Andrey, Kobyla - Please add information to support any changes in medieval profiles

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I see that changes were made (parent was disconnected, merge with a duplicate without additional information was performed) in Andrey Kobyla's profile by:

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Dear Viktorija,

Primo, mea culpa, by NO MEANS it was an intended step, but a pure mismanipulation due to my lack of experience here. I know that Henn Sarv intervened, and I also wrote to @Erica Howton asking for help. Basically what I wanted to do, was:
a) to remove the wrong title from Andrey Kobyla (my 19th great-grand-father), as of course he was a boyar and not a "great boyar", such title has never existed,
b) to remove his pretended father (which is a hypothesis that most historians disregard for more than 2 centuries now; it is true though that SOME genealogists still do follow that, but the vast majority of the historians do not; and also his "Ivanovitch" is questioned and most authors prefer either to put both versions (Ivanovitch/Alexandrovitch) or none. Personally I always prefer to refer to historically proved facts and mention different hypotheses when any, in the relevant field rather than including contested or purely legendary persons,
c) to remove his wife (despite of 30+ years in geneal. research I've never seen any mention of Kobyla's wife).
I could successfully do the items a) and b), but when trying to disconnect Olga from her supposed husband, I made kind of stupid mismanipulation and did the opposite, disconnecting Andrey Kobyla from his 5 children! That has been solved since, but the issue of Olga remains. I strongly believe that for inclusion or not of persons on Geni we should stick to:
- archives' documents (when it concerns our ancestors...),
- historically most accepted vision (but being ready to change things when new documents are found),
and avoid partisan opinions and marginal hypotheses that some fanatics try to promote.
That's precisely why I wrote to you some 5 weeks ago asking to unblock Pce Ivan Korotopol as you're the curator, because he was shown as father of wrong 2 persons (yes, conform to the official Russian State Rodoslovets, BUT it's now 170 years that it is well known that it's a mistake), but you didn't react (another curator made the asked change). And similarly I had to add 4 lacking children of the Prince St. Daniel of Moscow and obtain that 2 of his fake "daughters" be removed (now everything is fine). Once again, what I am trying to do is to make the Geni tree as close as possible to the current state of historical research, and if I intervene sometimes on different Russian families, it's simply because my knowledge of the matter is "slightly" above the average. But yes sometimes I lack experience in technical aspects of the website and I am sorry for that.

Kindest regards,

Википедия и другие сайты в интернете не являться достоверным источниками!
Источниками могут являться: архивные документы и научные статьи, книги!
Пришлите мне "Ростовский синодик", который ставит под сомнение имя отца Андрея Кобылы! Оставьте голословные утверждения! "Бархатная Книга" изданная в Москве в1787 году под редакцией Новикова представляет лишь краткий обзор собрания древних родословных документов, хранящихся на сейфовом хранении в Российском Государственном Историческом Архиве (РГИА)! Если Лео Головин их не видел, то это не значит, что их не существует!

Wikipedia and other sites on the Internet are not reliable sources!
Sources can be: archival documents and scientific articles, books!
Send me the "Rostov Synodic", which casts doubt on the name of Andrei Kobyl's father! Leave unsubstantiated statements! "The Velvet Book, published in Moscow in 1787 under the editorship of Novikov, presents only a brief overview of the collection of ancient genealogical documents stored in safe storage in the Russian State Historical Archive (RGIA)! If Leo Golovin has not seen them, it does not mean that they do not exist!

Начал некорректно отсоединять родителей и жену, и случайно поломал родословное древо!
Объяснение на уровне детского сада! Захотел и отсоединил не спросив мнение менеджеров и кураторов этих профилей!
I started to disconnect my parents and wife incorrectly, and accidentally broke the family tree!
Explanation at the kindergarten level! I wanted to and disconnected without asking the opinion of the managers and curators of these profiles!

Я вовсе не ссылался нигде в данном вопросе на Бархатную книгу, а ссылался на различные росписи, поданные в 1680-ых в Палату родословных дел, в данном случае, роспись "моих" Неплюевых, но то же касается Шереметевых, Колычёвых, Сухово-Кобылиных и проч., около 10 родов. РГАДА ф.286, ф. 394 и ф. 210, разумеется. Все эти росписи а) Кобылу (иногда Кабылу, так у Лодыгиных и у Кокоревых) ставят как Андрея Ивановича, я это прекрасно знаю, НО: подавались росписи более чем 340 лет спустя после Кобылы, и ошибок в них хватает, что общеизвестно, поэтому версия Конева - несмотря на то, что и она тоже относится к XVII веку, хотя и на 50 лет раньше, точнее, единственный список! - имеет вполне право на существование... Тем более, что единственное прижизненное упоминание о Кобыле говорит просто об Андрее, без отчества... б) про какого-либо отца Кобылы не говорят ни слова и в) никакой жены для Кобылы не приводят.
Я именно потому прошу убрать эту "Ольгу Ивановну", ибо никогда пока ещё на неё нигде не натыкался - или же прошу указать какой-либо источник.

