Janis Joplin is my 17th cousin twice removed.
→ David Ronald Davis
your father → Elizabeth Jane Davis
his mother → Elsie Vernor Horn
her mother → William Ambrose Redding
her father → William Alfred Redding
his father → Delphia Brown
his mother → Mary Elizabeth "Betty" Brown
her mother → Anne Seale
her mother → John Bristow
her father → Robert Clifton Bristow, of Virginia and London
his father → John Bristow
his father → William Bristow
his father → Avis Bristowe
his mother → Katherine Budd
her mother → Richard Saunders (1452)
her father → Joan Saunders, of Surrey
his mother → Thomas Carew
her father → Nicholas Carew, of Beddington
his brother → Sir James Carew, Kt.
his son → Sir Richard Carew, Kt.
his son → Mary Pelham
his daughter → Sir Nicholas Pelham, MP; of Laughton
her son → Anne Pelham
his daughter → Sir John Shurley of Isfield, MP
her son → Ann Overbury
his daughter → Nicholas Overbey, I
her son → Nicholas "Ye Younger" Overby, II
his son → Peter Overby
his son → Nicholas Overby
his son → Meshak Overby
his son → Nimrod Overby, Sr.
his son → Martha Overby
his daughter → Mary Eeanor Roberson
her daughter → Arminta H. Porter
her daughter → Florence Elizabeth Joplin
her daughter → Seth Ward Joplin
her son → Janis Joplin
his daughter