikhail Romanovich Drutsky. The existence of his father Roman is not confirmed by authoritative historical sources and is known only from later genealogy. The existence of the sons of Michael - Vasily and Semyon is confirmed by quite authoritative sources [3] [4] [5].

2) Drutsky come from the Galician-Volyn princes. L. M. Savyolov in the 3rd issue of "Genealogy Notes" wrote: "According to Polish and Lithuanian writers and genealogists, the princes Drutsky and the princes Ostrozhsky come from two siblings, and the essence of the descendants of the princes of Galician-Vladimir-Volyn, namely the descendants of Prince Roman Mstislavich the Great. However, in any case, it is only known that the ancestor of the princes Drutsky was Prince Mikhail Romanovich Drutsky, who had two sons - Vasily and Semyon "[6]. As the father of Mikhail Romanovich, either Roman Alexandrovich, the son of Alexander Vsevolodovich, Prince Belzsky [7], or Roman Danilovich (d. 1260), the prince of Slonim, Lutsk and Novogrudsky [6] [8], is indicated.
3) The third version appeared in the 19th century and is based on the later lineages of the Drutsky. According to this version, the reliably famous Prince Drutsky Dmitry was the son of the Grand Duke of Lithuania Olgerd (Dmitry Olgerdovich). This version, which is not documented, became popular due to the fact that it was supported by the authoritative Polish historian S. M. Kuczynski in his monograph and encyclopedic articles [9] [10] [11].
4) According to the fourth version (subversion of first), the beginning of the clan came from the Polotsk prince Rogvolod Borisovich, who owned the Drutsky principality.

An analysis of the genetic material of the now living Prince Putyatin, produced in the 21st century, confirmed his belonging to the Monomashichi. The common male ancestor of Putyatin and the princes of the Smolensk line lived in the last third of the XI century, that is, with a high degree of probability it was Mstislav the Great.

So, 2nd version is most reliable and supported by documents and genetic tests!
Please, change origins of Drutski princes to more accurate version and (or) at least show all existed versions of Drutski origins, but not only those, who popular in some country or region.

I added an excerpt from the Vatican archive source, dated 1576. This is Grand Duke of Lithuania Algirdas and the names of all 12 of his sons:


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