Guy I d'Auvergne, comte d'Auvergne - wiki (info about locked)

Started by Livio Scremin on Wednesday, December 7, 2022
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yes, even from ML a lot is missing:

-Guy I d'Auvergne, comte d'Auvergne


**(a) ROBERT [III] (-[969/80]).
**(b) GUY [I] (-[989]). <---
**(c) BERTRAND (-after [980/85]).
*** (1)(2)(3).. . . . .

*ii) ETIENNE (-[969/70]).
*iii) EUSTORGE [V]

Have done. Let me know when you're finished.

working on the knot,
there are some very old unsourced MPs that don't quite match

*Arnaud I d'Auvergne, seigneur of Auvergne
**...= Eldearde de Mercoeur

let's see if the admin (C) is notified and helps identify traces / sources



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