"Объяснение на уровне детского сада!" - я написал, что реально произошло. Я не считаю корректным вести дискуссию в таком тоне.

Про Ольгу Ивановну вопрос открытый, но такая постановка вопроса не уместна:
"Я именно потому прошу убрать эту "Ольгу Ивановну", ибо никогда пока ещё на неё нигде не натыкался"! Раз Лео Головин "на неё не натыкался" надо удалить!
Лео! Вы в своей жизни ещё много на кого "не натыкались"! Всех удалять?

Про Ольгу Львовну, думаю, надо у Андрея Николаевича Красильникова спросить, так как он её отца добавил в родословное древо в 2020 году! Удалять Ольгу надо вместе с её отцом!

I think we should ask Andrey Nikolaevich Krasilnikov about Olga Lvovna, since he added her father to the family tree in 2020! Olga should be removed together with her father!

1993 год, Конев С.В., Ростовский Соборный Синодик по Рукописи 1636-1643 годов, на последнем листе запись 1706 год, храниться в Москве в РГБ.
Поминания бояр и других лиц XIV-XVI веков.
Лист 69 третий абзац: "Андрею Александровичу Кобыле и сыну его Фёдору и жене его Марiе, Фёдору и Ивану, Александру, Михаилу Фёдоровичам вечная память." //

Бумага рукописи датируется 1636-1640 годами (когда многочисленные Кобылины были помещиками и вотчинниками Ростовского уезда)!
На листе 88 об. скорописью имеется запись: "Сия книга Ростовской Соборной церкви дьячка Климки".

По результатам моего теста Y-DNA R-M198, R1a1a (Балто-Славянский субклад) мой общий предок по прямой мужской линии с Семёном Фёдоровичем Кобылиным, выехавшим из Литвы в 14 веке, и с Шереметевыми (потомками Андрея Кобылы) жил в 10 веке в регионе: Литва-Белоруссия-Польша-Пруссия!

Продолжая начатое Александром Евгеньевичем цитирование статьи Конева из журнала "Историческая генеалогия", следует отметить вывод последнего на с. 98: "Впервые нам становится известным историческое, а не легендарное отчество [...] Андрея Александровича Кобылы".
К слову, в том же синодике жена Фёдора Андреевича названа Марией, а не Анастасией.
Если за прошедшие тридцать лет в научной литературе не было никаких иных публикаций на эту тему, советую отразить наблюдения Конева на geni.

Андрей Николаевич! Поздравляю Вас с Новым Годом и Рождеством!
Считаю, что это личное мнение Конева, основанное на поминальной записи, сделанной в поминальной записи Ростовским церковным дьячком Климкой в середине 17 века!
А откуда Климка это взял и тот ли это Андрей Кобыла? Вместе с тем, отец Андрея был крещён Иваном, а перед смертью мог принять монашеский постриг и сменить имя, а Фёдор мог быть женат вторым браком! Обращаю Ваше внимание, что Конев пишет, что в синодике фигурируют представители известных фамилий: Морозовы, Кобылины и другие!
А в скорописи того времени фамилия Кобылин, могла быть ошибочно прочитана, как Кобыла! Оригинал рукописи храниться в Москве в РГБ!

А я прошу не делать поспешных выводов! Рукопись содержит в оригинале 88 листов с оборотами и в статье Конева приведена не полностью! Необходимо видеть 69-ый лист рукописи в оригинале!
Более того, ссылаться на поминальную запись Ростовского церковного дьячка Климки, сделанную в середине 17-го века, как на достоверный исторический источник не серьёзно!

