Вел. кн. Иван Александрович Рязанский - The currently shown father is not correct!

Started by Léo Golovine on Wednesday, January 11, 2023
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In fact we have now one generation lacking here.

All serious historical books that covered the Ryazan dynasty (the least known among Rurikids...), namely Ilovayski 1858, Durasov 1906, Pchelov 2018, give the following chain:
Ivan Alexandrovich // Alexander Mikhailovich // Mikhail Yaroslavich // Yaroslav Romanovich (and currently Geni shows Ivan Alexandrovich // Alexander Yaroslavich // Yaroslav Romanovich!).

I can't modify this myself despite of being among the managers of this profile, so I request that the curator Private User proceeds.

(until approx. 1850 there were indeed 2 versions of this tree, but this is not the case for more than 170 years now, and Geni can't reflect the state of the Russian historiography that was disregarded and overturned since by university research).

What is "funny", ALREADY NOW among the pictures that Alexander Eliseev attached to this profile, the CORRECT tree is shown (precisely the 1906 book by Durasov... Here are the numbers of these persons in Durasov book: Anastasia and Oleg under 1252, Ivan under 980, Alexander under 785, Mikhail under 638, Yaroslav under 542, etc.). SO ONE GENERATION IS LACKING. Please rectify it. The correct father of this prince is: Mikhail Yaroslavich, prince of Pronsk

Да! Я считаю Василия Дурасова одним из наиболее компетентных генеалогов конца 19 - начала 20 веков, поэтому опубликовал на сайте составленную им родословную схему Рязанских князей! К сожалению, я не имею технической возможности внести соответствующие исправления!

Только куратор может. Надеюсь, Private User найдёт вскорости время для этого.

Alexander, вы имеете в виду эту схему?

Мне система не позволяет увеличить этот рисунок, а в резолюции которая мне доступна - не возможно прочитать ни единого слова. Если у вас в компьютере еще сохранилась эта схема, пожалуйста пришлите мне ее на е-майл.

Да, это именно эта схема, из Дурасова. Но у Пчелова (ВЕКОМ ПОЗЖЕ) ровно та же. Уже с Иловайского (1858-ой) НЕЛЬЗЯ ставить старую, опровергнутую, версию. Правильный отец у кн. Ивана Александровича Пронского - Alexander Mikhailovich, prince of Pronsk

Т.е. цепочка верная такая:
Иван Александрович
Александр Михайлович
Михаил Ярославич
Ярослав Романович

А сейчас стоит:
Иван Александрович
Александр Ярославич
Ярослав Романович


Вел. кн. Иван Александрович Рязанский is your 8th cousin 15 times removed.
Mikhail Yaroslavich, prince of Pronsk is your 7th cousin 16 times removed.
Alexander, prince of Pronsk is your 8th cousin 15 times removed.

Can the curator act in order to correct the mistake and include the lacking generation as explained above?

Private User, you've created strangely NEW profiles for Oleg and Anastasia of Ryazan (whereas they are on Geni since 2009), and a new profile for their father Ivan, whom you linked to the correct father (Alexander Mikh.), but what was the point creating 3 already existing profiles?
What should instead be done, that's link THIS profile (Ivan Alexandrovitch) to his correct father Alexander Mikhailovich, prince of Pronsk

Thank you,

Hello Léo,

1) Recently, I updated the princes of Ryazan family tree per this document:

I asked Alexander Eliseev, a professional Russian Historian, to take a look for mistakes.

2) As for Alexander Mikhailovich, prince of Pronsk, his two sons - Ioann and Yaroslav-Dmitriy - are listed in the same source:

3) There is confusion in sources about Ivan Aleksandrovich of Ryazan:

a) There is one, son of Alexander Yaroslavich:

b) And there is another, son of Alexander Mikhailovich:

Russian Wiki has two fathers listed, as there is confusion in historical sources:

If you read this, you realize there is even more confusion: about the brother, uncle, cousins...

This document supports the (b) version:

Source: Родословная Книга Всероссийского Дворянства. Составитель В. Дурасов, часть 1
Таблица X, Великие Князья Рязанские, page 301 of 349.

The (a) version has this document attached:

Here he is named as Ioann-Vasili Aleksandrovich, prince of Pronsk 1343-1344, Grand Prince of Ryazan 1344-1351; died in 1351.

