As of this date, R' YH Charif of Krakow has no known living yDNA descendants listed in GENI, the most recent died in 1968. However, there could be descendants who are not listed on GENI. yDNA testing of one or more of these descendants would be a valuable addition to this family tree's knowledge base. If a person reading this is qualified to make the test and is willing to do so, please reply to this discussion.
Private User Yes there is still a DNA connection. How much of a connection varies with each person. For the purposes of rabbinical lineage research, only the gender linked dna is sought (ydna or mtdna, with the former much more useful due to the preservation of rabbinical genealogies over time. It is much more difficult to trace matrilineal genealogies over long periods of time because of the lack of recordation. However, it is theoretically possible to obtain and then trace the mtDNA signature of a rabbi, and for more recent rabbis may be feasible. The main point is that for rabbinical research there is difference between being a DNA descendant of someone and being a yDNA descendant of that same someone.
Jacob Mordechai Posner Thanks for the tip. I believe you may be referring to the tree of: Dr. Naftali Hertzl Bursztyn It would make for an important contribution to the family legacy to obtain the yDNA group of the lineage, and perhaps one day this will be possible, B"H. You and I are both interested spectators to this miracle of tradition and science.
Private User and Jacob Mordechai Posner, Dr. Naftali Hertzl Bursztyn is not the only tree with the relation. My paternal grandmother, Fanny (Fay) Muller, was a sister to Dr. Bursztyn. Jacob Mordechai Posner, nice to meet you!