David and Goliath: First Cousins twice removed.

Started by Carissa Hill on Saturday, April 24, 2021
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My quarantine days are entertained by randomly seeing relationships on Geni.

King David King David of Israel

and Goliath Goliath the Philistine

are first cousins twice removed through Ruth of Moab and her sister Orpah the Moabite
Ruth of Moab
Orpah The Moabite

Interesting perspective.

Hi Carissa, we appear to be 20th cousins so I’m going to have a look myself now regarding David and Goliath.
Very interesting, thank you

Goliath the Philistine is your 25th great uncle's first cousin's husband's great uncle's wife's aunt's husband's third cousin 23 times removed's partner's first cousin thrice removed.

King David of Israel is your 24th great grandfather's partner's third great grandmother's husband's second great grandmother's husband's third cousin 25 times removed's partner's father.

I seem to have a lot of Hebrew relatives including the Rothchilds.

Thanks :)

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