Geni currently shows two children.
lists 6 children, and has footnotes where the information comes from for him and his children.
The Footnotes go to 9 Citations which are from 5 Sources, an unknown compiler and:
[S25] Margaret E. Messenger, Island.
[S228] Patricia A. Terry (transcriber), Barrington Records, p. 62
[S226] Ward Cunningham, "Ward Files", Ancestral File
[S207] Margaret Messenger, Cape Sable.
And clicking on the bracketed numbers one sees
[S25] Margaret E. Messenger, From Island To Island (CSI NS: Archelaus Smith Historical Society, 1987). Hereinafter cited as Island.
[S228] Patricia A. Terry (transcriber), compiler, Barrington Township Records - Early Records of Marriages, Births and Deaths in Barrington, Nova Scotia from the year 1761 (Box 1710 RR1 Yarmouth NS B5A 4A5: Stoneycroft Publishing, 1994). Hereinafter cited as Barrington Records.
[S226] Ward Cunningham, compiler, "Ward Files as at 11 Jul 07"; Ancestral File, n/a (11 Jul 07), unknown repository, unknown repository address. Hereinafter cited as "Ward Files."
[S207] Margaret Messenger, compiler, Families of Cape Sable: Genealogical and Biographical Information (Archelaus Smith Historical Museum, Cape Sable Island: unpublished, Unknown). Hereinafter cited as Cape Sable.
Are any of those known to be reliable? Should any of those 4 be considered unreliable, and if so, why?
Does anyone have access to any of those four sources?
Especially want to know about [S25] and [S228] since all the children reference them.