Top of the day William, it is also well to note as may regard the laudable written works published, during the year a' d' 1636, April 16 t'h of the year, when The Honorable Roger Ludlow - some times spelled Ludlawe - in his capacity as the first L't governor of the Colony, of Connecticut published "The Lawes Of Connecticut Juris Prudence". The chief importance, of the same historic document as may be shown today - nearly Four Hundred Years hence - remains the inclusion of his meant wording of "FAIR", to wit, much in the same wise as one may find yet to this day, as a certain note of guiding truth portent within the American document, of "Constitution Of The United States" thereat Independence Hall in Philadelphia during the year a' d' 1776. I am Capt' D'r Prof' Stephen E' M' Diamond, L' L' D'. Direct descendant of the above.