Clean up and issuses for Floyd family of Horry, Marion, Dillon, SC and Robeson, Columbus, NC

Started by Susanne Floyd on Sunday, March 27, 2022
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So far there is no primary source (will, deed, land transfer, census) that suggests Andrew Johnson Floyd existed. All is noted through secondary sources and tradition. It was unusual at the time to have a middle name. No record except secondary sources for this. The SC Archives have nothing indicating his existence. The only Andrew Floyd that they note is the Revolutionary Soldier Andrew Floyd from York District, SC across the state. That said, some researchers are convinced that this Andrew Floyd existed based on nothing but unsourced trees in various platforms.

No sons in the immediate generations following Andrew bore his name. In much later generations there was an Andrew Jackson Floyd, son of Lewis Floyd and grandson of James Rowland Floyd, I

Ann Floyd did exist as two records have been found in the SC Archives tied to her land holdings. But was she married to a man named Andrew? Or was she married as some think to a Samuel, Sr. who fathered all the children?

Children associated with the profiles of Ann and Andrew are:

Austin/Orson Floyd - needs attaching to locked Andrew as father.

Moses Floyd

Francis Floyd

Samuel Floyd, II

James Rowland Floyd, I

Frederick Hardee Floyd

Thomas Floyd


All of the above showed up in Horry, Georgetown District before the American Revolution. Service by Francis has been documented. Austin was in NC and his records have been less clear for service. James Rowland Floyd is noted as having served on Find a Grave and I am in touch with a descendant to get documentation as I can find none.

It is evident due to proximity, land transfers and other paper work that the above "brotherly" relationships existed, though some researchers with whom I have spoken suggest that there were two wives of the "father of the brothers." Possibly. Some suggest that the father was not an Andrew Floyd, but Samuel Floyd who had at least one wife named Ann.

Do we need a placeholder for "Andrew Johnson Floyd" instead of a name - Just "Placeholder Floyd" until more can be determined? I honestly can't in good conscience think there is an Andrew.

There is also a running list of known Floyd women who may or must be sisters or daughters to the brothers:

Sarah "Prudence" (Floyd) Reaves

Anna Jane Kirton

It’s an interesting question. A secondary source is still a source: we all know primary sources may be scant, especially down South. Is the name disproved? Does it belong to someone else?

Advice I’ve seen is to find the “earliest” mention and use that to source the name. Another thought is to put the name in quotes or question marks. Something like

First name: (unknown) Middle name: “Andrew Johnson”
Last name: Floyd

We don't have anything secondary that I can find. Just trees that have his name on them. Lots have him confused with a later Andrew Jackson Floyd. Johnson Floyd doesn't really come into play until son Francis marries Isabella Johnston and it morphs into Johnson Floyd.

Andrew was not a known or popular name until several generations later, which leaves me even more puzzled. I just think someone put it down and it has been "pseudo documented."

Not sure why I said there was a "secondary source" in the first line. Sorry. Not one that I can find.

It may "belong to someone else." For a while (and sometimes he still is), he was being confused with another Andrew Floyd

This one is is York County about 200 miles away and I am not sure what records there are on him, but from FAG:

Died in the 89th year of his age.

Andrew Floyd is the son of Morris Flord, Sr. abt 1701-1791 and Mary Waldropt both of Northampton Co., NC. whose children are Andrew Floyd b 8-29-1750 d 6-6-1839 married Anne Nancy Gordon 1760-1838, Morris Floyd Jr., Rosamund Floyd, Thomas Floyd, Edwards Floyd, Buckner Floyd, James Floyd, Grono Floyd, Charles Floyd, Allen Floyd

Southern Campaign American Revolution Pension Statements
Pension application of Andrew Floyd S21757 fn52NC
Transcribed by Will Graves rev'd 12/31/08

[Methodology: Spelling, punctuation and grammar have been corrected in some instances for ease of reading and to facilitate searches of the database. Also, the handwriting of the original scribes often lends itself to varying interpretations. Users of this database are urged to view the original and to make their own decision as to how to decipher what the original scribe actually wrote. Blanks appearing in the transcripts reflect blanks in the original.]
State of South Carolina, York District

On this 16th day of October A.D. 1832 personally appeared in open court before the Honorable W. D. Martin one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas in said State for the District aforesaid now sitting Andrew Floid [Floyd] a resident of said District of York in the State of South Carolina aged Eighty Three years who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following statement & declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Act of Congress passed the 7th day of June 1832.