I have experience with similar situations that I dealt with before. If birth-death years are similar, if the name is matching, it might be one person - then there's an error with either father or grandfather connection in one of the trees. Or it could be two people who lived at the same time, and historians in their works combined their life facts into one (this also had happened).

To resolve this I would follow old documents and create a family tree per description. Other versions of possible family connections can be added to the section "About" within the profile. If this confusion in facts is not resolved by historians (as it seems to be the case), we should leave both trees here on GENI, since both are supported by documents.

Private User,

As of today, the main issue is not solved yet.
Ivan Aleksandrovich, Grand Prince of Ryazan is shown as son of his UNCLE in fact.
His real father was as per all authoritative Rurik genealogists, Alexander Mikhailovich, prince of Pronsk
That's ALSO put black on white by Durasov to whom YOU refer yourself!
And more importantly, that's what we find in Pchelov's much more recent publications, but also in Ilovayski works (the most prominent historian on the Principality of Ryazan).

"There is confusion in sources about Ivan Aleksandrovich of Ryazan"

No, in fact there is no confusion.
The "son of Alexander Yaroslavich" whom you mention (https://www.geni.com/family-tree/index/6000000184675728869) simply didn't exist. Cf. the tree by Durasov that you refer to!

"Russian Wiki has two fathers listed, as there is confusion in historical sources"

Sincerely, to begin with, Wikipedia definitely CAN'T be used as source. You refer to the article of Wiki that MYSELF corrected a lot some 2-3 months ago, it's ridiculous in fact. The only SERIOUS sources are those from academic research, and it's a matter of fact that all Rurik genealogists agree now on this one. You refer yourself to Durasov, so please be consistent and correct as per his tree.
(NB: as Ilovayski and Pchelov both mentioned in their works, the Ryazan branch of the Rurik dynasty indeed is the least known and there are indeed dubious parts of it, etc., but IN THE CURRENT STATE OF THE HISTORICAL KNOWLEDGE we have to put as father of Oleg and Anastasia of Ryazan, Ivan Alexandrovitch, son of Alexandre Mikhailovich, son of Mikhail Yaroslavich. Absolutely no choice, unless you decide to dispute all publications on the question since 1850!

"If you read this" : of course I did, I am among the authors of the page you refer to! lol.

As the bottom line:
Ivan Aleksandrovich, Grand Prince of Ryazan should have for father Alexander Mikhailovich, prince of Pronsk
2) the three duplicates that you created:
prince Ioann Aleksandrovich of Ryazan
Oleg Ioannovich, prince of Ryazan
Anastasia Ioannovna, princess of Ryazan
should be erased or merged with the existing profiles created for them already 15 years ago:
Ivan Aleksandrovich, Grand Prince of Ryazan
Oleg Ivanovich, Grand Prince of Ryazan
Anastasia Ivanovna
3) prince Alexander ??? Yaroslavich of Ryazan and Gleb ??? Yaroslavich : both should disappear from Geni as well. You can't find them in any of the 3 sources here (Durasov, Ilovayski, Pchelov).
In addition, this Gleb is currently shown on Geni as father of Fedor Glebovitch, but here it can't be as Fedor Glebovich is in fact grand-son of Vassily Yaroslavich (from Vladimir, COMPLETELY ANOTHER BRANCH!), not of Yaroslav Romanovich.

(YES the genealogu of Rurik descendants is not easy, but still we have to make all of them appear on Geni as per current state of the scientific historic research! You are the curator for most of these profiles, please either unblock the relevant profiles and I'll make the changes as per above, or proceed yourself if you prefer).

Бодался телёнок с дубом.

Андрей, ваш сарказм не уместен в дискуссиях на этом сайте. Или воздержитесь, или удалитесь из дискусии.

I added three question marks for profiles whose place in the tree needs verification. So problem areas in this tree are already highlighted. You see, this tree reflects more than just genealogy by Durasov. You put a lot of exclamation punctuation in your messages and placed all the responsibility on me. This is not my personal project. This is a work in progress, many people are involved. I was sent document sources and did the technical part of detangling some issues in this tree. Multiple genealogy researchers are working on this. I do not appreciate your tone and personal attack on me.

I do not refer myself to Russian Wikipedia; I gave you that link as an example to show that there is confusing information also in Russian sources. As the GENI tree is constantly evolving, the work is in progress here, so it is in Wikipedia. I congratulate you on your work in Russian Wikipedia. I also contribute to Wikipedia, but in the other three languages, I'm an author of more than 100 pages on Wiki, not the Russian part. So you can't associate me with Russian Wikipedia. Please stop personal attacks on me.

Those profiles you claim did not exist actually were created based on some sources of information. They will not disappear, but the administrators of those profiles will be contacted, information in those sources will be verified, and their proper place in the tree will be established. And this might not be just myself who will resolve all this.

I will not unlock those profiles that I already reviewed, as there was too much work put into detangling the tree and resolving some problems. And there are too many varying opinions; volunteer Curators can't take the load of all this.

Despite your tone, I will go through every problem you listed in your last message. Please be patient; in time, these issues will be resolved. To make these changes, I (or another Curator) must search for and review information from reliable sources. Curators can't just follow suggestions. Once profiles are reviewed, information sources will be added to their proper place. Then the question marks will be removed and profiles locked from further altering.

Leo: you mentioned this problem; I highlighted the same problem with ???

If this profile of Alexander ??? Yaroslavich is moved into Alexander Mikhailovich, and so will his children: Vasili, Anna, and Ivan.

And based on the Durasov scheme Alexander Mikhailovich had two sons: Ioann (Ivan) and Yaroslav-Dmitriy.

Firstly we need to find document sources and then correct place in the tree for the profiles of these three children: Vasili, Anna, and Ivan.

1) Vasili, about him on Russian Wiki (I did not write this; this is the only source I could find for verification, do not put this on me), there are two possible fathers mentioned: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%98%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BD_%D0%90%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1%81%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B4%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%87_(%D0%BA%D0%BD%D1%8F%D0%B7%D1%8C_%D1%80%D1%8F%D0%B7%D0%B0%D0%BD%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B9)

2) Anna - "жена Дмитрия Ольгердовича Анна Александровна, княжна рязанская, дочь Александра Ярославича и сестра великого князя рязанского Ивана Александровича." Based on this, Alexander Yaroslavich existed, the profile can't be eliminated.

3) Ivan - available information matches with the son Ioann Aleksandrovich, grandson of Mikhail. So moving this profile does not cause any problems.

Please contribute your knowledge on this.

...Также Владимир Ярославич Пронский в одной из летописей назван зятем Олега Ивановича, что невозможно, если бы они были двоюродными братьями. Данное обстоятельство побудило историков предположить существование Александра Ярославича, который мог княжить в Рязани до Ивана (между 1306/1308 и 1320) или после Ивана (между 1327 и 1340)... - this is from Russsian Wiki.

  • **


сын Алек­сандра Яро­сла­ви­ча, вели­кий князь рязанский.

После Ива­на Коро­то­по­ла рязан­ским кня­зем ста­но­вит­ся сын Алек­сандра Яро­сла­ви­ча Иван. О его дея­тель­но­сти нет лето­пис­ных изве­стий. Изве­стен Иван по четы­рем докон­ча­ни­ям XV сто­ле­тия.

Иван Коро­то­пол и Иван Алек­сан­дро­вич назва­ны «деда­ми» рязан­ско­го кня­зя Федо­ра Оль­го­ви­ча и соот­вет­ствен­но «пра­де­да­ми» его сына Ива­на в мос­ков­ско-рязан­ских дого­вор­ных гра­мо­тах 1402 и 1434 гг. Ана­ло­гич­но для мос­ков­ско­го кня­зя Юрия Дмит­ри­е­ви­ча в гра­мо­те 1434 г. его «деда­ми» назва­ны Симе­он Ива­но­вич Гор­дый и Иван Ива­но­вич, хотя «род­ным» явля­ет­ся толь­ко вто­рой. То есть логич­но пред­по­ло­жить, что Иван Ива­но­вич и Иван Алек­сан­дро­вич — это лица одно­го поко­ле­ния и бра­тья, хоть и не родные.

