Geni issues

Started by Michelle Angelique Stein on Friday, March 10, 2023
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Re: "For one, I added my mom's first husband and he's showing as my stepfather. Why, I cannot fathom."
Any spouse of a person's parent who is not also a parent of the person is named a step-parent of the person.

I looked online for the definition of "step parent" and found
"A stepparent, including stepfather and stepmother, is a person who marries one's own parent after the death or divorce of the other parent and therefore has no biological relationship to the child."
But on Geni, the info that would be needed to tell whether it is before or after (or bigamous) is so often missing, I really cannot fault them for making that choice.

I looked up the definition because I only knew the one Geni used -- a spouse of your parent who is not also your parent is a Step parent.

No, a subscription will not help you to "talk with someone who runs the site"
Can tag Geni's General Manager in a Discussion or send him a PM.

Help used to have a section for suggestions, but did not see it when I looked yesterday.

Michelle Angelique Stein you do indeed have to buy a subscription to open a Help ticket, Geni is a business not a charity. Have you ever tried to open a Help ticket on facebook? Don't bother.

There is no error in the presentation of your mother's previous husband as your "step-father" i agree that it doesn't make sense but that is the way the software is written and changing that script is so low on the to-do-list that it will likely not happen ever.

As for a blue relationship travelling thru an adoptive connection, that sounds wrong but without you telling us which profile you are referring to no one can really give you much feed back.


I went to the profile of Abd Shams ibn Abd Manaf, founder of Banu 'Abd Shams
And the profile of Umayyah al-Akbar bin Sayyidi 'Abd Shams
For each - No mention of his being anyone's adoptive father
Nor is there any mention on his father's profile of his being adoptive father of anyone

I think what Alex wants is a link to the Profile that is listed as an adoptive father.
Definitely I would appreciate it.


My understanding:
The definition in a law is to define what its meaning is in that law so it is clear what the law is to be applied to. Not how a private company (or individual) may choose to use the word.
If a company chooses to use a word in a nontraditional - even technically wrong - way, I do not think they have broken a law.

A BUG is when a program fails to behave as it was meant to.
The program is behaving as it was meant to with regard to labelling people as step parent.
I am very sorry Geni's decision to use that label as it does upsets you so much.
But, having read these Discussions for well over a decade, I can assure you that you are not the first to strenuously object and it is absolutely not aimed at you.

Michelle Angelique Stein RE: "The reason I want to know that it's accurate is because this line continues on to Noah and Jesus. I believe that my line should connect to them both, but you can see in the photo I have linked as well that it does say "his adoptive father"."

No, the line is not accurate. Putting aside the issue of the possible adoption, your line goes through Urraca Mayor whose parentage and identity is the subject of lots of undocumented speculation.

For the lines beyond Nabi Adnan / Prophet Adnan Ibn Udd the lineages diverge. Medieval Islamic scholars made up various different lineages connecting Mohammed to biblical figures.

Urraca Iñiguez de Pamplona is my 24th great grandmot

Umayyah al-Akbar bin Sayyidi 'Abd Shams is my 34th great grandfather.

Abdu Asy-Syams bin Imaam ‘Abd al-Manāf, founder of Banu 'Abd Shams is my 35th great grandfather.

Imaam 'Adnaan bin Imaam 'Udd is my 48th great grandfather.

Henry Sinclair, 1st Earl of Orkney is my 17th great grandfather. (Rosslyn Chapel)

The easy solution to the main issue, with stepfathers, adoptive parents etc, would be to let the user choose which joint that shall be counted, visible.

A user has one set of biological parents, and one set of adoptive, select "Hide adoptive". = Only displays in any search for relations according to the actual biological path.

The issue with step parents that never acted as that, the solution would be easy, a choice to mark them as not step parents and by that making them invisible in your own profile.

Just my ten cents,

The family, clan, and descendants of Umayyah disagree upon the assertions by others, Shia, and their sources.

Sunni Islam by scholarly consensus has Umayyah bin Abd Shams as Abd Shams's son, as biological, and that the scholar Hisham ibn al-Kalbi as untrustworthy, including his genealogies between Adnān and Ishmael, as a fabrication.
It is 'only' the sworn enemies of the Umayyad Empire, Shia, whom are a minority, based upon this single source (shared by Wikipediia which does not discuss this known contention), not contemporary, and bias, and whom was also a known enemy of the Umayyad Caliphate and it's origin. This attack on umayyah's lineage was a slur, rather than fact, which by this time has become Shia history. Hisham ibn al-Kalbi sources were from Abu Mikhnaf, also supported the Abbasids versus the Umayyads.
Abu Mikhnaf is known to be weak and unreliable (Gibb, 1960 ["Abu Mikhnaf". In Gibb, H. A. R.; Kramers, J. H.; Lévi-Provençal, E.; Schacht, J.; Lewis, B. & Pellat, Ch. (eds.). The Encyclopaedia of Islam, Second Edition. Volume I: A–B. Leiden: E. J. Brill. p. 140. OCLC 495469456]).

It was immoral and illegal (pre- and post Islamic shariah) amongst the Arabs to change your father, or call yourself after a father that was not biologically yours.
If you are born without a father, you do not change your name to suit your adopted father.
If you are the son of "'bin' (son of) + insert your father's name".
If the father is unknown "bin + Abdullah" (even the foremost god of gods under paganism).
You may call yourself "'Abu' (father of) + insert your son's name".
You cannot call yourself "Abu + insert adopted son's name".
In difference, to blaspheme.

Shams was a pagan god, pre-Islam (Shams, female solar deity), it was common to name "Abd + insert Arab pagan deity" as a personal name.
Abd Shams was a popular name pre-Islam, in fact the Arabic language (in which I am fluent), has half the alphabet as Shamsiyah letters (feminine solar god letters), and Qamariyah (masculine moon god letters).
If the case were true, then why
Umayyah 'bin' Abd Shams, and not
Umayyah 'abd' Shams?
In Arabic, 'bin abd' clearly mean 'the son to the slave of'
Hisham ibn al-Kalbi must have thought his slur was ingenious.

If Umayyah was not considered the legitimate son of Adb Shams, then he would not have been able to become the leader of his clan based upon his lineage in which he was chosen, in order to be Caliph over the other clans.
Arabic tradition is unchangeable, even today many obstinate pagan traditions exist, even in the two holies, Makah and Madina, especially when it comes to elective clan-ship, leadership of clan, and fear of dissent and civil war (to the Saudi pleasure).

Personally I am annoyed at the lack of Sunni input to fight this, as if it wasn't needed, or wasn't their prerogative, based on the premise that Muhammad's words are simply enough in regards ancestry, and amongst religious committees making discussions on the topic a taboo.

Just to say I am impressed with how much you know about history

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