Marsha Gail Veazey - would you mind taking a look at this profile & tree? There is conflicting information about him altogether.
Supposedly hes from a first wife, not shown here.
Cynthia Curtis, A183502, US7875087 - see the source for the Fox side name and marriages.
Compiling more source information for Simon. - no parents. - no parents. - Does anyone know for sure what Simon's mother's name was? I have found it as:Susan Tarpley, Susan Tapling, Susan Trapling, and Susan Trapley. Also his wife Mary Vardaman has been shown as Mary Magdalena Vardemon, Maria Magdelina Vardamon. What is the correct spelling of both of these womens names? no parents no parents
John Cockrell (Andrew, John, John, Thomas)
It will be assumed that John left his home in Westmoreland Co when a young man shortly after his marriage, and moved to the frontier of southwest Virginia
m 1st ___
issue: Susan (nothing further known)
Simon: b probably about 1746
His first wife died probably about 1749-50, and on his remarriage not long thereafter he moved away from the community in which he was then living, leaving his two children with neighbors. Consequently, Simon knew almost nothing of his father.
m 2nd Mrs Barbara (or Thebie) Fox Collingsworth, who was of the English Fox family and whose mother was an Allison. By her first husband, David Collingsworthh, she had two sons, Edmund and Simon.
issue: John: b Dec 19, 1757
John died not long after the birth of this child and his widow subsequently married her third husband, ____ Kelle, from which marriage there was no issue.
There is no information at hand to definitely determine the exact place or places of residence of John in southwest Virginia.
The assumption that the two children Simon and John had the same father is based on strong family tradition among John’s descendants, and is partially confirmed by the fact that Simon’s father did remarry after the death of Simon’s mother. (known errors in the notes above)
Deborah or Barbara was the widow of John Cockrill (The Emigrant), mother of son Major John Cockrill Jr. born December 19, 1757 in Virginia, one of the founders of Nashville, Davidson, TN, USA. John Jr. married Ann Robertson Johnson, and he died in Nashville on April 11, 1837. Barbara's husband's John Cockrill's 1st wife was Susan Trapling, who he married in Bedford. He had two children with Susan, Susan and Simon. Susan Trapling Cockrill (mother) died when Simon (The Reverend) was about three years old.
John remarried our ancestor, Deborah/Barbara Fox, soon there after and left his two children with their mother's family.
The Deborah Barbara Thiebe Fox, from New Kent, Virginia that I am referring to was first married to a John Cockrill about 1757; the second marriage to a David Collinsworth about 1762; the third marriage to a Mr. Sills about 1765. Children from those marriages are related to the descendants of Francisco Fox thru Deborah Barbara Thiebe Fox's side. A Y-DNA test from a Francisco Fox descendant was made and it matched a Cockrell on the maternal side, which means that D.B. Thiebe Fox had at least one child with J. Cockrill and that marriage lasted about five years; the second marriage, in 1762, about two years (D. Collingwoth died in 1764) they had a child named Edmond Collinsworth in 1763; the third marriage, about 1765, may have been her last. I'll appreciate your comments and thank you in advance.
The research continues................