That he was born in August 1750 in the State of Virginia in Frederick County as appears from an entry of his Birth in an old book now in his possession which is all the record he has and which he believes to be true. In the year 1769 he moved to the County of then Tryon now Lincoln in the State of North Carolina. That he joined as a volunteer in an Army the Regiment of which he belonged was commanded by Colonel Thomas Neel. That he entered said Army as a private some time (he thinks) in the year 1776 having still lived in the then County of Tryon; that the Army marched into South Carolina intending to surprise an Army of Tories & British under the command of Colonel Cunningham [Patrick Cunningham]. That some where near 96 our Army came up on the Enemy and put them to flight taking about 14 prisoners and some ammunition. (This Expedition has been called the Snowy Campaign). The Army then divided and this deponent returned to Tryon with Captain John Barber and many others. The weather being very severe having been in service upwards of six weeks. The next spring he entered as a private in a volunteer Company commanded by Captain James Baird in an Army commanded by a certain Martin who he thinks was then a General in an Expedition to a place in North Carolina then called Cross Creek now Fayetteville. But before reaching they received intelligence of the Tories having left the place. The Army was then ordered back and he returned again to Tryon having been out in this tour about six weeks. Soon after the return a call was made for men to Guard the frontiers from the ravages of the Indians and an Army being raised under the command of General Rutherford [Griffith Rutherford] and Colonel William Graham. This deponent was appointed an adjutant in said Army and acted as such but does not now recollect whether he had a commission or not. The Army marched into the Cherokee Nation and having destroyed their Towns and Crops and returned home having been in this rout as near as he can now recollect about two months. After our return the Army was kept in motion in order to keep down the Tories, he still acting as adjutant. And the next spring was sent with an Army commanded by Captain Robert Alexander to the head of Catawba River to guard the frontiers against the Indians in which duty they were engaged about six weeks when they returned home to Tryon and was still engaged in scouting and skirmishing
with the Tories until a call was made for men to oppose Colonel Floyd a commander of
the British or Tory forces then in the edge of South Carolina. Colonel Graham & Col.
Hambright with their Army were sent on and this deponent still acting as adjutant went
with them. That after entering South Carolina found that the said Floyd & his forces had
moved off. Our forces were informed that a considerable body of Tories had collected at
Ramsour's Mill in Tryon County North Carolina. The Army then marched over into
Mecklenburg and joined the Army under General Rutherford and marched into the Tryon
but before reaching Ramsour's another party of Americans had attacked & defeated the
Tories. Still continuing in the Army and marching in different directions in order to keep
down the disaffected. On the 7th of October 1780, the Army under the command of
Colonels Shelby [Isaac Shelby], Sevier [John Sevier], Campbell [William Campbell] &
others attacked & defeated Colonel Ferguson [Patrick Ferguson] & his Army at King's
Mountain. After this engagement this deponent returned with the Army to Tryon but the
British forces then lying in Charlotte made it necessary to keep up constant scouting
parties in which he still was engaged and so continued as Adjutant in the American Army
until the end of the War. Which he is well satisfied was over two years. After the
revolutionary war was over he then removed with his Family to York District South
Carolina where he has lived ever since.

He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the
present and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the Agency of any State.
Sworn to and subscribed the day & year aforesaid. He has now no discharges, nor
can he furnished any written evidence of his services. He refers to the annexed
certificates on oath to prove the truth of his statements.

S/ Andrew Floyd


From the DAR on the Andrew Floyd above:

FLOYD, ANDREWAncestor #: A039928
Pension Number: *S21757
Service Source: *S21757
Service Description: 1) ALSO PVT, ADJ

So I am even more inclined to believe the name comes from confusion.

So maybe “Andrew Jackson Floyd” is a time traveler, born of computerized records and drifting free of the bounds of time and space.:).

If you have a family to put together with him as a “placeholder,” go for it, and just put the name in AKA.

Here is the profile of Pvt. Andrew Jackson Floyd, (CSA) (Andrew Jackson Floyd) who is the great grandson of the profile in question and named for the President "Old Hickory" I am guessing.

I am well acquainted with "Jack" as he was the owner of our family farm before my great great grandfather, another Civil War veteran purchased it from him. I have the deeds of sale. Not his great grandfather, though. Nothing - not a shadow of a person by the name of Andrew for him. I have some more to add....later.

Something more to think about with Sarah "Prudence" (Floyd) Reaves - She and husband Rev. Solomon Reaves named a son Samuel Floyd Reaves, presumably after her father. Just some more to think on so I am noting it.

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