@Theophany Sklerina , wife of the great Holy Roman emperor Otto II is known for long in the scientific world as having been the daughter of Konstantin Skleros and Sophia Phokas.
Despite some doubts (without sufficient sources!) which have made some Geni users to refrain from adding her parents or to remain stating that they are ‘unknown’ or at least ‘uncertain’, we think the time has come to let hundreds of years of historical research in its honour and restore her parents on Geni. If we don’t , few Byzantine princes would remain with a comparable ancestry.
The scientific foundation
comes from the prestigious German ‘lexicon des Mittelalters’.
When we don’t receive a scientifically approvable source that brings an alternative for her ancestry in a few days, we will add her parents to Geni, even if some doubts could remain.(as with many medieval profiles).
Thanks, CGV
Theophano Sklerina Deutsche Königin
------------------------- Römische Kaiserin seit 14.4.972
959/60 † 5.6.991
Begraben: Köln, St. Pantaleon
Einzige Tochter des Konstantin Skleros († 11.3.991) aus dem Hause SKLEROS und der Sophia Phokas, Tochter von Leon Phokas;
Nichte von Kaiser Johannes I. Tzimiskes von Byzanz († 10.1.976 ermordet)
Groß-Nichte von Kaiser Nikephoros II. von Byzanz († 10.12.969 ermordet )
Lexikon des Mittelalters: Band VIII Spalte 664