Cixilo Balthes, Emperatriz de Hispania - Two Fathers Connected

Started by Debbie Gambrell on Wednesday, January 11, 2023
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Cixilo has two fathers. I think they're the same person and could be merged but I don't do merges on these old lines and defer the someone more familiar with them.

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

If you are talking about this present profile, you are wrong.


Cixilo Balthes has one father, called Ervigio, and one mother called Liubigotona.

Unless someone has changed before I was visiting the profile today, I can see that everything is fine.

Anyway, Cixilo is grandmother of many many of the profile's followers. For us she is important. Including myself.

And for Spain and Portugal she is part of the local History. Tribes from Europe.

I hope people concentrate on work bringing new profiles from 1500 until 1900.

The majority of us at Geni want to see the Ancestors' numbers growing, not decreasing. Too much damage has been done in the last few years.

The majority of us come here at Geni to cherish and to know our Ancestors, that's Genealogy aim. And many of us pray for our Ancestors. So do I.

There were two yesterday or I wouldn't 'have posted about it. But I checked the Revisions tab to see who worked on it and I don't see anything, so that's puzzling.

However, in trying to see if I maybe posted in the wrong one, I see there are three profiles for Cixilo all listed here:

I'm not new to Geni and know the value of it. I'm not trying to decrease ancestors, but I do want them to be correctly connected.

Debbie Gambrell - thank you. Isolated Cixilo dups and sent for deleting.

Well, during the course of the day suddenly I've lost one thousand ancestors.

Very "interesting"...


Queen Mariamne (Hasmonean)

I’ve put together a project called (we only know a few of them) and am working on a larger effort,

The intent is to ensure these historic people are as well sourced as we can do. It had been a while since they were studied on geni, so hopefully this refresh will dust off cobwebs, and make the genealogy clearer.

Well, very strange...

"We only know a few of them".

Who is/are "we"???

The specialists about Visigoths are the Spanish and Portuguese genealogists.

And it's very very strange that the curators native of Spanish and Portuguese languages are always excluded from the Iberian discussions.

Now someone changed my blue line to her (Cixilo).
No problem.
I have PDF with my blue line to Cixilo and to Queen Marianne.
So, all the data goes out of Geni.
Simple like this.

Private User

Private User - the profiles I’ve worked on were first curated by a Hispanic & multi lingual curator, conversant with original source material as well as modern interpretations. I’ve been following his curator notes, some of which seem to have been ignored in the last few years. We all agreed, years ago, that Cawley’s Medlands was an excellent resource for this area. Additionally, Spanish & Portuguese Wikipedia articles are pretty good, and cite sources; the errors I’ve seen in them (so far, in this cleanup) are minor.

We’ve been adding documentation to the profiles, and the projects, which I find is making it easier to understand the genealogy.

Private User
What can I say, someone starts a thread saying something about double pair of parents, it' ends up cut and shredded to pieces in several lines down and up, just as usual, never start a public thread this far back, ask the managers directly for help in just that profile, or you and several thousands can forget being related anymore, thanks!

Before modern church records, genealogy is much like archaeology, which requires a completely different way of valuing relationships, you need knowledge of history, logical ability and an analytical mind that can evaluate everything together in order to draw the conlusion that seems to be the most right, the demand for 100% true, is a bad choice that will destroy more than it builds, by time, things can always be corrected,if or when, something new arrives.

Private User - I’ve actually worked on Visigoths on geni off and on for 13 years, since before I was curating. There has been very little shredding. Only a cleanup. So, respectfully, I do not think your comment applies.

Exactly Private User
It's always the same "modus operandi".
By the way, it was no double fathers.
That's why Geni loses so many people (and money $$$$$$$).
It's very sad to see that European specialists are never consulted.
Anyway, thanks for the wise reply.
Tack så mycket för att du lägger upp din kloka åsikt.

Well, for my two cents, I just think it is nice that we have this discussion forum to vent our concerns. It is why I have tried to devote most of my time and energy here.