"Лео! Вы в своей жизни ещё много на кого "не натыкались"! Всех удалять?" // Вероятно, я Вас немного удивлю, но я безо всяких комплексов на этот провокативный вопрос отвечу ДА. Коль скоро мы говорим не о Верхней Силезии или об Уругвае, в которых я совершенно ничего не смыслю и не компетентен, а о РУССКОЙ ГЕНЕАЛОГИИ, и говорим о каком-либо из столбовых родов, то да, безусловно, если человек, проведший над ними 30 лет не видел какого-либо лица, то банально с точки зрения теории вероятности, на 99% это лицо выдумано (свежие примеры - некая Феодора, дочь Св. Даниила Московского; некая дочь его же с комично монгольским именем, которую одна дама-англичанка взяла в одной книге 1860-ых годов, жена Беклемиша, родоначальника кн. Мещерских, якобы кнж. Стародубская - источник: РОМАН (!!), опубликованный одним из авторов-эмигрантов, и проч.). Мы ведь все тут хотим максимально научного подхода, и опираться на архивные документы.
Подавляющее большинство новой информации, что поднимается, касается XVII века и последующих, нпрм., многие ДМЛ не разобраны и не сканированы в РГАДА до сих пор, и подавляющее большинство даже того, что отсканировано, в научный оборот не введено, а просто потомки это кусками выбирают. Но в том, что касается периода до 1600, КРАЙНЕ МАЛО новой информации появляется, а про очень многих (с точки зрения русской генеалогии фундаментальных) лиц вообще исторической информации крайне мало - даже если мы говорим о Бяконте, о Радше, о том же Кобыле, да и обо многих очень второстепенных Рюриковичах, если СТРОГО отсеять домыслы и поздние теории, остаётся в сухом остатке строго научной и доказанной информации с гулькин нос. И, само собой, я вовсе не авторитет в области средневековой истории, но с точки зрения сугубо теории вероятности, если я никогда не видел какого-то лица, то чаще всего это означает, что его либо не было, либо что кто-то спутал, такое тоже бывает, и со мной тоже.
Но раз на Geni заявлена попытка составить единое древо, мне кажется, крайне важно ОТДЕЛЬНО ставить а) исторически доказанных лиц, б) легендарных, традиционных лиц, ПРОТИВ КОТОРЫХ НИЧЕГО НЕТ (тот же Рюрик, нпрм.), в) легендарных явно изобретённых лиц (тут - 95% легенд о выездах, нпрм., родоначальник моих Кожиных, якобы Фаренсбах, которого ни в одном родословии с западной стороны нет, или родоначальник моих Грязновых, якобы сын одного венецианского дожа, про которого с итальянской стороны чётко говорится, что детей у него не было, и т.д.).
Сорри за "много букв", но тут принципиальный важный вопрос. И мне кажется, мы можем пытаться сформулировать сообща некий круг основных принципов (пример: роман, сколь угодно хорошо написанный, не может служить источником; книги типа Долгорукова, Руммеля или Петрова могут только до доказательства чего-то иного; и то же касается даже “официальных” источников типа Гос. Родословца и Бархатной Книги, где немало фейков и ошибок; что всегда источником должен служить архивный и современный для соотв. лиц документ, а если используется иное (нпрм., росписи 1680-ых), для лиц, которые упомянуты ТОЛЬКО в таких документах, должна обязательно делаться соотв. оговорка, что их существование не доказано. И безо всяких авторитетов и традицией освящённой полуправды. Даже Рюрик – не доказано, что существовал. И по 2-5 первых лиц в любой росписи чаще всего легендарны, т.е. их ставить на Geni можно, но а) с оговоркой обязательно, и б) до доказательств обратного. Иначе мы путаем науку и беллетристику. Именно поэтому, нпрм., у моих Кисловских я убрал те звенья, которые идут с того момента, который ещё Веселовский в 1960-ые опроверг (уж очень им хотелось к Рюриковичам приписаться). Поэтому я сам ставлю то, что происходит из росписей самих родов, но всегда оговариваюсь в "сведениях" на Geni, когда о той или иной личности известно ТОЛЬКО из росписи ; и если кто-либо из учёных подверг критике те или иные моменты, тоже пишу об этом. А в своём вордовском файле подобные личности у меня выделены специально жирным красным вопросит. знаком, чтобы чётко показать, что, скорее всего, они легендарны.

"Про Ольгу Львовну, думаю, надо у Андрея Николаевича Красильникова спросить, так как он её отца добавил в родословное древо в 2020 году! Удалять Ольгу надо вместе с её отцом!" // Ok, будем обсуждать. Как я уже неоднократно говорил, я всегда счастлив, добавляя нового предка в свои файлы - но при условии, что он доказан, а не происходит непонятно откуда.
Я вижу, что её добавил "Youri G. B. Bougartchev" - я напишу ему, спрашивая, ОТКУДА он почерпал такую информацию. Мы говорим не абы о ком, а об Андрее Кобыле, всё-таки для нас всех крайне важном персонаже; откуда информация о его жене?!

"Бумага рукописи датируется 1636-1640 годами" /// да-да, и я об этом как раз писал вчера. Что И росписи 1680-ых, И то, что Конев обозвал "Ростовским синодиком", датируется XVII веком, а не XIII/XIV, и все эти тексты по построению подозрительны. Я склонен считать Кобылу ИВАНОВИЧЕМ (почему? Да потому что более 12 родов именно о том писали в своих росписях, не сговорившись - т.е. тут больше "свидетелей"), но при этом не могу и отбросить версию АЛЕКСАНДРОВИЧА (тем более, что у Кобылы было пятеро детей, из них Ивана ни одного, а вот Александр Ёлка был как раз, и более логично представить себе, что дед был Александром скорее). И поэтому, зная, что в СОВРЕМЕННОМ документе Андрей Кобыла фигурирует вообще без отчества, я бы на Geni не ставил никакого, а в Сведениях просто объяснил, что сущ. две версии, и обе XVII века.

