Queen Mariamne (Hasmonean) - מרים החשמונאית

Started by Private User on Tuesday, December 6, 2022
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Hi everyone,

In October 2018 GENI informed me that
Mariamne, I is [בלה]your 71st great grandmother..

Recently I checked the relationship again and GENI computer says now:
Queen Mariamne (Hasmonean) is your 21st great uncle's 31st great grandfather's wife's aunt's husband's grandmother.

This last connection is very insulting.

I checked her Revisions, and could not see any reason for the change there.

Please let me know what could be the reason for the change?

Please let me know how to get my 71 GGrandma back.

Queen Mariamne (Hasmonean)

Thanks in advance,


Bella, did you happen to make a copy of your line for comparison? (I now do that for all meaningful ancestors, since they may be subjected to changes here.)

It currently shows me as 64th g-granddaughter. But with a few serious red-flagged inconsistencies.

A couple of data conflicts associated with the same inconsistencies, one apparently resulting from what to me seems a very bad merge in 2020:


I suspect thorough checking of the lines may reveal more inaccuracies.

Private User

Dear Bella

I very much hope that our connection to the House of Hashmonaim will be restored

All of the connections to antiquity have been severed over the past couple of years, particularly ancestors of RASHI - רש״י MaHaRaL of Prague - המהר״ל מפראג and Rabbi Meir Katzenellenbogen, Maharam of Padua. Frustrating.

Many thanks Peter, Haim and Debra ,
The severing is bad, and regarding some of my relatives goes against family tradition.

Now instead of my tree going through my father's family, it goes through my mother's.

Debra, so far I did not keep a copy of most of my tree. Unfortunately. Minor changes did not necessitate that step.

For me, it is important that Miriam the queen, remains a grand-mother..

I expect GENI to do something and fix this and other severed branches. An alternative treeing would help.
Severing important connections indicates preferring a few GENI members opinions, over others.
The world tree is only one reason. I can do without it.

Curators - what can you do to fix my family tree?

Private User

I support your request, and I expect that other descendants will also write and state that this is their request

Geni tasked curators with checking the lines to antiquity and severing undocumented connections. No one should have lineages connecting them to roman tomes because there is no valid documented lineage which goes back that far.

Were people living in these times our ancestors? Yes

Can we prove every link going back to them? No

Private User

According to Naftali Vokstein
1: The original tombstone of the Maharal of Prague was completely destroyed, and when it was rebuilt, the things that were written on it were copied incorrectly, so the researchers believed that a forgery had been made and the Maharal of Prague was not a descendant of King David, but recently the researchers came to the insight that the Maharal of Prague was a descendant of King David, and the connection is through his mother, and not as it was written in many scrolls as a connection of son after son

Regarding Rashi:
Rashi himself wrote that he is a descendant of King David through his 5th son Shaftia ben Avital..

. the problem lies in the fact that between Yehoshua ben Zamri and the elder Hillel there are 22 generations not all the names are known with certainty.
The connection here is also through Rashi's mother,
however Naftali told me that he received genealogy scrolls showing that Rashi's father was also a descendant of King David, and all the names he checked in the meantime were found to be correct

I hope that in the near future we will be able to know how Rashi is a descendant of King David, and if I have the information, of course I will update

Since it is known for certain that Rashi is a descendant, the obstacle of the 22 missing generations can be circumvented by creative solutions, but it depends on the curators

Haim Katz - Hachoen Wartski Where does Rashi say that he is a descendant of Rashi? Where is that source?


Dear Haim,

About the Maharal dynasty, Vakshtein wrote about the connection between Rabbi Lowe the elder and Maharal. He do not believe to the Written in the Megilat Yuchsin of Rabbi Perles. But Dov Berisch Weber respond to Vakshtein well.
The recently researches are not worthy enough.
Maharal was descendant of the kings but no one knows exactly how. His family was deep-rooted Ashkenazi, so it is almost impossible for any of his ancestors to come from Spain or to have any connection with the sages of Babylon, as is known from Ashkenazi families whose ancestors emigrated from the Land of Israel after the signing of the Jerusalem Talmud, and there are even more ancient families who were exiled to central Europe by the Romans. Various DNA studies confirm these claims in a certain way. One of them about an Ashkenazi community from Erfurt was published very recently.
Therefore, although he was indeed a descendant of King David, the genealogy constructed and written by the historians certainly cannot be correct (and we will not even go into the question of Rabinu Hai Gaon).