Probable source (I found only citation online): Духов­ные и дого­вор­ные гра­мо­ты вели­ких и удель­ных кня­зей XIV — XVI вв. / отв. ред. С. В. Бахру­шин. М — Л. : АН СССР, 1950. 594 с., с. 52, 85, 143, 285

Leo: I listed sources available online where ALEXANDER YAROSLAVICH is mentioned. This person most likely existed. We must establish the correct place for him in the Princes of Ryazan tree. Or is there a mistake in every source, and everywhere ALEXANDER MIKHAILOVICH should be listed instead?

I have an experience when in some old genealogies and chronicles, a person was mentioned with a double patronym comprised of father's name+grandfather's name. This was done on purpose to avoid confusion, especially in families where first names were often "recycled" and many second and third cousins had exactly the same first name and patronym.

Also, I came across a few instances when the father did not live long or did not rule long, and the person inherited lands and/or power within a short period after his grandfather's rule. Chronicle writers used the grandfather's name as a patronym for the descendent.

Would you think this might be a similar sort of case? Александр Михайлович-Ярославич? Then we need to combine two profiles into one.

It seems that Mikhail Yaroslavich died within a few years after his father Yaroslav; he might not be known much for his achievements. I can't find information about Mikhail Yaroslavich's life.

... Наличие у Ивана родного брата Михаила выводится из упоминания такового в одной из грамот XV века, из упоминания Ярославичей летописью во множественном числе под 1300 годов и из того, что летописи называют Ивана Ивановича Коротопола и Александра Михайловича Пронского братьями (двоюродными). Александр был убит Иваном, когда самостоятельно вёз дань в Орду в 1340 году, так что во всяком случае к этому времени стало оправданным наименование и пронских князей великими... - this is also from Russian Wiki.

So it seems Mikhail was only sparsely mentioned as a brother of Ivan Yaroslavich and his son as a cousin.

Thank you, Viktorija, for bringing the discussion back to the scientific channel. Under such circumstances I stop sarcastic remarks and ask you to take into account the opinion of modern science, reflected in the Great Russian Encyclopedia:
В правление кн. Ярослава Романовича (1294–99) Пронск являлся столицей всего Рязанского кн-ва. В 1-й пол. 14 в. П. к. вновь обособилось под властью его внука Александра Михайловича (ум. 1340), которому наследовал сын Ярослав-Дмитрий Александрович (ум. 1344), получивший в 1342 ярлык на всё Рязанское кн-во. После его смерти П. к. удержал за собой его сын кн. Владимир (не позднее 1365 – не позднее 1.3.1373), затем там правили Даниил Владимирович (не позднее 1.3.1373 – не ранее 1380), Иван Владимирович (между 1380 и 1407 – ок. 1430; от него происходил угасший в кон. 17 в. род князей Пронских) и Фёдор Иванович (ок. 1430 – между 1447 и 1456). С 1370-х гг. правители П. к. титуловались «великими князьями» в документах и начали чеканку собств. денег (во 2-й пол. 1380-х гг. анонимные надчеканы на джучидских монетах с Ф-образной пронской тамгой, затем монеты с весовой нормой 1,32–1,38 г, с круговыми надписями – «печать князя», «печать князя велик» и «княжа Ивана»). Владимир Ярославич (Дмитриевич) и Иван Владимирович непродолжит. время занимали рязанский стол (в дек. 1371 – нач. 1372; 1408).

А у меня Большая Советская Энциклопедия есть в оригинале, от тестя досталась!
Может в ней посмотреть? Или Большую Российскую Энциклопедию прикупить?
Боюсь, что тоже скоро устареет!

Большая российская энциклопедия 2004–2017, научно:
ХЕРСО́Н, город в Российской Федерации (с 30.9.2022), адм. центр Хер­сон­ской обл. (до 30.9.2022 – на Украине); сведения в статье приведены на 2020 г. Население 287,0 тыс. чел. (2019, оцен­ка), в пре­де­лах гор. аг­ло­ме­ра­ции ок. 450 тыс. чел. Рас­по­ло­жен на При­чер­но­мор­ской низ­мен­но­сти, на пра­вом бе­ре­гу р. Днепр, не­да­ле­ко от мес­та её впа­де­ния в Днеп­ров­ский ли­ман Чёр­но­го мо­ря. Транс­порт­ный узел. Порт. Ме­ж­ду­нар. аэ­ро­порт.