И последнее, раз мы обсуждаем всё, что связано с Кобылой.
Сейчас на Geni его дети стоят как Кобылины.
Я констатирую, что:
а) ни в одном из документов, ни в одной из росписей потомков Кобылы, в частности, я никогда не видел КОБЫЛИНЫХ (были - Сухово-Кобылины). Если совсем точно, единств. кто о них говорит - как раз роспись Сухово-Кобылиных, но они и Кобылу назвали Кобылиным (а остальные 10 с чем-то росписей потомков Кобылы ВСЕ называют его Андреем Ивановичем Кобылой/Кабылой).
б) те Кобылины, которые известны с XVII и XVI века (два рода), может, и связаны с Кобылой, НО ни до 1680-ых, ни позже при создании родословных книг после 1785, их претензии на это не были признаны (это, правда, ничего не значит, ибо очень часто Правит. Сенат исторически просто ошибался, и я могу кучу примеров привести о том, в частности, в том, что касается потомков татарских мурз, там вообще очень много несправедливости, и то же касается многих родов, которые скатились в однодворчество, и которым не удалось позже доказать свою связь со служилыми предками - которая СЕГОДНЯ историкам во многих случаях известна как раз -, и выслуживать дворянство вновь, хотя и по несколько облегчённой процедуре).
Я не трогаю не своих предков обычно, и поэтому только у своего 18 раз прадеда Александра Ёлки убрал фамилию; Александр Евгеньевич со мной не согласился и восстановил её.
Отсюда мой простейший вопрос: НА ЧТО ЭТО ОПИРАЕТСЯ? Прошу привести ссылку на любой документ, где бы кто-либо из детей Кобылы стоял как Кобылин. Я могу ошибаться, само собой, но мне кажется, что тут тот же случай, что с Акинфовыми (детьми и ближ. потомкам Акинфа Великого), которые, скорее всего, фамилий не носили (а те Акинфовы, что возникли позже, вообще другой род).
Когда я смотрю на конкретно своих предков, я вижу, что в эпоху, о которой идёт речь, крайне мало родов уже имели фамилии (конкретно, в поколении моих 18 раз пра могу привести только Тютчевых, кн. Мещерских и Мельницких). А Барыковы, Наумовы, Замыцкие, Карандеевы, Карачаровы, Ермоловы, Карандеевы, Беклемишевы, Левашовы - все возникли на 2, 3, 4 поколения позже, а ведь это среди самых старых русских фамилий. Поэтому я предлагаю у детей Андрея Кобылы убрать фамилию - разве что я ошибаюсь, и Александр Евгеньевич может указать на какой-либо современный им источник, где они стоят с фамилией уже.

"Вместе с тем, отец Андрея был крещён Иваном, а перед смертью мог принять монашеский постриг и сменить имя, а Фёдор мог быть женат вторым браком! Обращаю Ваше внимание, что Конев пишет, что в синодике фигурируют представители известных фамилий: Морозовы, Кобылины и другие!
А в скорописи того времени фамилия Кобылин, могла быть ошибочно прочитана, как Кобыла! Оригинал рукописи храниться в Москве в РГБ!" - да, это тоже возможно.
Я ещё месяц назад безуспешно искал саму статью 1995-го, ни у кого нет. На неё все ссылаются, но её текста я не нашёл пока (а он меня интересует и по другим причинам, по разным Рюриковичам). Если у кого-то есть, буду признателен.

Статью я Вам пришлю, но считаю необходимым добыть в РГБ скан 69 лита оригинала рукописи! А лучше отсканировать весь оригинальный текст и полностью его опубликовать!

Historians have freedom of interpretation, History is an art of interpretation. Genealogy is a science. We follow (and include into profiles) written sources as they exist. If we dismiss all sources that Historians are arguing about or are doubting based on their theories of the past 2 centuries, we will not have genealogy prior to 1600. If we include profiles built per existing written sources, we give an opportunity and place for researchers to add documents. Based on the oldest written sources the ancestor of the Romanov (Kambila) Dynasty came to Russian lands from Prussia. If we have these Kambila ancestors' profiles in the GENI tree, we give an opportunity to search for matches in German language sources. Today only DNA research can dismiss what's written in old sources.
Leo, I understand that you found the relationship line to Romanov tree and now you feel that your interpretation should outway the opinions of others. But we may find more than a million people today, who are also descendants of that same ancestor. We can't satisfy everyone's personal opinion in one tree.
I'm going to restore the disconnected profiles and will protect this tree from future vandalism. If anyone finds reliable documents, please send them to me or other Geni Curators who are taking care of Medieval profiles, and these documents will be added to corresponding profiles.
Please add into the "About" section within the profiles all useful sources of information on this matter: works by historians, links to websites where information can be found, books with ISBN numbers, and titles and authors of articles...

