Pieter Pieterszoon Quackenbosch - Royal Decent and had a coat of arms...

Started by Alex Moes on Friday, April 9, 2021
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4/9/2021 at 6:15 AM

"Royal Decent and had a coat of arms..."

"De Hulter probably put Pieter Quackenbosch in charge of the operation of the brick kiln..."

These two sentences are contradictory.

Pieter was a skilled tradesman, evidenced by the letter from the VOC to Stuyvesant, skilled tradesmen are not nobles fallen on hard times.
Skilled tradesmen that have to go live on the edge of civilization do not have coats of arms.

Private User
4/9/2021 at 6:29 AM

I inherited primary management of this profile and know nothing about it. If one of the other 21 managers wants to be primary, please let me know and I'll transfer it before removing myself.

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