Hello. I am broaching the subject of the entitlement to the Dukedom of Lancaster and Leicester.
I realized some time before Elizabeth II Mountbatten death, while her spouse Philip were still near her on earth, that she was the possessor of the title, 'Duke of Lancaster', and received revenues for the Dukedom of Lancaster. She was referred to as 'the Duke of Lancaster' rather than Duchess. I have not been able to discern the reasoning of this, or why there is not mention of this on Wikipedia, [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_titles_and_honours_of_Elizabe...]. I did however, just find this article in prep of this dialogue [https://www.express.co.uk/news/royal/1352395/Queen-title-queen-eliz...].
I have claimed that the 'Dukedom of Lancaster and Leicester' are united and I am deserving of this title and the revenues that are associated to it, as well as all of the encumbrances.
I would also mention that on the Wikipedia page above, Elizabeth was provisioned a title as 'Lord of Mann'. This title belonged to my direct ancestors, the 'Duke of Derby'.
I am currently very puzzled regarding these titles, how they were being directed over that last seventy years even though the Mountbatten's, King George V, was associated with Adolph Hitler doing business with him as a lead in to World War II.
My mother has known from a very young age, as well as my father that they had royal ancestry, they just could not discern it, due to the nature of about 5 - 7 generations of knowns to my father and mother, but the next 7 - 8 generations that connected to the persons such as Edmund 'Crouchback' Plantagenet, etc. were not easily discovered on the United States soil.
I am arguing that the United States government knew of my parents and their parents, and basically everyone and anyone else who could come close to claiming the crown or its governance.
I am not certain and did attempt to ascertain, was Elizabeth II aware of the profoundness of her father and mother's association to Hitler and did protect the titles to the best of her ability for her own family or was it indeed a response of hers as a true sovereign of the United Kingdom to maintain them in view of persons such that in the likelihood of events such as this venue and other genealogical venues that someone somewhere would come to initiate a responsibility to these communities.
Either way it should be observed, that 'having the Crown Jewels' is special, but it isn't really just about that. You cannot be wealthy off of a body of people who are down-trodden and unable to pay taxes.
It is that the land and estates that generated the taxes that helped Elizabeth II, Mountbatten become the richest woman in the world, did belong to others and has been misdirected even through 'Acts' of legislation within England, and an attempted through Scotland, which is how Donald Trump was able to 'crenulate' his golf course's on the Carrick land that my parents had rights to inherit.
I was only slightly aware of the issue with regard to people in the United Kingdom being very upset about Donald Trump 'getting land' that was not his to have and building his golf course. I did not even think much about it. Then after much information put forth into the public I realized when a person descends as they do and are entitled to inalienable inheritable Suo jure rights, and there are 'Acts of Legislation' put forth as legal documents changing these within the last twenty five years, I consider this illegal moves of someone.
That is why it is important to have this documented. It has happened, the changing of inalienable inheritable Suo jure rights, and 'Acts of legislation' were put into place. I became aware of something 'not quite right' when working at York International Corporation, a large industrial HVAC company based in Pennsylvania, that was purchased by Johnson Controls, Inc. of Milwaukee Wisconsin, in 2005. The 'Acts' of legislation were created in the mid-to-late 1990's.
I have made the claim to the 'Crown of Scotland', the 'Great Seal of Scotland', that which neither, Elizabeth I or Elizabeth II actually held, though they did attempt to alter this and created a 'Great Seal of Scotland' with the image of Elizabeth II, this was a treasonous action.
I have claimed the 'Crown of England', (Blanche, of Lancaster - the oldest crown of England, held in Belgium), and I have claimed the 'Great Seal of England', due to the nature of my realization of the situation, that Charles Mountbatten's mother was 'touted', not sure if 'declared; in a court of law, by Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister of Scotland, as being a war-criminal, associated to World War II, i.e.: destruction of property, and loss of life and cost.
The Mountbatten's were denied rights to the title 'House of Windsor', and I have claimed this also.
I am a descendant of the builder of Edinburgh, the Baillie, Thomas Robertson, and I have also claimed that Edinburgh Castle, Stirling Castle, and Caerlaverock Castle for myself. I have also noted that Dalkeith Palace has been 'leased' to the University of Wisconsin-Superior, my now alma mater, and I claim that also. Dalkeith Palace has been leased since 1985, and I am certain my former in-law's, whose patriarch was the financial business manager of Adolph Hitler, and King George VI and Elizabeth I, knew of my personal situation as early as the 1970's but with them late in the 1970's.