I do not know any source when Rashi describe his dynasty. He wrote about Hillel Hazaken that he was descendant of Shefatia but it is in the Talmud at first.

Hi all,

I just checked and am still connected to RASHI through my father's line, like this:
RASHI - רש״י is your 24th great grandfather.

Now - I found the following connection of RASHI and KING DAVID:

"Several Ashkenazi scholars also claimed descent from King David. On his father's side, Rashi has been claimed to be a 33rd-generation descendant of Johanan HaSandlar, who was a fourth-generation descendant of Gamaliel, who was reputedly descended from the Davidic line."

Yet, when I check my relationship to the kings of Israel etc. GENI goes to my mother's tree, and gives an insulting relationship, compared to the previous King Shaul and King David royal ancestries relating to me.

I find more distant relationships going through my mother's line even with any of the Cohanim in Geni. Although my ancestry comes from the CATZ כהן צדק group, through my father.

This way of presenting my tree is not a serious one.

I used to belong to Jewish royal families, and to Jewish oldest priests families - and GENI robed me from that. Why?
It is not enough to show the shortest line. It should also be the relevant one.

Dear Curators, please return my royal families, including Miriam HaKhashmonait, my 71 Great Grandma, and my Cohanim relatives.of the Catz families.

Thanks in advance.


Private User

Netanel Isaiah Frisch

First I must emphasize that I am not knowledgeable in the biblical branches, all the things I write are the things that Naftali Vakstein tells me in the phone conversations between us, not all the things are presented in the articles:

Regarding the Maharal of Prague, not the entire path between him and King David is known to researchers, but in the past they believed that the connection was fake, now they are sure that indeed the Maharal of Prague is a descendant of King David

Regarding Rashi:
Naftali told me that Rashi himself wrote that he is a descendant of King David through his mother, as for his father being also a descendant of King David, I will ask Naftali if there is any progress in this research, and if I have an answer, I will update

Hello Bella. Geni is one world collective tree that is being updated every minute of every day. Unless you specify which profile link you had to her that has been cut, there is nothing helpful we can do to even open a Discussion with you about an unknown profile.

But, as Jason says above:

Geni tasked curators with checking the lines to antiquity and severing undocumented connections. No one should have lineages connecting them to roman times because there is no valid documented lineage which goes back that far. Were people living in these times our ancestors? Yes. Can we prove every link going back to them? No

Please see the project: Descents from Antiquity for more info. Sorry not to be more useful here.

Queen Mariamne (Hasmonean) is my 58th great grandmother.

RASHI - רש״י is my first cousin 15 times removed's husband's first cousin twice removed's wife's fourth great grandfather.

Sharon Doubell

until the comment of Joaquim Telemanco,I thought about leaving the discussion, but his comment and his "pride" in being a "descendant" compels me to answer:

First, from a genealogical point of view, there is no possibility that he is a "descendant" 58 generations back, both you and I, and those who understand a little about genealogy know this

And secondly, and a more important thing:
You claim that there are descendants living today, but there is no way to prove who they are.. fine, but the policy should be equal: it is not possible that you (the curators) cut off whole branches of real descendants of rabbinical families and dynasties, and the others, that there is no possibility that they are descendants, you left as if they were offspring

I'm sorry, but for me as a true descendant this is very jarring

It takes many hours of research to go over every line of descent research every connection and look for inconsistencies. Its taken 12 years of curators correcting the tree to get even this much done.

the policy is equal but we simply dont have people specializing in every area.

