@Erica I presume you're still working on it, but here are some problems I found with some of the Washington sibllings having two mothers:
Elizabeth 'Betty' Lewis (Washington)
I disconnected the Samuel Lewis with a family.
This “looks like” Betty Washington’s 11 children (we’re now short one child)
Children of Col. Fielding5 Lewis and Betty Washington were as follows:
i. Fielding6 Lewis; b. Feb 14, 1751.
ii. Augustin Lewis; b. Jan 22, 1752; d. 1756.
iii. Warner Lewis; b. Jun 24, 1755; d. Mar, 1756.
iv. Maj. George Lewis; m. Catherine Dangerfield; b. Mar 14, 1757.
v. Mary Lewis; b. Apr 22, 1759; d. Dec 25, 1759.
vi. Charles Lewis; m. Lucy Taliaferro; b. Oct 3, 1760.
vii. Samuel Lewis; b. May 14, 1763; d. Sep 3, 1764 at age 1.
viii. Bettie Lewis; m. Charles Carter; b. Feb 23, 1765.
ix. Lawrence Lewis; m. Eleanor Curtis; b. Apr 4, 1767.
x. Robert Lewis; m. Judith Cater Browne; b. Jun 25, 1769.
xi. Howell Lewis; m. Unknown (f) Pollard; b. Dec 12, 1771.
The previous link mixed up Bettie’s son Charles Lewis with Col. Charles Lewis. Lucy Taliaferro was the sister of William and a generation earlier.
“Enclosure: William Taliaferro to Charles Lewis, 15 September 1757,” Founders Online, National Archives, https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Washington/02-04-02-0266-0002. [Original source: The Papers of George Washington, Colonial Series, vol. 4, 9 November 1756 – 24 October 1757, ed. W. W. Abbot. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1984, p. 419.]
This is good on the Lewis side.
*”Lewis Family of Warner Hall.” The William and Mary Quarterly, vol. 10, no. 1, 1901, pp. 48–54. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/1919805. Accessed 28 Feb. 2021.
Right, I saw JC's post. However Geni's loading very slow for me today and I'm having issues seeing certain pages ("Geni Will Be Right Back") and (502 Bad Gateway error)...
...So. Don't know if that has anything to do with it, but the first thing I tried to do was look at that profile's Revisions tab so I could get an idea about how it got that way. Thinking it might be an easy fix, etc...
However, after a few failed attempts including another one just now ("We weren't able to retrieve the data you requested. Please try again later."), I guess I have no choice but to put it on the back burner for awhile and maybe try again tomorrow.
Hopefully someone else may have better luck.
This is a fun family to research so starting that way anyway.
Finding 4 children here
1+ Mary Willis Lewis 24 JUN 1782 8 OCT 1846 VA Married Byrd Charles Willis
2+ Samuel Morgan Lewis 1785 4 JUN 1864 VA, James City Co, Jamestown married Sarah Attaway Miller, Frances Pulley
3+ Daingerfield Lewis14 JUL 1785 10 SEP 1862 VA, King George Co, Marmion Plantation Married Lucy Brockenbrough Pratt
4+ William W. Lewis 1805 married Amanda Rachel Long
But bio materiel says he had 3 children .
He had the sword!
This is a fun family to research so starting that way anyway.
Finding 4 children here
1+ Mary Willis Lewis 24 JUN 1782 8 OCT 1846 VA Married Byrd Charles Willis
2+ Samuel Morgan Lewis 1785 4 JUN 1864 VA, James City Co, Jamestown married Sarah Attaway Miller, Frances Pulley
3+ Daingerfield Lewis14 JUL 1785 10 SEP 1862 VA, King George Co, Marmion Plantation Married Lucy Brockenbrough Pratt
4+ William W. Lewis 1805 married Amanda Rachel Long
But bio materiel says he had 3 children .
He had the sword!
This is a fun family to research so starting that way anyway.
Finding 4 children here
1+ Mary Willis Lewis 24 JUN 1782 8 OCT 1846 VA Married Byrd Charles Willis
2+ Samuel Morgan Lewis 1785 4 JUN 1864 VA, James City Co, Jamestown married Sarah Attaway Miller, Frances Pulley
3+ Daingerfield Lewis14 JUL 1785 10 SEP 1862 VA, King George Co, Marmion Plantation Married Lucy Brockenbrough Pratt
4+ William W. Lewis 1805 married Amanda Rachel Long
But bio materiel says he had 3 children .
He had the sword!
True love got him in trouble with his uncle!
During the rebuilding of the Third Dragoons, the few officers who remained were assigned to Washington’s headquarters, where Capt. Lewis returned to the rather mundane activities of being Washington’s courier. At some point during 1779, George met Colonel William Daingerfield, Commander of the Seventh Virginia Regiment of the Continental line, and his daughter Catherine. George and Catherine fell in love, and apparently the relationship became a huge distraction for the young Captain, who was increasingly absent from camp. General Washington wrote his nephew an angry rebuke in February, saying that his behavior reflected badly not only on himself but on Washington, too.[5] Although George returned to his duties immediately after receiving the letter from his uncle, he would resign by September and marry Catherine.
“the sword” descended to a San Francisco family and so,d at auction. Wonder where it is now.
