Removed the “B.”
Rec'd. of John Mercer 40 lbs. curr. money. May 16, 1733.
At court May 16, 1733 Gabriel Adams acknowledged this release with receipt thereon to John Mercer and Robert Bates by virtue of a power of attorney from Priscilla wife of said Gabriel proved by oathes of the wit, relinquished her right of Dower to the lands therein mentioned.
Page 47. Priscilla Adams the wife of Gabriel Adamas appoint my trusty and well beloved friend Hobart Bates to be my true and lawfull attorney for me and in my name to acknowledge a certain tract of land sold by my husbound to John Mercer.
Priscilla (P) Adams
Wit: Phillip Adams, Gabriel Adams Jr.
At court May 16, 1733 this power of attorney was proved by oaths of the wit.