Jason Scott Wills

I really appreciate your reply,

It is possible to go back and check where the tree was cut and perform an endo (also regarding King David)

No one has a legitimate line going to king david even the maharal has to skip 22 generations

Haim, remember that we have no idea which profile's relationship has been cut in this Discussion. I'm answering as Mariamne's Curator only. Profiles relationships are cut on a profile by profile basis of a failure of provision of primary sources. Those Discussions happen from the the profiles themselves. We do have Curators who work on the rabbinical families, and if you come across a relationship that you can see has no primary proof, you should definitely speak up, so it can be attended to. We appreciate all the help we can get, and try very hard not to be unequal about it.

Sharon Doubell

I thank you very much for your answer

Personally, I prefer to work only until Rashi, where the information is clear and solid, I am not familiar with the biblical tree, but certainly if I come across a profile where the family tree is cut, I will update you, as well as the tree of King David

Sharon Doubell

Jason Scott Wills

With your permission a question about Geni policies

When a certain great-grandfather of mine is a descendant with absolute certainty of a certain person but there is a gap of several generations between them, am I allowed to open a profile and write that there is a gap of several generations between them and connect the tree?

Just put the link to their ancestor in the about section and say they are a descendent but unknown how


many thanks

Hi all,
Hi Sharon Doubell

I went through some old correspondence, from 2012, with my family, and found several tree connections:
To King David, i found both my mother relation to him, and my father's relation to him. Many empty profiles in both trees.
Sharon, if you would like to see them, please send me your email address in my private Geni mailbox.

In my father's king David tree, Yanai appears. He was from the Khashmonai family and an ancestor of Miriam the queen.
That should enable to lead to Miriam's connection to me.

Although Yanai was a king, and a high-priest, his profile does not solve the missing CATZ connection to Ahron, the first Cohen of the Israelites. Hope to find another email with that information.

Sharon Doubell

If it helps, I may also be able to find out how I am descended to King David and I can send it to you.

In addition, about 3 years ago I sent to an institute in the United States the connection between King David and me (the connection is through his son, King Solomon) , and I received confirmation from them that my family tree was checked, and indeed I am a descendant of King David through his son King Solomon

I can send you the confirmation.

Of course, anyone who is a descendant of Rashi (and I am his descendant through his two daughters, both Miriam and Yochaved), is also a descendant of King David through his 5th son Shaftia

Guys, you need to engage with the Jewish Curators on this issue. Last we looked there were no primary sourced connections to King David at all. Please see the Descents from Antiquity Project referenced above. I really don't have much more to contribute than that.

Sharon Doubell

Who is the Jewish curator who is truly versed in the biblical tree and to whom we should turn?

I can only speak for myself
When people who are not descendants at all put up fake family trees connecting them to the Jewish royal house and publicly brag about it (even though it is a fake)
And in contrast to them, I, a true descendant of the Jewish royal house, was cut from the biblical tree, I think you can understand why it is so jarring to me

From Shmuel-Aharon Kam (Kahn / שמואל-אהרן קם (קאן on King David:

The genealogies these refer to, were created in Medieval times (around the year 1000 CE) FOR European monarchs. This was a FASHION at the time, each of these monarchs was trying to outdo the others, by having a better and "more prestigious" family tree. It's like kings calling themselves "Defender of the Faith" to make themselves look more important.

It has been established history for CENTURIES that these lineages were complete FICTION. The Monarchs PAID for monks to "research" history for them. There is no serious historian that will waste time reviewing them. NONE. But just like those two-bit monarchs, people TODAY also want to claim fancy lineages. So these junk lines persist.

There is a list of Jewish families that supposedly have generation by generations lines. The most famous of these being the line through leading Jewish commentator, RASHI - רש״י, from the 11th century. But we KNOW that this line has huge gaps in it. This is established and agreed upon by all >>professional<< genealogists and historians.

Bottom line, a rich woman created a foundation ( https://www.davidicdynasty.org/ ) to prove /support her dream. But as with those Medieval Kings, that's not enough to create historical facts.

So no, Geni is not censoring these lines. They simply don't exist. [Shmuel, in answer to a Discussion Sept 22]

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