Hi dear all - kindly have a look at this profile as well: Catharina Maria Polack ( Her name on her gravestone is Catherine and not Catharina).
I think there are now various profile duplicates on Geni in the Kaltwasser, Pollack /Polack and Prins lines - due to different spellings of surnames Pollack, Polak and also Kaltwasser, Schaltwascher. Schaltwasser and Kaltwafser. Also confusion in the names of Mauritz, Maurice, Moritz , Marius and Bernhard, Barnard .
The profiles with the connections to each other in the Kaltwasser/Kok/Prins/ Pollack/Greyling (and other lines) - are all very dear to me and yes - obviously it needs to be 100% correct. I would thus be very happy if we could work together to fix any wrong data. I always try my best on Geni - but we obviously all make mistakes and we also all know not all profiles have been fully researched with docs to support facts. In the days that I got most of my my info, verbal tradition was sometimes all what I had, to work with. So many profiles - so little time - so much to do still. Let's do this! Appreciation for your efforts!
Thanks for all your hard work on these lines, dear all - it is always so positive if we can respectfully work together, on our combined ancestors. Please - if you see any mistakes that I might have made, kindly let me know! I am always first to acknowledge, if I have made a boo-boo! Mistakes are part of the nature of the genealogy beast and they can usually be rectified. My favourite line is always ''Geni keeps me very humble!'' Appreciation to all who is helping to untangle and to solve these riddles! There is still so much to do here! Let's do it!
Wilma - try to only work from actual real documents or sources . Death Notices , birth or baptism records , marriages , land deeds or disputes or even publications.
Careful being tempted by MyHeritage use them as a guide to a proper source.
Date of birth 1820 death 1903 does highlight other children from different mother and same father.
Yes - of cource. It is always about the facts! I absolutely try to do that - if I can get the docs. I agree - there are a lot of mistakes on myheritgae and geni, because of matches. Have a look under all my documents. I obviously do put myheritage sites up when matches come up, and then I try to check those data as I go, against docs that I can find. Not always easy to work through all these facts and I always say everything I put on Geni is in a constant state of checking. You are welcome to correct me if I am wrong and yes - there are still so very much to do on Geni.
Wilma-careful disconnecting profiles from relatives here on Geni. Was accused of VANDALISM for just agreeing with disconnecting profile from wrong parents.
Also when adding a d.o.b say 1824 for CMM Kaltwasser provide a source or proof of that date for all ; do not hide the source in your personal private stash of sources underneath your matras on bricks.
Maar die streek het digter bevolk geraak en die behoefte aan 'n eie gemeente het mettertyd sterker geword, totdat Johannes van Zijl, eienaar van die plaas, en Maurits B. Polack, onderwyser van die plaasskool, op 22 September 1852 'n brief rig aan dr. Robertson, scriba van die Ring van Swellendam, en toestemming vra vir die stigting van 'n nuwe gemeente en dorp. In opdrag van die Swellendamse Ring is die plek "geinspecteerd en goedgekeurd als zeer geschikt ter oprigting eener nieuwe gemeente". Ná die gebruiklike formaliteite afgehandel is, is die plaas "Over het Roode Zand" van Van Zijl vir £4 200 gekoop, wat in dié dae 'n baie groot prys vir 1 525 morge was.
Harriet Frances Polack was born in March 1827 in London to Bernard Polack and Antonetta da Solla. An elder brother, Mauritz, had been born in Amsterdam in 1822 and completed his education there. The family moved between Amsterdam and London, Bernard probably being employed in the wool, diamond or silversmithing trade. He died in London in the 1830s, leaving his wife and small daughter unprovided for. Antonette desperately tried to find employment and, wishing to ensure that the child was well cared for, took her to the Children's Friend Society Home for Girls in Chiswick.
Maurits Bernard Polack, ’n onderwyser, het ’n brief op 22 September 1852 gerig aan Dr. Robertson en gevra dat ’n nuwe gemeente opgerig moet word.
DN: See on this one - her husband is recorded as Alfred Francis Polack https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-C91C-KSSF-B?i=1085...
This relates to son Alfred Francois Polack
Name: Francis Gertrude Polack
Sex: Female
Husband: Bernaŕd Andrew Polack
children: Aŕthur John Richard Polack
In the old times people sometimes just wrote what they heard, thus not always with the correct spelling. I believe this is what might have happened here. Kaltwasser was usually written down with the High German capital doppel $ ( I do not know how to get that alternative keybord sign - but you know which one it is) and sometimes it came out in written form as Schaltwascher or Kaltwaffser ( which was the undercase sign for the double ss ) or even Kaltwaser. In our family it was given down to us as Kaltwasser. Sharon - what are the rules on Geni regarding this, as this issue makes things difficult. I want to know which document's spelling would be then correct and as the fact plz. Yes - please curate and thanks! If you find any mistakes that I have made - I am just human and would be very eager to correct them. Thanks!