Was she Mary Onge?

Started by Erica Howton on Saturday, July 3, 2021
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7/3/2021 at 2:32 PM

https://www.geni.com/documents/view?doc_id=6000000176785985994&graph_node_id=profile-41235516&mode=tagged Makes a case for the identity of Mary, wife of 1) Thomas Sherwood of Fairfield 2) John Banks.

Feedback needed, please.

Mary Banks married Thomas “of Fairfield” Sherwood, Sr.

7/3/2021 at 2:37 PM

Private Has done a great deal of work on this family, including a trip to England examining parish registers. Anderson’s Great Migration Project has no parents for her, but if course, their Thomas Sherwood article was written back in 2005 or so.

Anyone with an American Ancestors subscription is invited to check their database for recent TAG articles.

Hatte Blejer if I recall correctly, you originally distinguished Mary from Mary Finch on Geni? So your input sought with a real candidate for origins,

7/3/2021 at 2:40 PM

An incomplete Onge tree.

Edmund Onge

7/3/2021 at 3:05 PM

Edmund is direct for me. I don't have all his children connected in my tree, but Find-a-Grave has a list of children. There is a Marie, but no Mary, which doesn't necessary mean there wasn't one.


7/3/2021 at 3:08 PM

That said, all the Ong/e's I have in my tree settled in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, etc., none in South Carolina.

7/3/2021 at 3:09 PM


Thanks, the next step is to fill in the Onge tree.

Can we find the book?

7/3/2021 at 3:10 PM

" The Ong Family " as compiled by Ross K. Cook, Orange, New Jersey, deals with the Early Ongs who came to America. It is available from the LDS on Microfilm #0526996,and can also be found at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. It clearly identifies the Francis who came to America with Frances Reed after her husband, Edmond died. Edmond had a brother, John Onge. John had a son named Francis and it was he who accompanied Frances Reed to America and got her settled. He then returned to England to finish his studies.


A lot of LDS books are now available online.

7/3/2021 at 3:35 PM

I'm not clear what you're wanting, Erica. I haven't researched these lines in over a decade, so it's all stuff I've long set aside.

I don't know if you can access this:


It mentions Frances may have been the mother of Mary who embarked at Ipswich in 1634 at age 27. That's all it mentions of a daughter Mary.

Back when I did my resaerch on these lines, I didn't research sibling or cousins lines, just my direct. I'm from Isaac who married Mary Underwood, so that's the only line I really know much about.

7/3/2021 at 3:38 PM

In my tree, Frances (Reed) Ong(e) is a brick wall.

7/3/2021 at 3:59 PM

So the question at hand is - is Mary Onge the same person as Mary, who married Thomas Sherwood of Fairfield?

The case is presented here:


7/3/2021 at 4:22 PM

The families knowing each other and traveling together isn't enough evidence to conclude they ended up married. It would help if there were dates for the birth of Thomas Sherwood's wife since we know when Mary / Marie Onge was baptized in England.

She may have been his wife, but it 'seems like' just trying to latch on to 'a' Mary who 'could have been' his wife. Only a few Ancestry trees are showing up in my Hints for Mary Onge. Two show her huband as John Sherman and one doesn't show a spouse for her. No one shows her married to Thomas Sherwood.

So I Googled Mary Onge and John Sherman and fond nothing but the same info I've been seeing on Mary / Marie and nothing I've found indicates if or who she married, any children she ever had, she just seems to vanish.

So then I Googled Mary Onge and Thomas Sherwood and found absolutely nothing to prove Mary Onge was his wife:


SECOND MARRIAGE: In 1641 he married MARY (last name unknown) in Stamford, Fairfield Co, CT. An unmarried woman by the name of MARY ONGE sailed with the Sherwoods. It is possible she became the second Mrs. SHERWOOD, but unless a source is eventually found for this, proof of Mary's maiden name will remain a mystery.


Married: 2nd - Mary, maiden name unknown, by 1638. She is not "Mary Fitch." There is also no evidence that she is Mary Onge, as is sometimes said. See error section. She married, as her second husband, John Banks by 4 June 1658.


Mary was perhaps, or perhaps not, the Mary Onge who had sailed from England with the Sherwoods. Older genealogies claim that Mary's maiden name was Fitch, but there is no evidence for that. Donald Lines Jacobus noted in 1938 that Elizabeth Hubbell Schenck, in her History of Fairfield, made a slip of the pen when writing that the second wife of John Banks was "Mary Fitch," having confused the wife of Matthew Sherwood, Mary Fitch, with Matthew's mother Mary (see "The Second Wife of Joseph Loomis of Windsor, Conn.," New England Historical & Genealogical Register 92:303). Thomas Sherwood and his second wife Mary had three sons and three daughters, including our ancestor Stephen Sherwood.

You've probably seen all that and I'm following in your footsteps, but I'd have to say that the fact is the maiden name of Thomas Sherwood is unproven, as there is nothing documenting who his wife was other than Mary, which is a very common name.

7/3/2021 at 4:27 PM

Now, if this were my direct line, I'd add the speculated connections to my Ancestry tree and watch to see if I began to get Sherwood DNA matches in ThruLines with shared ancestry back to the Ong line. That's the only way I know to prove kinship when there is no proven paper trail...DNA.

7/3/2021 at 4:34 PM

The Ong siblings have been entered & sourced, including Marie Onge

7/3/2021 at 6:21 PM

Hatte Blejer - I changed 1st wife of Angel Husted who has been disproved as any sort of Sherwood.

You were sorting a smerge back in 2013.

See https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Unknown-361465

7/3/2021 at 9:46 PM

Erica Howton - thank you. I'm glad someone is reviewing the Sherwoods. There are good source for them, they have a lot of American descendants, and I suspect they need to be MPed and locked, given the possibility of bad Internet family tree information corrupting them.

7/4/2021 at 1:47 PM

I am having issues with William Hartwell
In 1607 Captain George Warman
I believe Captain George Wayman might be a typeO

7/4/2021 at 3:59 PM

I don’t see a profile for George Wayman or Warman?

7/5/2021 at 5:04 PM

As for Mary Onge question, I don't know. Dale's opinion would sway me to believe yes.

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