I am a BigY-700 YDNA descendant of John "James" Williams. As of December 2021, we have zero evidence - YDNA or paper trail - to prove who his father is. Additionally, John Williams consistently told census-takers that he was born in Virginia, most likely in what is now Scott County (likely Washington County) when he was born.
We are awaiting two BigY-700 tests from a known 4C1C and one from a Williams YDNA cousin who we suspect will be in the 5th to 6th cousin range.
We do know that at some point we descend from a Martin man.
Additionally, our family clade appears to be R-YP658 with two BigY-700 matches in the Netherlands to men named Raap and van der Horst.
If you have concrete evidence that this John Williams is the father of my 3rd great-grandfather John "James" Williams, please contact me at: