Dear Haim,
R’ Lejbus Morgensztern isn’t the father of only son. Therefor there are so many profile managers on his account. As far as I’m concerned Morgensztern family members are well presented in my own family tree ( distant relationship by marriage of my grandfather’s second cousin, but nevertheless!). So I don’t understand who gave you an exclusive right to usurp the whole Morgensztern family which is very big? You are the descendant of Menachem Mendel only.
So you have two options: 1) to accept another people will add found relatives to his father’s/brother’s tree as this function is provided by policies of that I advised you to learn last time you tried to attack me with your not founded claims.
2) to built your private family tree without giving any permission to other users to add/ manage or see it
Unlike yourself I do respect the competence of the curators of Geni and other people with very reach experience in genealogy and research. That’s why I opened the public discussion about the historical document I found. Your personal ( very emotional) opinion doesn't matter here. With all my respect to your family background. ONLY the archival papers play the role, that you cannot contest without providing the DOCUMENTAl EVIDENCE of their insolvency.
I want to remind you that one’s you well accepted the results of my personal research about Brucha Rappoport - Menachem Mendel’s daughter from his second marriage. That time my qualifications were good enough for you? You even sent me the request to add the profile of her I created to your personal project of Kocker Rabbies. Why? I ignored your request during few months so you desired to force me however and asked the help from another Geni curators to do it !!!
Hypocrisy, no? Be honest not to touch anything I’m doing and don’t do the selection of my work results that you like more! Of course you have the right to express your opinion about everything. Me too I have the same right.
It is ridiculous you are defending your exclusive privileges for the past of people that you refuse their right to have! If some archival records were unknown / not revealed before it DOESN’T MAKE them false or invented! I don’t make them by myself in my room using some magic printer. I just find them in the archival books and present them to a PUBLIC judgment in order to obtain the opinions of ALL profile managers that certainly not less professional or less educated than you in the subject of the discussion. Your disrespectful behaviour towards another Geni users is just unacceptable. The fact you are one of the descendants doesn’t make you neither more competent nor more qualified in the genealogy. You are totally unable to read the original records or to find anything by yourself that could be useful for proof’s providing. But you are too much demanding for others. Without any special powers for this.
My personal Geni record is just beyond your level as the researcher! I was able to provide the dozens of proofs for hundreds of profiles that SUPPORTED the scientific or historical information! My discoveries were helpful even to correct the Wikipedia content related to the most prominent Jewish personalities. I was able to link the unknown abandoned tombstones from the old Jewish cemeteries to the real people buried under them. I was able to provide home addresses and historical records and precise information about the countless number of people that you have no idea how much work I already did in relationship with them! And moreover I have the excellent references from many people whom I helped to reveal the family past.
So, dear Haim, calm down please and first try to understand that the genealogy isn’t a hobby, it is a real scientific research and there isn’t any place for emotions like yours. Stop bothering me!
I really don’t need your laurel crown of R’ Morgensztern descendant. My own family background is much more honourable.