One more note:
Please do not put nicknames, names, surnames, or titles into the "Suffix" window.
Here are GENI profile naming conventions are explained for Russian language profiles:

Leo, you are correct on the issue of surnames: during the period we have here, people did not have surnames. Nevertheless, historians centuries later mention them assigning family names. Most today known dynasties are named only in the 19th century and later, nevertheless, we know historical persons by their dynastic names even if they lived during the times when these dynastic names didn't exist. Sometimes historical persons are known to us (and multiple books are written about them) with names-nicknames, that were never mentioned during their lifetime. Here in GENI we try to include all versions of names. During the era when there were no surnames but patronyms were used - we can put patronyms into the Surname window. Also "of Moscow", "of Kyiv" can be used instead of a surname, if we know the location where the person came from, where she/he was born, where he ruled, where he owned lands. All this will help avoid confusion and prevent bad merges between profiles with similar names. There are multiple works written by historians where biographies of two or even three persons with the same first name are combined into one, and there are works by more recent historians trying to separate facts from these merged storylines. GENI naming system is modern, it gives the opportunity to include all possible variants of information, it helps to untangle and resolve conflicting information, and it serves as a helping tool for today's historians and genealogy researchers to solve mysteries of the past. I'm sure that we will see in future new theories about the roots of the Romanov dynasty based on DNA and maybe even uncovered old manuscripts.
Alexander Eliseev in the message to me mentioned that he saw an article, where the DNA of Romanov descendants was analyzed and the version of the Prussian (or Lithuanian) origin was doubted. Let's wait and see what DNA research can resolve, then we will make changes per those available resources, and we will include those articles in the profiles of this tree.

Dear Viktorija,

"Genealogy is a science. We follow (and include into profiles) written sources as they exist" : I definitely agree. But in this case I would like you to provide us with any written source about the pretended "father" of Andrey Kobyla whom you added back ("duke Glanda-Kambila Ivan Divonovich of Prussia"). As far as I know, his existence is a theory by Kolychev, that was dismissed already 2 centuries ago. (YES I am aware about further research by Savelov and Arsentiev published in 1930s, but it's clearly a very isolated opinion). For me clearly:
- no scientifically irreproachable source say anything to us about the FATHER of Andrey Kobyla,
- he was RATHER Ivanovitch (a dozen of sources in 1686-1688) but could also have been Alexandrovitch (ONE source in 1635-1640). All of these sources are 3 centuries later than the relevant person, i.e. are all questionable!
That's why I believe we shouldn't put ANY father for him in the tree, but add the different versions in the text field as we always should do when different hypotheses exist.
Once again: we speak about a person that in the contemporary sources was mentioned only ONCE and with no patronyme. I.e. we can be sure the boyar Andrey Kobyla did exist (contrary to most theoretic family founders in the Russian nobility), BUT we know strictly nothing about his father. Therefore I do not see why you chose to follow just ONE theory about this Glanda-Kambila.

"Based on the oldest written sources the ancestor of the Romanov (Kambila) Dynasty came to Russian lands from Prussia. If we have these Kambila ancestors' profiles in the GENI tree, we give an opportunity to search for matches in German language sources. Today only DNA research can dismiss what's written in old sources".

Not really. For instance, several genealogical documents used for centuries in the Russian genealogy were proved to have been falsification (best example: all documents mentioning Kazan expedition 1544, Swedish expedition 1549 and Polotsk expedition 1551, and maybe also Kolyvan expedition 1540) and that helped tremendously to eliminate many wrong genealogical pieces of information, falsification that appeared about 1650/1660. By coincidence my cousin is one of the Russian main "источниковедение" specialists, and precisely their work consists of allowing to put the dots on the i where needed. Very fortunately DNA is not the only way to establish truth: this analysis is very useful indeed to PROVE things sometimes, but it is useless when needed to assert the reliability of some documents, but here some specialists help indeed. For instance the very important manuscript quoted by Alexander above was dated 1635-1640 thanks to the paper and watermarks, and that's why I agree with Alexander, we must be suspicious about its indications (that were put down more than 3 centuries after Kobyla!). But the same with what you mention about Glanda Kambila as "oldest written sources", it refers in fact about a publication by Stepan Kolychev in 1722 (!!!), 4 centuries after Kobyla. We definitely can't use it as 100% reliable source.

"Leo, I understand that you found the relationship line to Romanov tree and now you feel that your interpretation should outway the opinions of others. But we may find more than a million people today, who are also descendants of that same ancestor. We can't satisfy everyone's personal opinion in one tree" : something is wrong here; I have no relationship to Romanovs very happily (even if I have indeed several common ancestors) and by no means I would say anywhere that my personal opinion would count here. My only goal is to fight against fakes, and I insist that we separate very strictly between ESTABLISHED SCIENTIFIC FACTS and THEORIES/HYPOTHESES. And when we are obliged to choose a theory, it should at least be the more commonly accepted theory. As of today, there is definitely NO majority opinion as for the identification of the father of Andrey Kobyla; AND there is no any mention about his wife in the Russian historiography. That's why I wrote that his pretended "father" should be removed, as well as his "wife". Such information should be put in the relevant field of the profile.

