Adriana Gerritsdr van Quackenbosch - children in notorial deed

Started by Alex Moes on Saturday, April 17, 2021
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Carl Gustav Verbraeken this record suggests to me that Adriana and Jacob had at least two daughters named Maritgen Jacopsdr and Alydt Jacopsdr, but I do not understand the "Diversen: in de Werelt" does this mean that they are alive at the time of the record (implying that Adriana is not?).

Hi Alex,
Sometimes we find surnames like
In de Wereld (Weerelt)
Van der Wereld
Van Wereld

As in this case, they seem to have been used as an
avatar when the identity of the parents had to be kept secret. (e.g. when the parents were about to emigrate)
80% sure, let’s say.

Greetings from Belgium, CGV

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