Cornelis Kees Claesz Claassen, SV/PROG 1 - Sources for parents?

Started by Sharon Doubell on Tuesday, July 13, 2021
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7/13/2021 at 12:01 AM

What Sources do we have to prove that Claas Cornelis NN & Lucia Hiubrecht Claasen

are the parents of:Cornelis "Kees de Boer" Claesz, SV/PROG 1 and Albertijn van Rooyen

Neither of these have found them:

Wonderful, if there are sources, but they need to be added if we are going to keep these parents.

I agree! Thnx dear Sharon!

7/13/2021 at 4:05 AM

Please call me back here to remove the relationship if no sources are forthcoming.

Will try to remember thnxs Sharon!

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