Edward Dix - Not the husband of Deborah Unknown Dix

Started by Brad Stauf on Thursday, April 15, 2021
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4/15/2021 at 2:36 PM

Thanks for maintaining this profile but Edward Dix of Watertown was NOT the husband of Deborah Unknown Dix. Her first husband is not identified.
Edward's first wife was Jane; she appears in the Watertown vital records as the mother of his four children through the last, Rebecca.
Edward then married Susanna Unknown, who was named in his will. She outlived him as is well documented by her lawsuit to recover her dowry.

There WAS a Deborah Unknown Dix who as a widow with three young children moved to Connecticut where she married Robert Barnes but she WAS NOT the "widow" of Edward Dix of Watertown, and there is only one Edward Dix of Watertown identified (and he WAS NOT the 19-year old immigrant to Virginia on the "Thomas & John" before anybody starts thinking in that direction. Anderson in "Great Migration" has thoroughly differentiated those two men.

Nor was Deborah Unknown Dix a daughter of Edward; his children are all identified in Watertown VRs and Deborah's married name was Dix, not her last name at birth. See Dix-19 profile on wikitree.com for full sourcing.

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4/16/2021 at 5:30 PM

Thanks, Brad, but the information in question did not come from me. If you click on "history" in Dix's Profile page, then on "About Me", it says that it was entered by "The Genie Team", and perhaps updated by Dale Nelson. I certainly agree that there seems to be a great deal of confusion about the various 17th-century Edward Dixes and their respective families. You obviously have access to sources that I do not, so I would be grateful if you were to go ahead and correct what is wrong.

4/17/2021 at 6:14 AM

Thanks for the suggestion Michael, I don't seem to have edit access to the profile but I did add direct links to some of the sources. It looks like one of the profile managers kindly took on the task of making the fundamental edits.

4/17/2021 at 8:46 AM

Brad Stauf immensely grateful for your work and attention.

Just about done with corrections on Geni.

There’s only one FindaGrave with an inaccurate linking but good narrative:


4/17/2021 at 10:04 AM

Summary of family group.

'''Edward Dix of Watertown''' (died 1660) was not a known child of Thomas Dykes & Mary Grey Dikes He was not the same person as unknown Dix and he was not the husband or father of Deborah Barnes Nor was he a known relative of Margaret Traine

His first wife was Jane Dix (parents unknown). Their 4 children were Abigail Park Mary Rice John Dix of Watertown and Rebecca Flagg His widow was Susanna Dix

4/26/2022 at 5:28 PM

There was a recent Gedcom upload with incorrect relationships, so it’s worth while tagging this discussion again.

And additional note:


Four distinct branches of the Dix family were started in America in early times. These were the lines instituted by Leonard Dix, of Wethersfield, Connecticut; Anthony Dix, of Plymouth, Massachusetts; Edward Dix, of Watertown, Massachusetts, and the Dix family of Accomac county in Virginia. It is not known that anybody has been able to demonstrate the relationship reliably. Undoubtedly they were connected by the generation just previous to any one of them coming to America.

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