Brewer Y DNA Haplotypes

Started by Cynthia Curtis, A183502, US7875087 on Thursday, May 19, 2022
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Sometimes a name can confirm a family in common and sometimes it is just a name.
DNA and records can help differentiate these and place descendants in family groups.

Please add your Brewer profiles who have DNA attached.
I wanted to add a list of the Y haplos of the Brewer participants of the Y Study at FtDNA but the list is so great.

See here:


With the number of members exceeding 200, we observe three major groups and seven smaller groups of matching signatures and matching haplogroups. We have one set of "Unassigned" participants who do not yet connect together or with the others. Family Pedigree information for the members of each of the groups is provided at the bottom of this summary.

(1) Two of the groups are believed to represent descendants of two unrelated early 17th century Dutch immigrants to New Amsterdam (New York). Their genealogical paper trail identifies the separate family patriarchs as Adam Brouwer Berkhoven (~1620-1693) and Johannes Brouwer of Flatlands (~1628-1702). Each family has been able to determine their ancestral haplotype (the genetic signature of the earliest known ancestor) and haplogroup. These results already show how effective DNA testing can be. DNA evidence has revealed that although the two immigrant ancestors have the same surname, and lived in the same region at the same time, they are unrelated and have not had a common ancestor in thousands of years -- contrary to erroneous beliefs passed down in genealogical pedigrees for over 200 years.

For more information see the article published in the New York Genealogy and Biographical record Vol 138, No.4, (2007) “DNA Analysis: Adam Brouwer Berckhoven, Elias Brouwer of New Jersey, and John Brewer of Ohio.” and a Compiled Genealogy for “Jan Brouwer of Flatlands and Descendants.” More detailed results for these families are available on the updated web pages at the ADAM BROUWER SITE and Descendants of JAN BROUWER

NOTE: Sharing of research and family information among the matched members has helped some individuals extend their pedigree three or more generations and clear up mistaken connections, while others have discovered connections they were previously unaware of. DNA testing has proved a fruitful genealogical tool for all of us. You may contact and share information with participants in this project by joining the project and taking the Y- DNA test yourself.

(2) Two additional groups, Brewer/Lanier and Ambrose Brewer appear to represent descendants of early 18th century Brewer immigrants, generally of English descent, to southeast America, i.e the southern colonies of Virginia and North Carolina. They both claimed circumstantial evidence of a connection with a George and Sarah Lanier Brewer. However, the DNA evidence showed the two lines to be unrelated. For thirty years or more, family researchers have been stymied in their efforts to validate their purported descent from one of the nine sons of George Brewer mentioned in his will.

Now for the first time the Brewer/Lanier subgroup has three descendants of George Brewer who have been able to not only establish their genealogical paper trail back to the founder but, as a result of BIG Y DNA tests, validate that paper trail. This breakthrough for the Brewer/Lanier family group, is a continuation of our Brewer DNA project efforts to resolve genealogical problems by making use of Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) technology introduced by FTDNA in 2013 called “BIG Y” providing massive sequencing of the Y-Chromosome at reasonable cost.

The Ambrose Brewer family group, based on matching Y-DNA results and (unverified) pedigrees, are believed to be descended from Ambrose Brewer (1753-1855), possibly of Brunswick Co., VA. who is considered a likely familial, but not genetic, descendant of George Brewer or one of his sons. Traditional genealogical research for documentary evidence is still the key here, supported by the indisputable evidence of close genetic relationship among the Ambrose Brewer descendants.

Also of interest is a web site by James H. Brewer posted here providing data on the early descendants of George Brewer and Sarah Lanier who migrated from North Carolina to Wayne and Lawrence Counties in Tennessee.

(3) The Unassigned group seems, so far, to represent various independent families arriving in later waves of immigration from a variety of locations. It is anticipated that as participants are added, these “unassigned” members will find matching signatures placing them within additional separate ancestral branches.

(4) All members have obtained insight into their own “Deep” ancestry, prehistoric origins and geographic migrations, by learning their Haplogroup assignment. Our Brewer surname members represent Haplogroups I1, I2b1, E-V13 (formerly E3b), R1b, and J2, and so we know those distinct male lines have had no common ancestors for many hundreds of generations.

FAMILY PEDIGREE INFORMATION: Keyed to Kit Numbers found on the Y-Results page

NOTICE: The Brewer Surname Project uses Y-DNA test results to identify family groups of genetically related living male participants through their matching haplotypes (genetic signatures). These signatures are provided by Kit number and color code genetically related family groups under the tab Y-RESULTS. DNA testing can show a definite relationship exists between two or more males and that they share a common ancestor within genealogical time spans, but not with whom or when. Documented genealogical pedigrees add the missing information. The two sets of data (paper trail and DNA results) compliment and support one another.

On January 13, 2014, we established a web site BREWER DNA PROJECT PEDIGREES listing the pedigrees submitted to the project by the descendants of the family groups listed below. Clicking on any of the highlighted names takes you to the individual pedigree page for that family group.

1) JAN BROUWER of Flatlands, NY color coded Yellow in the Y-DNA results chart. This group, which belongs to Haplogroup I2b1 (concentrated in western, north-central and Scandanavia), descends from a 1656/7 immigrant to New Amsterdam from Holland. Jan and wife Jannetje settled in Flatlands, Long Island where they raised their family. Two members are related to the American descendants of Jan Brouwer but from a time prior to Jan Brouwer's appearance in America. Additional detailed information is found at the website Descendants of JAN BROUWER dedicated to this family group and discusses a unique & rare DNA marker for this group, and much more.

2) BREWER / LANIER LINE, color coded light blue in the Y-DNA results chart. These participants all have a close DNA match and belong to Haplogroup I1. This is the largest group in the project. Several of them trace back to a George BREWER and Sarah LANIER Brewer family of the early 18th century Virginia colony. Further family information and the individual pedigrees associated with the KIT numbers in this family group are posted for viewing at: BREWER-LANIER SITE . Of interest also is a database web site posted here by Chris Chester providing data on the early descendants of George Brewer and Sarah Lanier who migrated from North Carolina to Wayne and Lawrence Counties in Tennessee.

3) ADAM BROUWER of Gowanus , color coded Plum in the Y-DNA results chart. These members are all in Haplogroup EV13 (E1b1b1, previously designated E3b), relatively uncommon in northern European haplogroup. (Adam Brouwer's origins are in Cologne, Germany).These participants have a common ancestor in the 17th century immigrant to New Netherlands, Adam Brouwer Berckhoven who with wife Magdelena settled in Gowanus (Brooklyn) on the Western end of Long Island along New York's Upper Bay where the majority of their children were born. Further family information on this family group can be viewed at: ADAM BROUWER SITE

The Brewer DNA Project is now in its ninth year

My Brewer profiles with subclade I-Y21524: Bryant Brewer and his father: Thomas Brewer

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