Erica Howton I appreciate so much you sharing his story with us here. I am becoming a history buff, thanks in large part to you and Geni. When you said, "He had the sword!" I immediately googled to find out what in the world that was all about. :D
"Lewis Family of Warner Hall" The William and Mary Quarterly Vol. 10, No. 1 (Jul., 1901), pp. 48-54 (7 pages) Published by: Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture:
“Lewis Family of Warner Hall.” The William and Mary Quarterly, vol. 10, no. 1, 1901, pp. 48–54. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/1919805. Accessed 28 Feb. 2021.
NOTE: This article was continued from Volume IX of the journal, p.259; quote given here is from page 3 of 7.
46. Major George Lewis, Captain of Washington's Life Guard, married Catherine Daingerfield, of "Coventry", in Spotsylvania, and had issue:
1. **Samuel**, born November 11, 1780, who had ALLOWAY LEWIS, HENRY HOWELL LEWIS, late of Baltimore, MARY LEWIS, married John Casey, GEORGE, THOMAS, and JOHN LEWIS
2. **Mary Willis Lewis**, born June 24, 1782, married Major Byrd Charles Willis
3. **Daingerfield Lewis**, born 14 July, 1785, married Miss Pratt, daughter of Thomas Pratt and Jane Brockenbrough
Major George Lewis died at his seat at Marmion in King George county, Va., in 1821.
Page 119 of "Genealogies of the Lewis and kindred families, ed. by John Meriwether McAllister and Lura Boulton Tandy." also only mentions the same three children listed above.
Erica Howton can we clean up Maj. George Washington Lewis 's profile, relocate all of the freshly and erroneously added 'children' which obviously have been misassigned?
The following set of five profiles were recently created and added by a Geni member who is really churning them out (has added well over 13,000 profiles in just 3 years, and is currently very busy merging at the rate of several or perhaps scores per hour). All of these were added just yesterday:
Betty Washington Ashton (Lewis)
The following 'duplicate' (more like 'imposter', although I'm sure it wasn't intentional) of daughter Mary, was born in NC, died in TN, and married Jacob Hicks. So it should be obvious enough that she was misplaced somehow. (I still can't open the Revisions Tab to see George Washington's nephew's profile activity history, but looking at this one it is apparent that the same Geni member did a bad merge between the two Marys -- although how it turned up separately is above my comprehension).
The merge was completed on Feb. 13 of this year, and the member RM2 USN, EMT/FF Kenneth Allen Jess is moving so fast I wouldn't even attempt to track everything he's done lately:
And one day earlier (Feb. 12), he completed yet another merge on the Mary Hicks of NC/TN:
The same Geni user is also somehow involved in creating a completely separate but equally erroneous "James":
Shortly after the last merge was completed, a curator was removed from this latter profile by "GENI", and someone else was made primary manager.
(By the way, this James was born in GA.)
Lastly, Benjamin Lewis was created and manipulated in November of 2017 by a different Geni member, as the father of Mary G Edwards (Lewis) and son of Catherine Lewis (Daingerfield) . At the same time, she created "arthur edwards" as the husband of Catherine Daingerfield. How "arthur edwards" somehow later morphed into Maj. George Washington Lewis#/tab/revision is a mystery to me.
https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/4:1:L8ML-WG3 Is an erroneous tree.
There’s a bug on George Lewis’ profile, I can’t access revisions today either. It’s going to take me a while.
Private User & Private User - this is finally done.
I’m up to the children/ wives of Samuel Lewis and even his locations. There is ambiguity.
Is this that right grave with the right dates?
The JSTOR does not wives or dates or continue the line. If these are the correct tombstones, then https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/37583779/frances-lewis - but is there support for Lieut. John Henry Lewis as their son? He doesn’t mention parents in his memoir unfortunately and he’s a Portsmouth VA man.
His book - https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=loc.ark:/13960/t2891mt2g&...
The Samuel Lewis who married Maria Turner Tutt (Baylis) is in the Washington - Lewis line but I don’t know where.
I’m going through the Lewis of Warner Hall book now.
Samuel Lewis Was not married to Frances Lewis (Pulley) And was not the father of
Lieut. John Henry Lewis
It does look like he married 2nd Maria Turner Tutt (Baylis)
She has a sister who married a George Lewis and is also supposed to be a nephew of GW.
Thank you, Erica Howton
I noticed you merged some of the misassigned children with other other more likely members of the Washington family, which is perfectly understandable and reasonable. We have to do the best we can under the circumstances.
However, in the interest of 'being helpful', I took a look and the ones that have become isolated, and I find that James Richard Lewis matches this Findagrave profile quite well, although there's no telling where it came from when it was created here on Geni.
Also we find the following duplicates on Geni that seem to match quite as well.
I think I would merge all three of these and then reassign the other one to merge with them.
I really don't see any good matches for the other isolated profile, Lawrence Lewis although I suppose it could be merged with either of the following if we want to keep it in the family like the others.
(Personally though, I question the wisdom of allowing such a careless and whimsical profile creator -- to "manage" any of these historically significant individuals.)
Regarding James Ferrell Lewis , although I find no perfect matches for him anywhere, I would assume that this person who is his namesake and from the same town -- is his son:
There is no Geni profile for this particular James Ferrell Lewis (the presumed son), that I'm aware of.