Elizabeth Hatfield (Young) - Possible Son of Elizabeth?

Started by Keri Denise Jackson, ♊ Twin "A", GEDMATCH GQ346442C1 on Friday, August 21, 2020
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I created this discussion so as to create a permanent record and to also enlist possible assistance in this matter. Please and Thank You. Below is a copy of the discussion thus far.


Managers of Elizabeth Hatfield,

I am contacting you about this profile: Elizabeth Hatfield..

Ancestry. Com DNA today confirmed that Elizabeth young was the Mother of Francis Marion Hatfield, B 1817. BUT that a Hatfield of Joseph's line WAS NOT the father.

Their DNA analysis, confirmed by them, is that Francis is the HALF Brother of these of her others sons whose descendants have submitted DNA to Ancestry.com: William R, George W., Armstead A., and Emanuel A..... Hatfeild's and sons of Ale.

Further work with FTDNA has shown that my Uncle Hatfield and Joseph Hatfields DNA do not match. According to FTDNA Joseph's Hatfield line has a haplogroup of E-N35, while my Uncle's is G-PF3147.

This is just information for you. While I would like some source to list Francis as her son, that is your choice.


David Cox

Hello David,
It sounds like an NPE (non paternity event). I believe there are more of these than we may currently know about. There are several reasons that this could happen and I don't think I need to list them all. We are gradually discovering more and more due to DNA tests for better or for worse. I personally am conflicted about how these situations should be handled cause many cases might be by mutual knowledge and acceptance. What I mean by this is there were cases of widows being pregnant with their dead husband's child and nobody knew any different except the woman and her new husband or any other one of the numerous scenarios.We can place him as the son of Elizabeth and unknown spouse?

Keri Denise Jackson, ♊ Twin "A", GEDMATCH GQ346442C1


Thanks for the prompt response and understanding.

Based on Census records Francis was born between 1817 and 1819, 1/2 brother George 16 Jan 1812(?) and half brother Mordechai 16 Oct 1817(?), I presume in Wayne Co, KY.

Our first record of him is in Allen Co (Now Van Wert) Ohio in 18 40 when he marries Mary Jane Harter.

He could read and write and wrote to his sons, 2 of those letters are preserved.

There is no question he considered himself a Hatfield, but left no record of his parents.

I assume he grew up a Hatfield, whether in Joseph's family or fostered we know not. His self report in the Census' says he was born in Ohio which is a curiosity.

he must have been a good man. Two of his sons named their children after him.

We have recorded all the Ohio Hatfields in the 1810 & 1820 census but have not yet checked them for relatives of Ale.

I should not like to do a disservice to either Elizabeth or the Hatfield family, but Francis was proud of the Hatfield name. And I would like to see recognized as at least a foster son of Joseph, if possible.

Thanks again.

Dave Cox (son Martha Hatfield)

Palmer Alaska

8/23/2020 at 5:16 PM

Thanks Keri:

We have known for years his father was not a Hatfield because his FTDNA matches only 8 men of the DNA family McCully (variant spellings)

In checking the Ancestry 1820 Census I have found 11 DNA Matches in one county adjacent and 4 in another and both groups have a John and a William.

I searched Familytree DNA for donor last name matches for McCully and similar. in counties adjacent to the 2 Counties Ale and 2d wife Elizabeth Young lived in.

Checking against Ancestry DNA I found `11 persons with the family name of mcCullough, who are 4/6th cousins to Carl (almost certainly all once removed: He would be over a hundred now: Elizabeth Young is Carl's 2d Great Grandmother, and likely they count her as 3 d or 4th, which works out that they are Descendants of his natural father.

Now I have to contact them all and see if any have any documents or verbal record of having to do with the atfields

8/23/2020 at 7:44 PM

NPE event or Handsome Neighbor.

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