Pieter Willem van Heerden, SV/PROG 1 - Which is the correct father?

Started by Sharon Doubell on Tuesday, January 5, 2021
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1/5/2021 at 2:13 AM

Which is the correct father?

Willem Hendricks or Willem Hendricks?

Do we have any sources at all - to validate either one?

1/5/2021 at 2:18 AM

Right now, he's born after his father's death. Not getting my vote of confidence that we even know his parents.
This is my 8th gr grandfather - so I'm invested in it being accurate

Hi Sharon,

This is the question I posted quite a while ago in another discussion on this profile:

Why are we not reflecting this record from the Gelderland Archive as fairly conclusive evidence that the parents of Pieter Willem was Willem Hendrix and Aeltje Hendrix and consequently updating the master profile to reflect that?


When one searches the Gelderland archive for Firstname: Peter or Pieter and Surname: Willems or Willem in the date range of 1675-1685 (i.e. all the combinations), there aren't many other records that stand out as the most probable one other than this one.

Given that Pieter Willem's 2nd daughter was named Aletta and the 2nd daughter is per tradition named after the father's mother, doesn't that provide further credence that this is the correct baptism record for Pieter Willem (Aeltje == Aletta)?


1/5/2021 at 2:41 AM

Is that really fairly conclusive evidence though? Just a strong possibility at most?

1/5/2021 at 3:19 AM

I have this link from Family Search, Netherlands, Gelderland Province, Church Records, 1455-1966:-


Looks like Willem Hendrix

In the "van Heerden Geslagsregister; Dr Petronella van Heerden; 1968" the following:

Dr. Petronella het ook Pieter Willemz se transaksies met die HOIK opgespoor vanaf Folio 211 (sy indiensneming 28 Oktober 1700) tot by Folio 429 (sy ontslag 25 Maart 1706). Ek plaas hier die bewysstukke soos sy dit opgeteken het:


“Aangekom in die skip POPKENSBURGH April 1701. Van dit schip, dat 28 Okt 1700 van VLISSINGEN vertrok, is het scheeps soldyboek in het algemeen Rijksarchief bewaard (Archief VOC inv. No 12681 Kamer Zeeland No 9).

Op folio 211 treft men aan: PIETER WILLEMSE VAN HEERDEN, soldaat. Vergelykende met ander inskrywings leert, dat “van Heerden” als aanduiding van de plaats van herkomst (nog) niet als geslachtenaam mag worden opgevat. Het is dus zaak de doop – boeken van de Ned. Geref. gemeente van Heerde in het Rijksarchief in Gelderland te raadplegen. Wie dit doet, sal in de jaren 1674 tot en met 1685 maar een inschrywing aantreffen die op de stamvader betrekking kan hebben: WILLEM HENDRIX en AELTJEN HENDRIX bieten 10 Des 1677 een zoon PETER dopen. Retroacta Burgelyke stand Gelderland Inv No 875 Doop- en trouboek van die Ned Geref. van Heerde van 1658 – 1695. Blykens een hierin opgenamen lidmatenlyst werd WILLEM HENDRIK met attestasie van VAASSEN Pinksteren 1671 als zodanig aangenomen. Als we nou Konstateren, dat PIETER VAN HEERDEN’s tweede dochter, die traditie-getrou naar de grootmoer van vaderskant vernoemd moet zijn, ALETTA heet, dan kume we er zeker van zijn, dat de gevonden doop je juiste is, m.a.w. de aansluiting in Nederland licht voor de hand. Gemakkelyker kan een genealoog het waarlik niet treffen!

We know that "van Heerden" wasn't his surname because the custom during that time in the Netherlands was to name the child with a first name and then the father's first name as the child's second name. "van Heerden" therefore probably refers to van Heerde which is the town in Gelderland. So if one searches the records in Gelderland for a child baptised in Heerde during that timeframe where the child's first name (any combination of Pieter / Peter) and the father's first name (Willem / Willemse) then this is the only record that satisfies the search conditions: https://www.geldersarchief.nl/bronnen/archieven?mivast=37&mizig...

If one further assumes that the 2nd daughter would be named after his mother as was the custom, then it provides further confirmation that this is the correct record. Aletta van Heerden b5 = Aeltje

In my view the evidence isn't absolutely definitive but at least strongly suggestive.

1/5/2021 at 7:27 AM

And also Aeltjy
- but what is it for?
And that just proves they existed > still not a link to the Prog - or am I missing something ?(quite ppssible :-))

There's a high probability that van Heerden and Vlieger are the same paternal line. I had a y-chromosome exact match from someone in the US (unfortunately only on Y-25). After some emails, worked out that the paternal line of the match reached back to this paternal ancestor: https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/details/GMVT-HLM

The baptism record is from 9 Feb 1721 from Heerde, Gelderland, Netherlands: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QLDJ-NCF3

Heerde in Gelderland is also where the van Heerden paternal ancestor Pieter Willem van Heerden, SV/PROG 1 was born. So quite strong evidence that the two families have the same paternal line (DNA match and same village/town where born).

Because of the way that names were assigned during this time, I haven't been able to work out the genealogical link for the last few generations in Heerde to combine the trees. Will try again in future.

12/21/2023 at 10:26 PM

Interesting, Jan. Don't forget that the DNA paternal lines could converge many many hundreds of years back. Also - that particular Vlieger DNA link could be the one vHeereden cuckoo baby in the nest, and the rest of the Vliegers could still be different :-)

12/21/2023 at 10:26 PM

Keep us posted with your research.

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