Dear @Ester Gutter, @ Ygal Burstein
People began to built family trees only ~15 years ago. At that time no one had the access to the scanned records online because they weren’t digitalised. Now when we all have totally free access to the original books’ scans from the State Archive of Poland and can read by our own eyes all the available documents it’s just not too intelligent way of research to have an argument “the relatives of Kocker Rebe told me”…The relatives that could speak and share things could never know about another family members and the ancestors that lived 200 years ago. It’s ridiculous to take such information as basis of the scientific genealogy. Sometimes people don’t know even what was their grandparents name.
1) all the books of Tomaszow Lubelski civil records survived without any exception. The entire collection is available online for free
2) if the person who we are talking about is well Eyzyk Rajs (Rajsfeld ) - the record I am talking about is the ONLY ONE that exists in Tomaszow in all existing books in the State Archive of Poland.
3) if Naftali Wakstein claims that R’ Rajs died in Tomaszow Lubelski and not anywhere else later than 1810 it is possible and very easy to find his death certificate and it is what I’ve done.
4) any Jew lived and died in Tomaszow is registered in the books. 1810-1825 in Catholic Archive and from 1826 - in separate Jewish Archive
5) neither in Catholic nor in Jewish books there weren’t any other Eyzyk/ Icek / Ayzyk or whatever Rajs/Rajsfeld in this town. Only ONE that is mentioned as died on the 5th of September 1828.
I personally passed through all the books - each death record - one by one 1810- 1900. If you don’t beleive me you can do it yourself.
This is the record’s scan where you can easily see that his death was reported by his two sons
This is the translation:
Took place in the town of Tomaszow on the 7th of September 1828, at 10 a.m. Religious Jews Herszko Rajsfeld the merchant making business at the Depot House, 56 y.o. and Nachman Rajsfeld the merchant of wine, 42 y.o. - both the residents of Tomaszow announced that on the 5th of this month the same year at 11 a.m. died Ejzyk Rajsfeld living from the help of his children, 94 y.o., living here in Tomaszow, the son of Szyia and Glikla - the spouses lived ones in Tomaszow and not alive anymore - left after him widowed wife Rayca from Zylberberg [house]. Witnessing the death of Eyzyk Rajsfeld this Act read to and by the announcing sons of the deceased and signed by them. Signatures: the clerk of civil records/.../ Herzka Rajsfld, Nachman Rajsfeld
6) in the death record of Nachman Rajsfeld and Hersz Rajsfeld their parents mentioned as Eyzyk and Gitla Rajs. Nachman’s death record even mentions his both variants of surname - Rajs and Rajsfeld
Here it is: (№43)
7) Honestly I do not understand why to beleive only one person (that cold might have a mistake due to the luck of real information - just being a human even being a Rabbi) and not to beleive to the official documents ???
8) why to accept the facts only partially ( as it happens in case of Udla Naj that I also found the evidences about her existence and It was very well admitted ! ) an not to beleive the official death registration of her father?
My opinion - completing family trees using « broken phone » instead of referring to the original records it’s fiction and not genealogy.