ЗАПОРО́ЖЬЕ, город в Российской Федерации (с 30.9.2022), адм. центр Запорожской области (до 30.9.2022 – на Украине); сведения в статье приведены на 2020 г. Нас. 731,9 тыс. чел. (2020; 815,3 тыс. чел. в 2001; 883,9 тыс. чел. в 1989; 658,0 тыс. чел. в 1970; 449,0 тыс. чел. в 1959; 289,2 тыс. чел. в 1939). Образует агломерацию с населением ок. 1,0 млн. чел. Рас­по­ло­жен на р. Днепр. Круп­ный узел же­лез­ных и ав­то­мо­биль­ных до­рог. Реч­ной порт (при­ни­ма­ет су­да ти­па «ре­ка – мо­ре»). Ме­ж­ду­нар. аэ­ро­порт.

Александр Евгеньевич, курс теории и практики редактирования помните? Вы же были отличником в университете.

Андрей Николаевич! У меня скептическое отношение к политизированным изданиям и к РАН в целом!

Виктория, Вы цитируете: "Также Владимир Ярославич Пронский в одной из летописей назван зятем Олега Ивановича, что невозможно, если бы они были двоюродными братьями".
Почему это невозможно?

Разумеется, возможно! Близкородственные и ранние браки практиковались повсеместно!

Private User

I see nothing has changed since my message written above (on 2nd of February).
On purpose, knowing that you are busy and because you asked me to be patient, I didn't write anything for 5 weeks.
But still, we have the same problem.

1) Ivan Aleksandrovich, Grand Prince of Ryazan is still shown as son of his UNCLE in fact.
His real father was as per all authoritative Rurik genealogists, Alexander Mikhailovich, prince of Pronsk
Please correct that.
It fully matches with the tree that Alexander Eliseev posted, from the author whom yourself said to be the main source for you!

(And more importantly, that's what we find in Pchelov's much more recent publications, but also in Ilovayski works (the most prominent historian on the Principality of Ryazan).

2) the three duplicates that you created:
князь Иоанн Александрович Рязанский
Олег Иванович, князь Рязанский
Анастасия Ивановна, княжна Рязанская
should be erased or merged with the existing profiles created for them already 15 years ago:
Иван Александрович, Великий Князь Рязанский
Олeг Иванович, Великий Князь Рязанский
Анастасия Ивановна
3) князь Александр Ярославич Рязанский and Глеб Ярославич : both should disappear from Geni as well. You can't find them in any of the 3 sources here (Durasov, Ilovayski, Pchelov).
In addition, this Gleb is currently shown on Geni as father of Fedor Glebovitch, but here it can't be as Fedor Glebovich is in fact grand-son of Vassily Yaroslavich (from Vladimir, COMPLETELY ANOTHER BRANCH!), not of Yaroslav Romanovich.

(YES the genealogu of Rurik descendants is not easy, but still we have to make all of them appear on Geni as per current state of the scientific historic research! You are the curator for most of these profiles, please either unblock the relevant profiles and I'll make the changes as per above, or proceed yourself if you prefer).

"If this profile of Alexander ??? Yaroslavich is moved into Alexander Mikhailovich, and so will his children: Vasili, Anna, and Ivan.

And based on the Durasov scheme Alexander Mikhailovich had two sons: Ioann (Ivan) and Yaroslav-Dmitriy."

NO, Alexander Yaroslavich should NOT be merged with Alexander Mikhailovich! He simply didn't exist, as per the source itself you refer to, and more importantly, as by the much more authoritative source as of today: Pchelov.
We can not move these children that you mention.
Durasov and Pchelov agree and match: Mikhail Yaroslavich had one son, Alexander of Pronsk, who had two sons, Ivan and Yaroslav-Dmitry, period.

"1) Vasili, about him on Russian Wiki (I did not write this; this is the only source I could find for verification, do not put this on me), there are two possible fathers mentioned: https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%98%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BD_%D0%90%D0%BB...; : the link that you gave refers precisely to prince Ivan, my 19th great grand-father. Not to Vassily. (SOME historians though think that he simply had two names, Ivan and Vassily; otherwise maybe Vassily did exist separately; however that's not my point, all I want is to see Ivan Alex. to be linked to his real father).