"I'm going to restore the disconnected profiles and will protect this tree from future vandalism" : I do not think that to remove fake relationships, clean up the family tree and ensure that only valid historical information be put online on Geni should be called "vandalism".

Kindest regards,

"Here are GENI profile naming conventions are explained for Russian language profiles:; : that's definitely very interesting, thank you! I wanted precisely to see wgat the most accepted/recommended rules are.
Nevertheless I do not see the following information:
- as for surnames (some of which later gave birth to family names), WHERE (in which field) should we put them?
- if it's in the "name" field (what I tended to use, but then more experienced members told me to use suffix instead...), whether it should be with "XYZ" (what I tended to do, but here again, I was asked by more experienced members not to do, whereas I felt I had to use them in order to separate graphically the FIRST NAMES from the NICKNAMES...
- as for cases where a pagan and a Christian surnames exist (which was the case for many many Rurikids, and is also the case for some 50 of my ancestors, like Pavel/Volk, Bogdan/Bulgak, Ivan/Lump...). I tended to put them like that, Ivan/Lump, but some more experienced members suggested paretheses should be used.
The reference doc. mentioned above doesn't really answer that.

Putting the word Кобыла in quotation marks is a malicious violation of the Rules of Russian spelling. Unfortunately, I can't correct this illiteracy.

Leo: often a person is mentioned only once in a written source - this is enough reason to create a profile, sometimes a person is never mentioned in written sources and we only know his name from the descendant's patronym - this is also enough reason to create a profile. When we have pre-medieval times, often we know about a certain person from legends, sagas, songs, or poems - we create profiles based on this available information, and once a more reliable written document is available, we correct the information, and when DNA research is done - we adjust family tree based on that. By creating a profile, we create a place where information, documents, and images will be added. If we remove the father - this means we know with 100% certainty that this existing document source is incorrect.

But do we know it with 100% certainty? I say: let's include available information, let's leave a place for information to be added, let's have a discussion, and let's have an opportunity to review all available versions of historical interpretations.

"during the period we have here, people did not have surnames"

I would be slightly more specific here: MOST Russians did not have family names, but SOME had already (among my direct ancestors, three cases only for the same century: Tiutschev, Melnitski and pces Mescherski).
For most noble families names appeared in XV-XVI centuries, but some already had family names in XIVth.

"Nevertheless, historians centuries later mention them assigning family names" : I mentioned above 3 cases:
- Akinfov,
- Kobylin,
- Salkhomirov.
I believe that to put them on Geni could be misleading/confusing, and that we shouldn't. In the Russian historiography the use clearly is only to use names when CONTEMPORARY sources exist. And very clearly, the only cases where I could see such "assigned" names were by dilettante authors, never by professional historians. If you read any modern book by Pchelov, Korzinin, Antonov or Savosichev, you would never find any invented name, I am very positive about that.

"Most today known dynasties are named only in the 19th century and later, nevertheless, we know historical persons by their dynastic names even if they lived during the times when these dynastic names didn't exist. Sometimes historical persons are known to us (and multiple books are written about them) with names-nicknames, that were never mentioned during their lifetime".

YES, true.
I certainly don't think we should mention any such information on the "same" level with factual information. For instance, Ivan Vassilievich who is called "the Terrible" (in 1768, i.e. 2 centuries after his life!) and whom we call today Ivan IV Vassilievich, in fact was just Ivan Vassilievich and nothing else (and in fact what many do not know, the numeration initially was precisely since him as the first Russian tsar, and much later it was decided to re-numerotate them from Ivan Kalita which is improper as he was just prince of Moscow...). So theoretically speaking we should be accurate and mention such nicknames and later attributions mentioning precisely when such appeared, in order to avoid any anachronism.
(BTW being French, I see here a clear difference between French and Russian historiographies, and I strongly believe that more precision and strictness wouldn't harm the Russian genealogy).

"Here in GENI we try to include all versions of names. During the era when there were no surnames but patronyms were used - we can put patronyms into the Surname window. Also "of Moscow", "of Kyiv" can be used instead of a surname, if we know the location where the person came from, where she/he was born, where he ruled, where he owned lands. All this will help avoid confusion and prevent bad merges between profiles with similar names".

YES, that's good, BUT: there is a classical problem concerning the lestvitsa system in the Russian principalities during some 3 centuries. I mean, in France or UK or Germany it's easy, and the Prince of XYZ was basically the eldest son of the previous Prince of XYZ, and we can indeed consider XYZ as not only name of the main possession/fief but also as family name. Typically Charles-Maurice, Prince de Talleyrand-Périgord, was from the family that owned Talleyrand-Périgord, but most people today will consider that his family name was Talleyrand, and in France it's Ok. But in Russia it creates a lot of problems as you know, as some of Rurikids had had up to 6 titles over their life, Vladimir, Tchernigov, Bryansk, Kiev, Tver, whatever. And basically we are obliged I'm afraid to treat that like FUNCTIONS rather than NAMES; in some cases it only became names later, when they could pass the titles to their children but there were no more independent States like that. That's how all the different Rostovki princes appeared (Ласкины-Ростовские, Лобановы-Ростовские, Касаткины-Ростовские, Приимковы-Ростовские, Пужбольские-Ростовские, etc.).
In addition to this difficulty, we have the issue with children of reigning princes who didn't reign themselves, girls like boys; the Western tradition of course considers the fief as the family name, hence "princess Anastasia of Riazan", but in the Russian historiography it's more complicated because the tradition is to attribute such titles only to those who effectively reigned, until the real unification of the Russian principalities and the conversion of all these names into family names. That's why I'm afraid we have no choice and we must follow different rules for different times: when "of Novogorod", "of Riazan", etc. were just temporary functions (until the older brothers die and everybody rotate again), we shouldn't put it in the "family name" Geni field.

