Matthew Wallace, Resident of Manokin in Colonial Maryland - Data from Somerset Co MD, 1685,John Wallace Will and 1698 William Wallace will

Started by James E. Baucom Jr. on Sunday, April 10, 2022
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Documented Wallace Families in 1685-1698 Somerset Co MD AS Found in the Wills of John Wallace d 1685 and William Wallace Who Died 1698 both in Somerset Co MD/ Where there’s a will there’s a way.

I am Jim Baucom, b 1931 CO, retired Aerospace Electrical Engineer who started searching for ancestors OCT 1969. first at the LDS library in SLC UT, and all over the southern US. I’m a researcher and user of Y DNA to find ancestors and seldom copy unsourced illogical information. While looking for the mother of my ancestor Sarah Brevard in 2021 I found the answer in the Somerset Co MD will of William Wallace who left items to his cousins, Jane Wallace who m John McKnitt, his cousin, John Brevard and cousin John Wallace, son of Richard who was the son of Matthew and Elizabeth. Then I found parts of the 1685 will of John Wallace, that stated his wife was Jane, he had sons Matthew and John Jr and that he was the brother of Matthew Wallace who also had a son Matthew. The person who found the John’s will thought he was from Scotland and first went to VA and then to MD, but there is no evidence. If Matthew was from Donegal Ireland, so were his kin

Mr X Wallace b&d Ireland or Scotland
Sons Y Wallace and Z Wallace

Y Wallace b Ireland or Scotland d Donegal Co Ireland
(1) Matthew-1 Wallace b1640 Donegal Ireland d-1714 Somerset Co MD, married Elizabeth Alexander
Children Matthew-2 Jr, m Sarah Alexander 1708, Jane m John McKnitt, Richard and his son John-1, and unnamed daughter m John Brevard before 1698
(2) John-2 Wallace b ? Donegal Co Ireland, d 1685 Somerset Co MD, married Jane
Children Sons John-2 and Matthew-3
Z Wallace b Ireland or Scotland d probably at Donegal Co Ireland or Somerset Co MD if some of his five children were born in MD
Children b in Donegal Co Ireland and maybe Somerset Co MD
(1) William-1 b? d 1698 Somerset Co MD
(2) Thomas
(3) James
(4) Robert
(5) Mary

None of the postings about these Wallace men at ancestry come close being accurate. This evidence raises several questions. Did they all arrive about 1670 on the same ship with the Alexanders and McKnitts? Matthews 2 and 3,are in the same generation, It is assumed with no proof that Matthew-2 Jr. went to Cecil Co MD and is buried at The Head of Christiana Presbyterian Church at Newark Delaware and that Johns son, Matthes-3 is buried at Somerset Co. MD.
And how do you know exactly which of these Wallace men is your ancestor? They all have the same Y DNA that may match earlier identified Scots named Wallace but how do you identify X, Y, and Z?

Will Sources for William Wallace d 1698

Will Source for John Wallace d 1685 at Somerset Co MD source for John Wallace d 1685 at Somerset Co MD

Jim is correct. Much of the available family history detail is unreliable. However, there is a settled paper trail for the Matthew Wallis/Wallace who married Elizabeth Alexander that may help. This paper trail is based on 1930s research and was updated and vetted for presentation to Mrs. Bess Wallace Truman at the White House in 1946 by the Maryland State Society of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution (NSDAR Acquisition 36135). Cattle marks and Prerogatory Court data of the 1700s link this lineage satisfactorily to the Matthew Wallis who married Elizabeth Alexander.

Unreported DNA test data accumulated since 2007 by Family Tree DNA (FTDNA) link the above family history data to a Wallace lineage for whom the common male Wallace parent lived in Scotland not later than about 1600. Subsequent DNA results, to include STR and SNP testing, trace this line to Europe at a time 1000s of years before any adopted the surname Wallace in Scotland. This lineage is associated with the I-M170 generic haplogroup in the Wallace DNA Project of Family Tree DNA.

The I-M170 generic haplogroup in time descends through the I-L596 SNP through the I-BY19 SNP to a set of 11 closely related branches dispersed worldwide. The specific SNP of the Wallaces identified as descending from the Matthew Wallis/Wallace and Elizabeth Alexander is the I-F2044 SNP. The I-F2044 SNP gives rise to 2 variant terminal SNPs, the I-BY43 and the I-BY444. While the I-BY43 and I-BY444 are different terminal SNPs, 2 individuals representing these terminal SNPs match 639/639 by Big Y 700 STRs. /Donald K Wallace, M.D. (I-BY444), FTDNA Wallace DNA Project Administrator

I2a2: L596 > BY444

Matthew Wallace, Manokin, MD

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