Suzanne and Jamestown Project/ Potential Jamestown Society-eligible ancestors of Suzanne

Started by Cynthia Curtis, A183502, US7875087 on Saturday, October 23, 2021
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Who is Suzanne?

Suzanne is my late wife. Private

I started genealogy for the kids and grandkids to know more about their roots. I did have more profiles in this project, but have had to prune out several where the relationship did not pan out. For example, there is an Elizabeth Breeding (born Conway) who was listed as having also married a James Garlington and had his children as well. Unfortunately, both marriages were withing a couple of years, and she apparently had about 10 kids for each husband, with alternating birth years back and forth. My conclusion was that there were two women named Elizabeth Conway, one of whom was the niece of Mary Ball Washington (thus a first cousin of George Washington), and another who was unrelated to George but an ancestor of my wife.
Elizabeth Breeding
I can send you the relationships if you like, I think.

There was another seeming ancestor connection to Richard Henry Lee "The Scholar," but that connection has been cut since I found it, leaving only a distant cousin relationship.

So still there are Capt. Christopher Newport and a Burgess who was killed in an Indian uprising.

It is a lovely tribute, Peter Joseph Forsling this project.

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