I cut the connection and updated Burkhard and his son's profiles.
I also updated Konrad der Ältere, Graf im Oberlahngau who is now currently not connected to WFT which seems odd given the large family structure Medlands now names him in https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/FRANCONIA.htm#Konraddied906
If you can find his siblings or children on Geni WFT i will connect him
DEDI (-14 Mar 957). Posse indicates that Dedi was the son of Burkhard, son of Burkhard Duke of Thuringia & his wife [--- in der Wetterau][326]. "Otto…rex" granted property "in pago Hassagoi…Mersapurac in comitatu cuiusdam comitis…Teti" to "nostro fideli Hohstein…et uxori eius Chiniodrud" at the request of "Heinrici fratris nostri…Heckihardique comitis" by charter dated 26 Sep 949[327]. The Liber mortuorum fratrum of Fulda records the death in 957 of “Dedi comes”[328]. Posse indicates that Dedi died 14 Mar 957 (no source cited)[329]. [m ---, daughter of FRIEDRICH & his wife ---. Posse indicates her parentage and marriage, and names “die 982 in Calabrien gefallenen Grafen Burchard und Dedo” and Dietrich Graf [im Hassegau] as the couple’s sons[330].] https://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/GERMAN%20NOBILITY.htm#Dedidied957
Burkhard V. Graf im Grabfeldgau
x NN d/o KONRAD Graf in der Wetterau [Konradiner] & Glismod
Dedi, count in the Hassegau (-14 Mar 957)
s/o Burkhard
I need someone to check me here - Should there be a 3rd son, Dietrich, Graf im Hassegau, or am I readin incorrectly?
Ahh - I see this is a contested issue: the oldest verifiable ancestor of the current Belgian king Philippe in a direct male line. There is no reliable information about his origin and his biographical data.
Today there are essentially three equally speculative theories about Dietrich's parentage. A first theory, put forward in an 1886 dissertation by Friedrich Kurz and adopted by Otto Posse in his Genealogy of the House of Wettin (1897), relates Buzici to "Buco" or "Buzo", a short form of "Burchard", and identifies the Buzici hence with the Burchards, retainers of the Carolingians since Charlemagne . Two nobles who died in the Battle of Cape Colonna against the Saracens (July 13, 982), Dedi and Burchard , are regarded as brothers of Dietrich I and Dedi I , Count imHassegau , († March 14, 957) as his father. An extension of this theory traces Dietrich's descent back to Burchard , Margrave of the Sorbian Mark, who fell in battle against the Hungarians in 908. A second theory, which is represented by Reinhard Wenskus and Stefan Pätzold , also leads Buzici back to the nickname Burchard and considers Dietrich to be a son of the Swabian Duke Burchard III. († 973) from the Burchardinger family , who spent some time in Saxony after 926, from an unrecorded first marriage to an Immedingerinnamed Wieltrud. To support this theory, it is stated that in the preface to the Sachsenspiegel, which was only written in the 13th century, the Wettins are counted among the Swabian families. A third theory, which i.a. is represented in the Lexicon of the Middle Ages , makes Dietrich the son of the Harzgau count Volkmar (Folcmar, around 945). This theory is supported by the fact that the agnatic relative Rikdag is considered a member of the Harzgau counts, a clan that can be traced back to the 9th century.https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dietrich_I._(Wettiner)
Glismod now has 2 husbands:
Adalbert, margrave of Austria
Adalbert "der Siegreiche" Markgraf der Ostmark s/o Liutpold I Markgraf der bayerischen Ostmark, Graf im Traungau, Sundergau und Donaugau & his wife Richwara im Sualafeldgau (([990/994]-26 May 1055, bur Stift Melk)
x GLISMOD (-5 Feb before 1041). d/o Immed and Athela [The identity of this first wife of Markgraf Adalbert is unknown. She has been identified as Glismod ---, daughter of Immed Graf in Utrecht & his wife Adela [von Hamaland][71]. This is presumably based on the Annales Stadenses which name "Lippoldo filio domine Glismodis" as husband of "Ida [de Elsthorpe]"[72]. "Lippoldo" has been assumed to be Liutpold Margraf der Ungarischen Mark, son of Markgraf Adalbert, but this appears to be impossible if Ida von Elstorf had four children by her first husband[73]. The only definite information concerning Glismod's husband is found in the Vita Meinwerci which names "Thiedericum, Meinwercum, Glismod et Azelam" as children of Immed and Athela and specifies that Glismod married "nobilis principis in Baioaria"[74] ie NN associated with Adalbert
and Konrad der Ältere, Graf im Oberlahngau
KONRAD ([845/60]-killed in battle near Fritzlar 27 Feb 906, bur Weilburg Martinskirche)
x GLISMOD, daughter of --- (-26 Apr 924).
GLISMOD (-5 Feb <1041)
d/o Immed and Athela
x ? Adalbert, margrave of Austria
GLISMOD (-26 Apr 924)
x KONRAD ([845/60]-battle Fritzlar 27 Feb 906, bur Weilburg Martinskirche)