Dymitr Sr., prince of Drutsk is my 8th cousin 18 times removed.
→ Kenneth Curtis Hosea
your father → Ophelia Hosea
his mother → Henry Morgan
her father → Nancy Lucinda Champion
his mother → John James Champion
her father → Samuel Champion
his father → Ann Champion
his mother → Anne Judkins
her mother → Benjamin Edward Champion, Sr.
her father → Elizabeth Champion
his mother → John Atkins
her father → Frances Atkins
his mother → Mary Blennerhasset
her mother → Sir Edward Echingham
her father → Anne Echingham (Wingfield)
his mother → Elizabeth Wingfield
her mother → Lady Anne Hankford, Duchess of Exeter
her mother → John Montacute, 3rd Earl of Salisbury
her father → John de Montacute, 1st Baron Montacute
his father → Catherine de Montagu, Countess of Salisbury
his mother → William de Grandison, Sieur de Grandison & de Ste. Croix
her father → Banoile de Grandison (born de la Tour)
his mother → Beatrix de Coligny de la Tour, de Pin, dame de Malleval
her mother → Beatrice d'Albon, Dauphine du Viennois, countess d'Albon & du Grésivaudan
her mother → Beatrice Aleramici, del Monferrato
her mother → Judith of Babenberg
her mother → Agnes of Waiblingen
her mother → Conrad III, King of Germany
her son → Agnes Liubava of Germany
his daughter → Mstislav II of Kiev
her son → prince Vsevolod of Volhynia
his son → Alexander Всеволодович Волынский
his son → Novel, Knee Volynsky
his son → prince Mikhail of Slonim-Drutsk
his son → Vasilijus Druckis
his son → Dymitr Sr., prince of Drutsk
his son