In regards to the controversial marriage of Allain fitz Flaaid....first, if one has done the research of the Mac/Mc surnames they will find both are Scottish in the historical sense and 2) can, and are, interchangeable depending on the personal preference of the holder. One is not uniquely Irish vs Uniquely that as it may...... The given name Tillensor should not be such a controversy.... the name, Jordan, for example, is used for both male and female at the time (just as it is today in the 21st century). Given the vast array of "information" on the wife of Allain and the validity of her existence at all, I question whether "Tillensor" is not a name someone gave her to denote her family lineage? Further, has anyone ever bothered to look in the catholic church records (since France was, and is a Catholic nation and, at this point in history, Catholicism and the Pope were "the name of the game" in most instances....Catholic Church records at this time would be written mostly in Latin or Latin Vulgate so I question if anyone has bothered to research the marriage of Allain fitz Flaaid's marriage which would have occurred somewhere in the 1040s through 1060s?
Rather than endless narrations of why certain theories on this woman make sense or no, I question, yet again, whether anyone has researched ancient church records to find the marriage of Allain (not "Alan") fitz Flaaid. Given his status both to and for the royal household of France, chances are Allain's records could be found in the Church s should be his burial......and tradition, for someone of Allain's rank, at that point in time, would most certainly, have held his burial inside the church.