False tree matches

Started by Private User on Monday, February 14, 2022
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Mike Stangel, tree matches are seriously broken now. At least for Russian, they "match" only the middle name, without taking first names and surnames, dates and parents' names into account. This makes no sense, it only clogs the list and potentially leads to bad merges. Please fix it. https://www.geni.com/search/matches/6000000038711748322?group=removed

It's crazy now! I have 344 tree matches most of them are like between
Екатерина Ивановна Пузанова
Екатерина Ивановна Родионова
only First and Middle names matches. But it's absolutely wrong logic!

Actually the problem appeared last year: https://www.geni.com/discussions/236191
But literally last days a new pack of false matches has been added

tree matches are seriously broken now.

Guys i dont see anything wrong or broken, all i find was a real line...

Lolz anyway.... Enjoy yr crispy evening.

This issue was partially solved. Now I have much less tree matches.
But in the same time there still are many wrong ones.
Михаил Михайлович Дунаев
Иван Михайлович Дунаев
But Иван and Михаил are two completely different names.
They shouldn't match at all.

Andrei Puzanov we only exclude patronyms from search if we can detect that they match the father's name. In this case we are not detecting that "Михайлович" is a proper patronym for "Михаил". That's a bug but I don't think it's new. We'll fix it.

Sometimes several dozen coincidences are displayed for some profiles (only by patronymic)

Mike Stangel yes it's not new. Fist time I've faced up with this problem 26 Aug 2021. And reported it here in https://www.geni.com/discussions/236191 and on support

Mike Stangel there is fresh(28.3.2022) tree match between brothers even with different first names and birth years. Could you make tree match algorithm more intellectual to avoid such obviously false matches ?

Mike Stangel Leonid Semenov (GENI Curator RU) Private User Hello everybody!
It seems Tree Matches were broken again. There is tons of new matches and I feel it's again fully false matches.
Could you have a look ?

There were a lot of false coincidences. The name of the person is not taken into account

Andrei Puzanov you are correct -- we introduced a bug that caused many bad matches, then we fixed the bug and re-ran the matches. Did they go away, or are you still seeing them? (and if you are still seeing them, can you post a couple examples?)

Mike Stangel Yes, it looks as fixed now. Thank you!

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