George Allen, of Sandwich - Possible match of George Allen of Sandwich

Started by Richardson B. Allen on Wednesday, December 2, 2020
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12/2/2020 at 2:58 PM


Today I received this suggested match of George Allen:
1) We've found a duplicate for a profile you manage, George Allen, of Sandwich. View the two profiles to verify that they are the same:

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The match appears to be based on the family of Henry Allen, son of George Allen, of Sandwich, and a daughter of Henry, Mary Allen: b. 21 May 1663, bapt. 7 Oct 1666, admitted to Milford Church Dec 1687, d. Mar 1693.

The New England Marriages Prior to 1700 by Torrey shows the marriage of a Jonathan Geer and Mary Unknown, about 1686, Preston, CT. Torrey lists the death of Mary in 1718. This appears to be the source of this Geni match. The difference in the dates of the deaths of Mary daughter of Henry (1693) and the Mary wife of Jonathan Geer (1718), suggested that these are not the same individual.

Henry Allen died in about 1690, but the probate records only mention 2 sons, Henry & John Allen. Henry's son, John Allen, died in about 1704/3, and had a considerable estate which was divided between his brother, Henry Allen, & his sister, Francis Hall of Middletowne. So the latter probate of John sister of Mar appears to show that Mary daughter of Henry Allen died earlier that the death of the wife of Jonathan Geer,

Based on this limited information in the two profiles of George Allen, based on the information on Mary Allen, daughter of Henry Allen and granddaughter of George Allen, do not match. I have not found any information on the family of Mary wife of Jonathan Geer before her marriage in about 1686.

Private User
12/3/2020 at 12:43 AM

Wankers. Go fishing.

12/3/2020 at 8:21 AM

If you don't like it, fix it!!!

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