This profile Moshe Joseph FinnPazernov
and two children - Shlomo Pazernov = Shlomo Pazernov and Movshe Pazernov = (father Leiba) Pazernov were part of an import done in 2009 by Dr. Earle Ullman Scharff
Shlomo Pazernov and Moses Fine were created on Nov. 4, 2021 and also on Nov. 4, 2021 another Profile, Moses Fine = Moses Fine was attached as his child.
Moses Fine was originally just the father of Toba Chaye Rosenberg - who, when she died in 1907 was the widow of Jacob Rosenberg, living in Burlington, VT, and survived by seven sons.
Harold Rhode has done much research on the Pazernov line and where they are from and has a profile on Geni - so asking him:
Harold Yisrael Zvi Rhode -
What do you think of the likelihood that Moses Fine (= father Toba Rosenberg = Toba Chaye Rosenberg)
is a son of Moshe Joseph FinnPazernov ?
What, if any, evidence is there that Moses Fine, father of Toba Rosenberg, is the son of Moshe Joseph FinnPazernov ?
Jeremy Bennett -- Private User -- Private User
- you three are the Managers of Moshe Joseph FinnPazernov
and Steven Smith Wolk you also worked on the profile - are any of you aware of any such evidence?
Shame on this Bloom person for not trying to be kind and hash out any discrepancies. I'm not an expert, but if someone is asking for information, I do my best to "collaborate" and not be nasty. I only stopped collaborating because I'm a novice at this and thought maybe I am not in a position to verify any information and would like to leave it up to more experiences people. The CAPS LOCK and terse replies are childish and not constructive. I'm going to report Bloom (Are they M.S.) I can understand about people concerned about corrupt data being merged/entered. As long as the concern is kind and voiced nicely, then it should be taken constructively. If someone chooses to be belligerent, then there is no excuse for that. Bloom, it's great that we are related somehow, but please try to be objective and work with others who have been doing their due diligence about their research.