I was tracing a DNA match on Ancestry who is a descendant of a connecting line to my Pouncey line. In tracing that, I realized that this Thomas is showing a half-brother also named Thomas attached to the same father but with different mothers. Initially I wondered if the two brothers were duplicates needing merging, but then I realized this Thomas, who is my ancestor, shows he was born February 07, 1679. I find it highly unlikely he's the son of John Pouncey who was born in 1595. That would make John 84 when this Thomas was born.
Disputed relationship:
Thomas Pouncey Page /Weopemeok/Jaupin/Yeopim Indian was tithable taxed as FPOC in New Kent census of 1666 in household of John Pouncey
This doesn’t indicate parentage.
The birth & death dates for Thomas Pouncey Page /Weopemeok/Jaupin/Yeopim Indian were the ones for Thomas Page, Jr. So I removed the Page man’s dates.