Affrica Jones / Smithwick (Pike) - Here is my line.

Started by Joseph Putnam on Thursday, February 11, 2021
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Relationship to me
Africa Possible Native American
9th great-grandmother
Samuel Smithwick
Son of Africa Possible Native American
Elizabeth Smithwick 1700-1745
Daughter of Samuel Smithwick
Donald Ross 1765-1825
Son of Elizabeth Smithwick
Nancy B Ross 1807-1856
Daughter of Donald Ross
Evaline Johnson 1827-1895
Daughter of Nancy B Ross
Mary Jane Deer 1846-1869
Daughter of Evaline Johnson
Nancy Cornelia Funk 1868-1950
Daughter of Mary Jane Deer
Mary Caroline Wetherington 1886-1956
Daughter of Nancy Cornelia Funk
Martha lou Weatherington 1927-1995
Daughter of Mary Caroline Wetherington
Angela Black 1965-
Daughter of Martha lou Weatherington
Joseph Putnam
You are the son of Angela Black

Do we know for sure that she was Native American? If so what tribe? My gedmatch is UJ9343921 id be interested to see what DNA we share.

She’s probably not Native American. It turns out Affrica is also a Scandinavian names, there’s a discussion about it previously.

Someone wrote on here profile that here down line was tithable in the Indian Woods reservation. I saw some Descendants of her tie into the the old cheraw. Im waiting to hear from a profile manager to merge. Were my line goes.

Yes, it looks like the people researching old Cheraw think so.

If she was from the Indian Woods then she was probably Tuscarora.

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