It may not be perfect, may have glitches from time to time, and may even tick me off, but it is still a place I can come to explore, expand, and experience. I am not doing as much now for a bit, but I think it is watched over better than some trees and if I work at it, I can find some answers.

Re-curated Cixilo as Victar is seldom on Geni.

So, people want to study Visigoths, here goes:

Well, I am sorry to inform that the languages are Spanish and Portuguese because Visigoths belong to the Iberian Peninsula heritage.

Thanks for the generous sharing of resources, Eliane. While I only have a passing interest in ancient history and genealogy (wish I had more time and energy for it, as it is quite fascinating), I have them bookmarked for future reference.

Private User - thank you for the links. My Spanish is still rudimentary, but google translate is much better than it used to be, and I will be looking.

Who are considered current day academic scholars who publish on the topic, and in which journals, do you know?

Cixilo, Visigoth queen consort is your 42nd great aunt.

Before she was our grandmother Ingrīda Cinkmane (Dzelvīte), cousin Ingrīda.
I will give you the info later.

I am not digesting the last changes about Cixilo. And she had NOT two fathers.
I have PDF to prove.

Erica Howton I would say one of the best in the world is Prof. Dr. Luis Agustin García Moreno, specialist in Ancient Spanish History. He is Emeritus Professor at Universidad de Alcalá (Spain).

Other important names to be said (but for sure there are more in Spain, Portugal; Brazil, etc) are:
Prof. Dr. Manuel Pardo de Vera y Díaz, Prof. Dr. José María de Francisco Olmos, Luis Valero de Bernabé y Martín de Eugenio, Marqués de Casa Real (Marquis of The Royal House), Prof. Dr. Miguel Ángel Hermida Jimenéz, Prof. Dr. Fernando Garcia-Mercadal y Garcia-Loygorri ( also General of Spanish Army), Prof. Dr. Mario Jaramillo, Prof. Dr. Manuel Ladrón de Guevara e Isasa, Prof. Dr. Jaime de Salazar y Acha, Prof. Dr. Dr. José Carlos de Athayde de Tavares Moraes da Cunha Cabral, Prof. Dr. Rogério Augusto de Sampayo Motta Elyseu de Figueirôa-Rego, Prof. Dr. Manuel Dejante Pinto de Magalhães Arnao Metello, Major-General Eng. José Guilherme Calvão Borges, Prof. Dr. José Carlos Lourinho Soares Machado.

You will be able to find them contacting these websites:

Some bibliography:

1- García Moreno, Luis Agustín: Historia de España Visigoda, Madrid, Cátedra, 2008;

2- Soto Chica, José: Visigodos, hijos de un Dios furioso, Desperta Ferro, 2020;

3- Leovigildo. Unidad y diversidad de un reinado, Madrid, Real Academia de la Historia, 2008;

4- Gómez Aragonés, Daniel: Historia de los Visigodos, Córdoba, Almuzara, 2020.

Private User - wonderful, much appreciated.

I will copy / paste to the discussion you started in the project also.

And you also may get the help to contact these Spanish and Portuguese professors from Geni curators such my really close cousin in the blue line Nivea Nunes Dias. She has been studying our tree for more than 20 years.

She has been travelling to the sites to get the information. She dedicates her life to Genealogy. And she is great in her job.

Other nice great curators that can help you Private User and Carla Assenheimer (Curadora).

Oops, Prof. Dr. Luis Valero de Bernabé y Martín de Eugenio, Marqués de Casa Real (Marquis of The Royal House) - I've forgot to write it.

Here goes the contact of The Brazilian Association of Ancient and Medieval Studies.

This association has received great compliments from the Portuguese Archeological Magazine (Revista Portuguesa de Arqueologia) about the constant Germanic Tribe's studies. Revista portuguesa de arqueologia, ISSN 0874-2782, Vol. 16, Nº. 1, 2013.

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