As of this date, R' SZ of Liadi has 29 living yDNA descendants listed in GENI, the most recent born in 2007. yDNA testing of one or more of these descendants would be a valuable addition to this family tree's knowledge base. If a person reading this is qualified to make the test and is willing to do so, please reply to this discussion.
My understanding is that my relationship to Schneur Zalman of Liadi is via my paternal grandmother’s family (née Sarah Ginsburg or Ginsberg). Her birthdate was September 1891, either in Russia or Lithuania. Her parents were Nathan Ginsburg and Dorothy Melzer Ginsburg. Her family was Orthodox. My father, Nathan Rifkinson (her son) was born in 1912 in the province of Vilnius, Lithuania.
Stephanie Rifkinson You would need to find a cousin whose lineage preserves the direct son-to-son connection at every step of the chain (otherwise the original ydna signal is lost).