Gengis Khan's forgotten descendant?

Started by Private User on Monday, January 2, 2023
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About Forgotten Gengis Khan's descendant

I checked some information about family Kerdiej (Kierdei) from Poland and GDL and found that there is some person who is totally not researched and this is ancestor of family Kierdei. "Filius Takieruizij Perecopscen. Ducis":
One Ukrainian researcher long time ago tried to review this person but i think that it was done very superficially, but anyway she gave some important things to understand more about this person. With researcher's book you can make acquaintance here:

From information from this book we can see that this "Perecopscen" Duchy was under Gengi'zids Orda and if in details under Jochi'ds (Джучи'дс) Jochi, Khan of the Ulus of Jochi

And there must manage Jochi'ds (not any Bey) the same researcher wrote that level of this family Kierdei was the same like Rurikids or Gediminowicz and this means that this had to be only person from a ruling dynasty- so not any bey, not just simple duke and so on but Gengis Khan's Genghis Khan of the Mongol Empire grandchild, just noone even not tried to research this.

By me this can be few variants (of course this is just example)

Uz-Timur Borjigin dynasty
Tukuz Borjigin dynasty

P.s.My version confirms the fact that we can see here which rulers ruled the same territory and what was their status and lineage:
P.s.2 and one more argument for my theory- this is child names:
Takieruiz's grandchild with name "Jochi (Джучи)" as researchers and genealogists know that name this is family part of traditions (the same like surname)

Now ask yourself - or can there be such coincidences?

Hope there is more bigger experts like i'm and can tell us more.

On FamilySearch there is a Romanian man named "Thocomerius" who is put in as the son of Batu Khan, which would make him the great-grandchild of Genghis Khan.

P.s. Maybe i'm a little wrongly explained about this Gengis Khan's descendant- he was not "Forgotten" but in this situation more suitable to say "Unrecognized"

And Yes i know about Thocomerius. And i thought about him too. Khan Tihomir (Tukh-Timur)

Maybe anyone can review who was rulers of Perekopsk (Perecopsc) and by this we can understand who is who.

Interesting theory. There's Kyerday / Kierday family tree on GENI:

Please take a look at the "About" information:

...Wedle innych podań, ów Kierdej miał być pochodzenia tatarskiego, a odznaczywszy się w licznych bojach w Polsce i we Francyi, uzyskał jakoby od króla francuskiego herb potwierdzony, następnie przez króla Ludwika...


Tomas, what was the Latin language source of the text that you found? Orbis Polonus By Szymon Okolski 1641? I placed that page into the profile "Sources":

Yes, Perfect. Thanks
About my theory i got an answer from Ukrainian professor of History who all life working with Gengis Khan's legacy.
So he explained situation about this "Perecopscen. Ducis":
"Никакого "Перекопского" герцогства не было. Было Крымское ханство, которое в канцеляриях Польск. королевства и ВКЛ называли Перекопским, а его правителя - перекопским царем. Но это название ханства (по моим наблюдениям) сложилось не ранее конца 15 в. Само собой, что его возглавлял Чингизид, потомок одного из сыновей Джучи по имени Тука-Тимур."
So Kierdei was Gengisids and if details Jochids for sure, just now need to find who will check, verify information and who could give an expert opinion(appreciation).

Hope anyone there can help me with this!?

For now I think version of tree is correct. Walachia was under a Blue Horde at these times.

You could translate it from Russian wiki:

Известный британский криптоисторик и специалист по генеалогии и культурологии Лоренс Гарднер в своей книге прямо указывает на то, что Бессараб – правнук Чингиз-хана, отожествляя Тохтамира с Тохтамиром, сыном Кукджу, сына Беркечара, сына Джучи, сына Чингиз-хана.

Hi, yes i knew this. Just at this time we talked about other line of Gengisids.

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