"I'm sure that we will see in future new theories about the roots of the Romanov dynasty based on DNA and maybe even uncovered old manuscripts" : yes, maybe. Personally I am not interested at all, for me it's not an interesting topic and this dynasty anyway disappeared 261 years ago; but yes some people are interested in that and that's nice.
"Alexander Eliseev in the message to me mentioned that he saw an article, where the DNA of Romanov descendants was analyzed and the version of the Prussian (or Lithuanian) origin was doubted" : I think he necessarily spoke about Sheremetev for instance, or other descendants of Andrey Kobyla and who indeed share with Romanovs the same genetic heritage. But as for Romanovs themselves, there are no more such since end 1761 and it's impossible to analyse any DNA unless we unbury people.

"Let's wait and see what DNA research can resolve, then we will make changes per those available resources, and we will include those articles in the profiles of this tree" : I agree that DNA research can help indeed in many cases; but as for Andrey Kobyla, it can only say where most probably were his ancestors. It won't give us unfortunately any information about his father, and contrary to the period post 1500 for which new information is found sometimes indeed (for instance, in the Russian archives many old documents, especially from XVIIth century, are still not-sorted and not-scanned...), I'm afraid we'll never see anything new about these XIII-XIV centuries we're speaking about. That's why we should, I think, stick to the strict historical truth and use only contemporary sources, and treat anything else as theories, and mention them as such.


Answers to Leo's questions:

- as for surnames (some of which later gave birth to family names), WHERE (in which field) should we put them?

Please use the "Last name" and "Birth Surname" windows. About the place for Russian patronyms, there's still an ongoing discussion among Curators. Some suggest putting patronyms into the "Middle Name" window, some suggest adding it after the name in the "First Name" window.

- if it's in the "name" field (what I tended to use, but then more experienced members told me to use suffix instead...), whether it should be with "XYZ" (what I tended to do, but here again, I was asked by more experienced members not to do, whereas I felt I had to use them in order to separate graphically the FIRST NAMES from the NICKNAMES...

Please use the "Suffix" window for such abbreviations as "junior", "senior", I, II, III... Also for monastic affiliations, academic titles, such as "Ph.D."... The nobility title should be put into the "Title" window. Often experienced GENI users repeat their mistakes, please refer to naming conventions, if you have doubts.

- as for cases where a pagan and a Christian surnames exist (which was the case for many many Rurikids, and is also the case for some 50 of my ancestors, like Pavel/Volk, Bogdan/Bulgak, Ivan/Lump...). I tended to put them like that, Ivan/Lump, but some more experienced members suggested paretheses should be used.

For Christian and Pagan names, you can use "First name" and "Middle name" windows. If you are using the "Middle name" window for Russian patronym, then Christian and Pagan names should be in the "First name" window. Separate names with a space, not a slash, like this: Pavel Volk, Bogdan Bulgak... If you see that after entering all names and titles in the correct places the order of names doesn't look right in the tree view, not like this person was known, then use the window "Display Name" and put all names and titles in the correct order., as that person is known. Using correct windows for entering data is important in order for the application to find matches, compare it to other profiles on GENI, to compare it with information from other sources.

Answer to Andrey's question:

Andrey: per your comment, I removed quotation marks from the word Кобыла. Typically nicknames are put into quotation marks, which shows other language speakers that this is not a Christian name, not a surname, not a family name. In the 13-14 centuries most great leaders and even their wives were known by their nicknames, often assigned to them by common folk or people in their surroundings. Nicknames often became the basis for the development of Family names, Surnames, and Dynastic names. In my opinion, when we have quotation marks, we show that in this case, this is a nickname, and when we remove quotation marks - we show that this is a family name. But if in the Russian language, this is a malicious violation, then maybe this rule is not applicable in the Russian language.

Фамилии начали появляться в первую очередь у знатных людей, поступивших на службу!
Это было связано с необходимостью закрепления поместных и денежных окладов, и развитием вотчинного землевладения! В Новгородских землях фамилии начали появляться еще раньше!

