Added this note to her profile & detached from wrong parents:
Lydia Larkin 2nd wife of Edward Larkin, of Rhode Island was not the daughter of Edward Wilcox, of Rhode Island & Susanna Wilcox
Lydia Larkin 2nd wife of Edward Larkin, of Rhode Island was not the daughter of Edward Wilcox, of Rhode Island & Susanna Wilcox
I see a speculative origin for Lydia here:
”Although purely speculative, there is the possibility that Lydia might be a Wilcox. The association of a much older man, Edward Larkin, with Stephen Wilcox, b. 1634, and the naming of a son Stephen might indicate a relationship. The given names of the children of Daniel Wilcox (b. 1632): Sarah, Stephen, John, Edward, and Thomas, appear also in the family of Edward1 Larkin.”
Thank you for calling attention.