Elizabeth Leonard (Harmon) - Had child at 9?

Started by Keri Denise Jackson, ♊ Twin "A" on Saturday, August 21, 2021
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Elizabeth Leonard had 1 child between the ages of 9 and 15 years old.
Tip: Correct the birth date of Elizabeth Leonard (born circa 1518) or the following child:
Dorothy Leonard

This opened up a can of worms.

Dorothy (Leonard) Calvert had been detached from John Leonard and Elizabeth Harmon several years ago.

Someone created a new duplicate Dorothy (Leonard) Calvert and attached her again to the parents. I have detached her and isolated that small duplicate tree. It will be deleted by Geni since it is a duplicate tree in the historical tree and in fact in the 16th century!

I did keep a daughter who was attached to John Calvert and Dorothy (Leonard) Calvert, but it turns out she was NOT their daughter. Her parents are unknown. She was the wife of Thomas Porters.

Ann Porter
Thomas Porter, of Felsted

Wow. I'm glad that we found out and you were able to fix it all.

Thank you so much

You are welcome. Unfortunately it seems like when I go back to areas I MPed and researched a decade ago, they are corrupted by either bad merges or people deliberately re-creating erroneous children.

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