"Leo: often a person is mentioned only once in a written source - this is enough reason to create a profile" : if it's a contemporary source, YES! Andrey Kobyla is mentioned indeed (but only once). So I personally have abs. NO DOUBT as for his historicity, contrary to Rurik or Jesus Christ for instance, where doubt is permitted.
The problem I have is about:
- his pretended father,
- his pretended wife,
- the pretended name of his 5 children, who according to me most had no family names at all.

"When we have pre-medieval times, often we know about a certain person from legends, sagas, songs, or poems - we create profiles based on this available information, and once a more reliable written document is available, we correct the information, and when DNA research is done - we adjust family tree based on that. By creating a profile, we create a place where information, documents, and images will be added".

YES!!! BUT provided we mention in the About section that such person is probably legendary. For instance most Anglo-Saxon early kings, most Swedish/Viking kings are traditional, known from sagas but no evidence exists. I am absolutely Ok with them on Geni (contrary to Adam and Eve for instance), provided it's clearly mentioned that they are mentioned in this or that text and no historical proof exists.
For instance I entered today my Melnitski ancestors, mentioning very clearly about 6 of them that they are only known from the "rospis" of the family itself, which, like 100% of other rospis from 1686-1688, does include wrong or invented or erroneous information or false claims, etc. So as long as no contrary evidence exists, we can use such information and put it on Geni, but I believe we have to be very honest and mention the cases where no contemporary historical documents mention them.

"If we remove the father - this means we know with 100% certainty that this existing document source is incorrect.

But do we know it with 100% certainty?"

I'm sorry, I believe you make a logical mistake here. The onus of proof in historiography is on those who add new information. Otherwise we can't progress: just anyone will invent some BS and then would oblige professional historians to prove that it's wrong. It doesn't work like that.
This information by Durasov (published in the beginning of XXth) is in fact much older (1722, Stepan Kolychev), but is anyway MUCH MORE RECENT than Andrey Kobyla. More than 3 centuries of difference!
As mentioned above, I strongly believe that as about Kobyla, we have only very few facts:
- he did exist 100%,
- his surname was Andrey,
- he was a boyar,
- in 1347 he was sent to Tver to arrange the new marriage of his prince Simeon of Moscow.

And nothing else! Everything else are theories, hypotheses, imagination. His father: we know nothing about him (I tend to think he was Ivan, but some credible sources plead for Alexander as well...). His wife: no information (that's why I am not happy we see that Olga now on Geni). His children: we know they were 5 and we have their names and nicknames, but we have no information about any family name (and I think they had none, but what I believe has no relevance, the only important thing is: whether contemporary documents exist mentioning their family name; and the answer is NO. That's why I believe their "family name" should be removed, until a hypothetical discovery of a new document mentioning it).

"I say: let's include available information, let's leave a place for information to be added, let's have a discussion, and let's have an opportunity to review all available versions of historical interpretations" : the problem is that we have to be (I think) very strict as about the VALUE of the information. Different pieces of information are not of the same value. Some axioms, that's at least how I was taught history in France:
- contemporary documents have a very clear prevalence over later ones,
- official sources have prevalence on private ones,
- written sources have prevalence on oral depositions or mémoires, etc.
- before using a document, its coherence and veracity must be questioned (as false documents are plenty),
- when contradictory information exists and the level of the relevant documents is similar, the researcher can't choose himself which one to use but should mention both versions until the truth can be established, etc.,
- only archives documents or university research are among acceptable sources, everything else should be quoted as such, i.e. explaining the reasonable doubt one may have on the matter,
- when contradicting research has been published, the most recent should be privileged (for instance, I'm flabbergasted that in many cases Geni users put information taken from Pce Dolgoruky publications - 2nd half of XIX century - or Rummel, Semevski, Petrov, Lobanov-Rostovski and other similar books published before 1917, even in cases where MISTAKES have been found in the meantime).
I agree with your approach consisting to put available information (letting people free to complete, prove/reverse/rectify...), but provided we do not put all information at the same level...
Just an example: 2-3 years ago my oncle entered the names of the 15 children of my great great grand-father, among whom a little Mariamna (who died some months after her birth). We are about 50 persons who are descendants and we all know what was her name. And then someone (I think if was Trefilov) "corrected" putting Mariana. My oncle corrected back, and... this Geni user re-corrected, saying that he read somewhere what was her first name. I.e. he knows better than us. That's precisely why for MANY YEARS I resisted and didn't want to come on Geni despite of several invitations by many people who know my work on the Russian noble genealogy through the website I manage about. Precisely because I didn't want to have to argue with such people, and to spend too much time asking to remove fake persons, etc.
Whatever, I eventually came. And already obtained the removal of 5 fake profiles. And being extremely patient and obstinate, I shall continue to fight for precision and exactness, at least when it concerns my ancestors.
In the case we're speaking about, I simply ask:
- to remove ANY father from Andrey Kobyla (as the section "About" already mentions the different hypotheses),
- to remove the "wife" of Andrey Kobyla,
- and as for his 5 children, to remove their family names.

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