All, in response to a long time interest of mine and recent questions posed by pam skipper, I'd like to request a review of information and sourcing or lack of sourcing on the following profiles and make some recommendations for consideration:
King Ouraquero, George Skipper, Jr / Cheroenhaka Nottoway Iroquois and partner Mary Skipper
Moses Skipper and partner Kezzia Skipper
Barnabas Skipper and his attached partners (There are three noted.)
Abraham Skipper and his partner Mary Jane Skipper
I have been pulling out maps and pushpins. We know the location of Cheroenhaka lands and how family members of George II moved down to Anson County, NC and Marlboro SC in the top center of the SC piecrust. But we also know that several family members of George II moved down to Brunswick and Bladen Co. on or near the coastal line of NC/SC.
Then we have a whole other George William Skipper of Brunswick NC, a contemporary of King Ouraquero, George Skipper, Jr / Cheroenhaka Nottoway Iroquois who had a number of children - children who if I am getting my information correct from the Skipper group that I joined to try to figure all this out moved into the Green Swamp area of NC and married into the Native American population. So we get a whole other branch of Skippers who have native ties of a different tribal nation. I am working to piece this together with a lot of folks from all these different lines. It is amazing.
We need sourcing on all Skipper lines. Some profiles don't even have Find a Grave to connect them to another profile or person (whether it is right or wrong.) This week, I found the will of Abraham Skipper and of Moses Skipper and have noted the links on profiles along with the children that are listed. Based on that, I would recommend the following and it is truly open to discussion:
1. Disconnect Abraham Skipper from Moses as a son. Connect Abraham Skipper as a brother to Moses and son to Sachem George II and Mary Bailey. It seems to me that Moses and Abraham are at least two of Sachem George II's children who migrated to the coastal area of NC. See profile notes.
2. Disconnect Barnabas Skipper from Moses as a son. Connect Barnabas Skipper as a brother to Moses and Abraham and son to Sachem George II and Mary Bailey. Barnabas was at least one of the sons, who along with Sachem George II migrated to Anson and Marlboro Counties. See profile notes.
3. Source as many profiles in the Skipper tree and make sure that they are correctly attached. I will ask that you consider posting a profile discussion with evidence/documentation or a thread here on this link.
Why do I think these relationships are correct? Not from any Ancestry trees, but from wills, deeds, dates, and documents. I am not sure that my tree is correct still because I am still trying to sort the Horry County Skippers into the mix. They fit as a Barnabas Skipper served in Gasque's Battalion in the War of 1812 from Marion/Horry County along with Peter Skipper and several others. At least two of the Horry County Skippers moved to Marlboro County near their "cousins." There was a lot of court movement in deeds between the Brunswick County and Horry County Skippers. Abraham owned property in both states, just as Barnabas did. it clear.
Many have an interest in this line and I hope they will contribute and watch. I am tagging the following to note the profiles I have listed and see my notes in the "About." Private , Rachelle Roby kit#AH6520100 ,Paskawo, gedcom/RE7076155 , Beverly Renee Hallman Marsh, Gedmatch Kit #XK9447597 , and there are many others who are active and some not active.
Please add your thoughts here or on profiles, but we need to clean this up as much as we can. I would say that DNA would make a difference, but what I am finding with Horry County lines (and I suspect other coastal county area populations) is that I am related to people so many different ways the path is unclear. Maybe for someone who knows more about reading the information it will be better once we can load more DNA.
Thanks for any assistance.