Shows three wives
There is no biography for Elizabeth I don’t know which children belong to her. Do you?
I only have two children attached to Elizabeth: Littleberry Mosby II and Saran Mosby Cannon, as those are the only two branches I've worked on. However, Ancestry has the will of Littleberry Mosby I and lists the following:
#1 it states that these children are by his first wife but doesn't give her name:
Sarah Cannon, John Mosby, Littleberry Mosby II, Mary Hughes, Wade Mosby and Richard Mosby.
Since I know that Sarah and Littleberry are from Elizabeth, I'm assuming she was the referenced 1st wife and those others would be hers also.
#2 it lists this children without a reference to their mother; Betty Ann Carrington, Martha Nicholas and Judith M. Smith, Benjamin Mosby.
I'll attach a copy of the document I got the info from to the Media section for
Ancestry trees have the same 3 wives you referenced above, but I don't know which children are theirs since no mother is named for any of them in the will.
RIVERS, FLOURNOY. “SOME VIRGINIA MEMORANDA.” The American Historical Magazine 3, no. 4 (1898): 315–31. Page 323.
I attached page this crop of page 323 to Elizabeth’s children. Geni matches.
Col. Littleberry Mosby has his place of death at Front Hill, which should be Fort Hill. I tried to change it but it's locked.
RIVERS, FLOURNOY. “SOME VIRGINIA MEMORANDA.” The American Historical Magazine, vol. 3, no. 4, 1898, pp. 315–31. JSTOR, Accessed 23 Dec. 2022. Page
Sarah Tate is not listed as a child of John Netherland (died 1740) and his wife Sarah (Will written 1746):
Maybe she got her inheritance when she married or was purposely left out for reasons we don't know? That's her mother's will. Maybe she was included in her father's will. ?
My son Len and I, along with Cheryl Leigh Young (Tullier) all show as DNA relatives of John Netherland and his wife Sarah from the atDNA matches pulled over from FTDNA. I know that Cheryl is a Tate-Windham descendant, as Len and I are. Sadly, she passed away from covid earlier this year.
I’m sorry for your loss.
Read the whole article at
You’re too far back to be certain of where AT DNA would specifically come from, especially in an intertwined tree like yours.
And look for Tate studies.
Well, we'll have to agree to disagree on that because John Netherland and his wife Sarah are my 6th great-grandparents. Ancestry uses atDNA to confirm through the 5th grandparents in their ThruLines, and I was told Geni just doesn't guarantee beyond the 7th generation. Gedmatch also uses atDNA to to the 7th generation on their estimated MRCA (most recent common ancestor). So Geni being able to confirm matches using the atDNA from FTDNA isn't at all unrealistic and so far when I've checked under the DNA tab, they almost always show exactly the same relationship to me that I have in my tree, if I"m one of the few they chose to list. And then when my son also shows up and other known cousins of mine, it all indicates a definite DNA connection.
I 've checked on Geni many times to see if I'm an atDNA match to the 7th generation on quite a few of the profiles I do have quite a number of intertwined lines but those are usually much farther back before America, and to my knowledge my Netherland / Tate line doesn't intertwine with any others.
You had mentioned Sarah (Netherland) Tate not being in her mother's will. So it's the Netherland connection that I was talking about, not the Tate side. The Tate Y-DNA study wouldn't shed any light on a female Netherland's line.
I wish Ancestry took their atDNA matches in ThruLines at least one generation farther back. I can only check as far as Henry Tate and Sarah Netherland in my ThruLines on that branch of my tree. I have 65 confirmed cousin matches who share them with me as direct ancestors just on Ancestry. Unfortunately, because that's where Ancestry cuts off, ThruLines doesn't show how many matches I have to Sarah's parents, BUT since they give us cousin matches who are considered distant, I do have 5th-8th cousins I share those lines with. I have DNA matches with descendants of Sarah (Netherland) Tate's sister Mary Ann (Netherland) Maxey. Of course, there may be others, as I haven't worked on all my Netherland cousin lines on any of the sites. So I just entered a search on Ancestry to see how many cousin matches I have who have Netherland in their trees and there are a few dozen of them, if I ever get around to working on all them.