As for Anna: yes it's sure she existed; but who was her father is unclear. That could be ANOTHER Alexander Yaroslavich (not mentioned by Durasov and Pchelov, but why not), i.e. a brother of Ivan and Mikhail ; that could be indeed Alexander Mikhailovich and therefore sister of Ivan Alexandrovich... Probably we'll never know. If it's technically easier for you, move Vassily and Anna along with Ivan. I personally do not really care, I just want Ivan to be linked to his real father, in order to avoid having wrong ancestors for me.

"Ivan - available information matches with the son Ioann Aleksandrovich, grandson of Mikhail. So moving this profile does not cause any problems" - so, please, do.

Private User

"Leo: I listed sources available online where ALEXANDER YAROSLAVICH is mentioned. This person most likely existed. We must establish the correct place for him in the Princes of Ryazan tree. Or is there a mistake in every source, and everywhere ALEXANDER MIKHAILOVICH should be listed instead?"

No, I think there is no really a "mistake", but rather a version. Yourself quoted supra:
"...Также Владимир Ярославич Пронский в одной из летописей назван зятем Олега Ивановича, что невозможно, если бы они были двоюродными братьями. Данное обстоятельство побудило историков предположить существование Александра Ярославича, который мог княжить в Рязани до Ивана (между 1306/1308 и 1320) или после Ивана (между 1327 и 1340)... - this is from Russsian Wiki".

I.e. as for these unquoted historians, he existed simply because it's unlikely that Vladimir Yar. would be son-in-law of Oleg if they were direct cousins (yes, true). But: the fact that Vlad. Yar. was son-in-law in fact is only mentioned by Nikon chronicle, written TWO CENTURIES LATER. Taking into account the fact that Moscow chronicles' authors were notoriously unaware of the complicacies in Riazan princes genealogy (hence also the mistake as for Oleg and Anastasia father, which was nevertheless officially included in the Russian State genealogical registers), I doubt that we can conclude that a prince existed simply because of ONE source. Wikipedia is more prudent, saying for Vladimir of Pronsk on https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%92%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B4%D0%B8%D0%BC%... as follows:
"Жена: предположительно, дочь Великого князя Рязанского Олега Ивановича (в этом случае отец Олега Иван Александрович не мог быть братом Ярослава Александровича, отца Владимира)". Yes, "предположительно", "supposedly".

This complicated question is also discussed on

Anyway, NB, Durasov (table X) and Pchelov (2nd edition of his book on Rurikids, p. 575) do not mention Alexander Yaroslavich.
My general conclusion about him is that:
- there is no direct proof of his existence,
- authoritative sources do not mention him,
- some historians think he existed, but it is a simple deduction and which is based on just one source which is not contemporary but 2 centuries posterior to the events.

Therefore I wouldn't include him (BUT it is good to mention him on Yaroslav page and on Vladimir of Pronsk pages, in About sections).

All this confusion is due to the scarcity of contemporary sources and the fact that most information officially approved at the court of Moscow was the creation of authors speaking about events that took 2 centuries earlier and in another principality. So like often in genealogy, we are obliged to choose. My choice (not to include Alexander Yar.) is due to the fact that I always privilege most recent university research (and here Ilovayski, Durasov and Pchelov agree) and I privilege direct contemporary mentions to deductions/suppositions (and indeed there has never been any mention of Alexander Yar.).

Yes it's a nightmare :(

"It seems that Mikhail Yaroslavich died within a few years after his father Yaroslav; he might not be known much for his achievements. I can't find information about Mikhail Yaroslavich's life.

... Наличие у Ивана родного брата Михаила выводится из упоминания такового в одной из грамот XV века, из упоминания Ярославичей летописью во множественном числе под 1300 годов и из того, что летописи называют Ивана Ивановича Коротопола и Александра Михайловича Пронского братьями (двоюродными). Александр был убит Иваном, когда самостоятельно вёз дань в Орду в 1340 году, так что во всяком случае к этому времени стало оправданным наименование и пронских князей великими... - this is also from Russian Wiki.

So it seems Mikhail was only sparsely mentioned as a brother of Ivan Yaroslavich and his son as a cousin."

Here again, I prefer to follow Ilovayski, Durasov and Pchelov who agree...

I mean, I propose to use (like yourself suggested) the tree by Durasov (and by Pchelov, p. 575, that I shall add here), otherwise we shall break our brains trying to clarify all that.

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